Archive for November 27th, 2008


BW hit the target with remarkable precision in his comment about Screwtape and complexity.

But for the most part the circulation of misunderstanding is not motivated. Words replace understanding on account of ignorance. And there is a lot of ignorance that cannot be addressed. It is baked-in-the-cake.

But what I have learned from BUGS is this: If you don’t have a clear-cut understanding of the goal, you can’t make sense.

And the goal should be the ditching of words that circulate misunderstanding. There is so much hard study and oceans of effort expended on account of the want of the right word or the right phrase.

The right word or the right phrase clears everything up in an instant. I will give you an example: What is the goal of Central Banking? Answer: To get a quart of wine from a pint bottle.

I just summed the entire message of the Austrian school of economics that complains wrongly of the unfairness of not having whole academic departments devoted to it.

Thank God it doesn’t. The fact that nobody is willing to spend money on promoting Austrian economics is its very salvation.

Ditto, for little intellectual groups such as us.
