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Think NEW!

Posted by Bob on November 20th, 2008 under General

One of the outstanding characteristics of BUGS is that we do not keep flopping back into the past.

Prometheus and other commenters from yesterday made me think about this. It is almost impossible to get anybody to think in terms of what is developing NOW rather than trying to make everything today into a reconstruction of the past.

You know what I mean. No matter how much lip service others give to modern technology and how the world is different, the moment they relax they start talking about The Book That Will Change History.

Another example is how nobody but us lives in the age we are in. They keep rushing to the borders to keep the Mexicans out.

The Mexicans are HERE, gang!

Others are still living in an age when whites were the top group preserving its unique position. That keeps them on the defensive. As long as whites maintain this STRATEGIC view, they will face a united front of all other groups against them. Everybody tacitly accepts this view that whites have it and others want it, which was accurate enough in 1950.

So in 1950 pro-whites were conservative. As usual, my explanation is so obvious that everyone knows where I am going and agrees with it. Then they go right back to talking in old terms. This is a painful tome because I need you to go WITH me to the NEXT stage.

I need your intellectual HELP.

When I talk about “spokesmen for white people” it is an entirely different concept from what others mean. When I say “spokesmen for white people” I am NOT speaking of helping the white race as on the defensive in white-oriented society.

This conservative approach to speaking for the white race is Republicanism, and we all know where THAT is going. It sees the world as a two-sided battle between whites and their values in power and “the others.”

The Mexicans are HERE, gang! In a two-sided battle between whites and non-whites, simple arithmetic tells us the whites will lose. That is the story of politics today. We all see it, but I feel as if I’m the only political strategist who DEALS with it.

While Pat Buchanan, God bless his courageous soul, is stating the facts about political demography, Republicans, who are wailing about “the minority vote,” are saying exactly the same thing.

Here is my point which, as usual, is very obvious and absolutely impossible for anybody to stay with consistently, is this:

Republicanism deals with a world where there are two sides, conservative whites and “others.” Their whole hopeless emphasis is on converting some “others.” They do not divide the world racially, but by those who stand for “their” values and others.

Let me repeat: this is a TWO-SIDED fight. It is a two-sided fight that arithmetic tells EVERYBODY that Republicans will lose.

I will have to repeat this hundreds of times while people loll back into some version of the two-sided fight:




When I talk about “white spokesmen” I am NOT talking about a future in which the fight is two-sided. As the group holding out in a citadel against the rest of the world, Republicans are in a hopeless position.

As spokesmen concerned with the survival of our RACE, one is in the position of speaking for what is still infinitely the most powerful group in a MULTI-SIDED struggle.

Everybody sees that the arithmetic is fatal, but nobody has any idea of changing the arithmetic itself.

The bottom line is this: If you go representing Values everybody sees it is a two-sided battle you will lose. If you go into a real world with different races unapologetically representing their own, the white spokesman can be enormously powerful.

Does anybody GET this? Is anybody capable of KEEPING that outlook?


  1. #1 by shari on 11/20/2008 - 4:23 pm

    I think I do. Values are things like ” equality”, tolerance,blah,blah. What matters is this white man, this white woman, this white boy, this white girl in front of you. This wouldn’t have been so plain, until now. In a multi-sided fight, which is on us, white spokesmen will be speaking plainer and plainer. Anti-white racists will have less and less ground to stand on. Defeatists will find some courage or die.

  2. #2 by Dave on 11/20/2008 - 5:28 pm

    I know a man who is heavily relied upon in my state for tax advice. The legislature, the governor, judges, and other officialdom are continually calling him to explain “their” tax policy (to them).

    My state is not a dinky state. Its budget is a whopping 18 billion dollars covering 5 million people.

    I ran into him yesterday. I said, “How is the legislature going to handle the 5 billion dollar shortfall?” He said, “They are going to mount an historic assault on the noncompliant economy by hiring a hundred new revenue agents with orders to get very aggressive.”

    I said, “This is war on Mexican and Asian business in the state”. He said, “Yep, that is part of what it comes down to.”

    This “war” is being launched by the Democratic administration voted into office earlier this month by the very “minorities” they are now ramping to attack. That is because owing to the economic downturn public employee unions are at risk and the public employee union establishment exists only to get paid, ironic, given the dream of nonwhite players in the political arena to capture the tax authority.

