Archive for November 26th, 2008

Why Do People Say Things?

Like everything else I keep hammering on, this concept is so simple it is ignored. Everybody uses it all the time, but they don’t THINK about it.

It is fully understood that a person who does not see the difference between an advertisement and any other information needs adult diapers. Any sane adult knows why an advertiser says what he says.

But it stops there.

It was the same with supply and demand. For as long as we have had records merchants have looked for shortages of particular goods in one place and an abundance f the same goods in another place. But for thousands of years those in economic looked for a Natural Price.

The rice system is not perfect. Well HOOP-DE-DOO! Supply and demand is BASIC, and if you ignore it you end like the Soviet Empire. The Chinese economy is impressing everyone with it growth. Actually China was at starvation levels when it ignored supply and demand. As they get away from that disease, they show a LOT of FAST improvement.

If you have pneumonia penicillin will make you better fast. But that does not mean that anti-biotics are the key to perfect health. China has not discovered the key to economic development. It has begun to use a cure for a disease.

But once again, the world cannot see that, anymore than it could see that supply and demand, which was basic to all trade, had further implications.

“Why do people say things?” is a rule that is as important and universal as supply and demand. If I can supply a motive for your saying what you say, the chances are that what you say is not true. Like supply and demand or any other rule of human action, this is not A Final Truth.

It is possible that what you say can be explained accurately as what you NEED to say, and that it is still true. This is coincidence. It is the same thing as saying that a broken clock is right twice a day.

Sane people want a clock that TICKS.



Tim Reports from the Front

I will make a report from the front lines. I have not done that in a while.

Since the election, I have noticed something different around whites. Even in ‘multicultural’-‘multiracial’ settings. Many folks are saying outright they are racist. About a half dozen times since the election, I have heard people say things and not care that someone calls them racist. Saying flippant things afterward like “so what I am racist–all whites are racist to you idiots”.

They usually smile at me afterwords for me to acknowledge their bravery. I tell them —it is about time you stopped acting like a SHWA (self hating white animal).

I used to demand someone define racism. Over the last few months since I have noticed a change. I am taking a different approach off top and it has been working very well. I say:”In your OPINION, he is racist—you are just saying that cuz he’s white—-antiracism is a just a code word for antiwhite”. After this, they have been shutting up quickly. Shutting up a liberal SHWA off the top is a big event. I have been shocked once or twice. Even before I demand that they define racism and go nuclear with a Mantra (one of my shortened off the cuff versions or Bobs). They have been shutting up quickly. Very weird.

This reminds me of watching someone get conned by a good conman. At first the party that has been conned is in deep denial. They don’t want to admit they have been conned because they are embarrassed. Then they come to except they have been conned. Then the final step…..ANGER…

I think some liberals (and dare I say –even some so-called conservatives) are realizing they have been conned. This is a big step. I am starting to notice this. Maybe others are as well. And it is about damn time they realize something.
I have more hope for the liberals than the so-called conservatives. In a communist system, the most dangerous people to the system are former members who are disillusioned and pissed off.



Pain in GC


I’ve gone to seminary. (This will give me lots of opportunity to stay up with BUGS.) Much of the decision, oddly(?), is because of you, so either you borrow more from your Christian boyhood than you thought, or you are somehow a closet Christian that needs to let go and let his faith blossom. But either way, it’s between you and your Maker. Anyway thanks for your clear thinking which has helped me out in more ways than you would have thought.

You are the best online. Any true leader recognizes that, and since there are always fewer chiefs than Injuns, it may be that your audience appeal has reached the ones it should, whether every reader comments here or not.

By the way, the book that led me to racial thinking is the Bible, especially the Old Testament, when I was in middle school.

Given my reputation as a bomb-thrower it is fun to be called a “closet” anything. I have made it very clear where I think of myself as Christian. My whole family was studded with preachers back to Alexander Whitaker and he was merely a continuation.

It is far easier for me to be a Christian than it is for any professional clergyman because he must satisfy some version of the Wordist institutions that have used his name. It is a hell of lot easier to be sincere in politics if you aren’t working for anybody.

Of necessity I was a political pimp. Any professional clergyman has to make the same kind of deal, “all things to all men.” If I had not made that deal in my field I would not have had access to the audience. A clergyman must do the same to have access to that group. “IN the world but not OF the world.”

It is not accidental that I quote the most obvious and basic statements. Jesus’ last instruction puzzled the Apostles: “Feed my sheep.” To me this is plain enough. As one who is charged with the care of his people, your job is to do what is best for them.

I have never believed that “The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions” because Satan has none of that building material. I tend to believe that the road to hell is paved with something Satan has PLENTY of: Complexity.

“.. for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” He was not talking about Gnostics and theologians – much the same thing – but about children. How many light years are there between a Pope or a Calvin and childhood as a virtue?

“Feed my sheep” was very puzzling to Disciples who had had the truth spoon fed to them. But they were now apostles, and the decisions were THEIRS. This involves moral courage.

You are going into seminary as I went into politics, as way to do the right thing IN THIS WORLD. That careful distinction was stated long ago. As CS Lewis said, Christianity is no danger to Screwtape so long as the person doesn’t DO anything about it.

But the doing has to be dedicated to the simple rules laid by Jesus and not to satisfying the rules of a Wordist institution. This is so simple it is hard to understand. I USED politics. You must USE the church. So as not to get obsessed with self-righteousness, I just all it “pimping” and proceed on. We must operate IN the world. To a rigid conscience this involves pimping.

So Pure Religion became isolation and self-torture, as one writer put it,”Taking heaven by storm.” It was a very painful way of avoiding feeding the sheep. It was a way to do nothing. Self-immolation fed no sheep.

You must feed his sheep, and you must do it in this world.

As you say, I find no problem with this because I was raised with it.

These distinctions are simple. They are NOT easy.