    The tax authority is the one institution of society not suffering from low self-confidence and nonwhite polititians have no intention of sparing their nonwhite brethren from enslavement to public employee unions if it means they themselves not getting paid.

    This gives some insight into the conflict we are in and it is far from as straightforward as the race and party coalition spokesmen have it.

    The future is going to reward those with the sophistication to shop business jurisdictions, register and do business elsewhere, and to invent forms of business capable of frustrating tax authorities (veiled police organizations) who alone are the most arrogant and self-confident of all the institutions of Political Correctness, institutions as my own local experience proves are quite color blind when it comes to their own self-interested viciousness even though they are completely color conscious when it comes to choosing their political top dogs.

    You can’t negotiate if they have their boot on your neck and they can’t get their boot on your neck if you take steps to prevent them from getting your money.

    Also, a moral claim (the Mantra) certainly helps in keeping their boot off your neck.

    My point is that these elections are events hosted by the establishment and are veils for what is really going on. The demographics are driving further balkanization of the public which is extreme anyway and the assertions of values, the racial and ethnic patriotism, the incantations of doctrine mask the fight for relief from having to actually earn a living.

    But as BW points out, you can’t get rid of the demographics so you have better get hip to what that really means.

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 11/21/2008 - 12:43 am

    The social equivalent of “punctuated equilibria” are seen in the fact that the Mexicans have taken over, and have all but formally won in their Reconquista.

    Of course, the best of them are as European as possible, and are more desperate than we can understand to be with US, demographically.

    The metaphor of the three-sided system reminds me of the election, where Republicans voted for the candidate from Whitelandia, Sarah Palin.

    The “multi-sided” state of political affairs has much to commend it; remember, the Whig Party, essential and vital from the Nation’s founding, was on the way out with the Election of 1956, and was rendered obsolete by the Election of 1860, which has remarkable lessons for us.

    One, the Election of 1860 was between three parties, and one of them was the Constitutional Union Party, which had as its sole platfrom, “The Constitution, and the Union.”

    In short, the CONservatives and the Patriotards are echoes of that moment, trying to keep an America that never really was, intact; in short, they were, then, and now, retreating to the safe, illusory Past, the Golden Age of America.

    In the balance of the election, LINCOLN RAN ON THE FUTURE, a vast, technologically advanced economic and political system that saw a new America just over the horizon – literally – that was bound together with the transcontinental railroad, and the telegraph. The Blacks could be peacefully emancipated by the sales from Western lands, and could be sent back to Africa – at a profit.

    Lincoln, the Man of The Future, won a plurality – not a majority, but a plurality, and we were off to the races.

    The parallels to the present situation are obvious.

    IF the illegals are made legal – and they will be, as this was the proposals of both McCain and Obama – then the Republican Party will be reduced to a Southern rump party that represents people who go to snake handler churches, OR they will become the Whig Party (pretty much the same thing, in terms of political power), and watch as a new Party IMPLICITLY built on Race as an organizing principle, comes forth to challenge it, and either further reduce the Republican Party to a minor regional party, or forces the Republican Party to “do right or die.”

    SOMETHING Positive is trying to happen on Our Side, for a welcome and long-overdue change.

    In his last interview with Peter Schaenk, Dr, Kevin MacDonald has stated that we must define our Message in terms of “rights,” in that “You can support YOUR Family, without hating your neighbor’s Family.”

    THAT is the key for us – FAMILY FIRST.

    Family – THE Foundation of OUR Nation.

    Race, after all, is simply the extension of Family.

    MacDonald and/or Schaenk noted the ENTIRE agenda of the Left is the disposession of our Race.

    The Republicans are a WHITE Party, and as they move from alienating their base, opportunities tend to present themselves in the formation and development of an organic Racial Movement.

    Race – at it’s highest and best, as seen in positive White Families – is the unifying theme of all of our Dreams.

    And if the Republicans want to become soft co-conspirators of our Racial destruction, then they shall join the Whigs in the dustbin of history, and rightfully so.

  4. #4 by Dave on 11/21/2008 - 10:36 am


    Your missing BW’s point here entirely. The Mexicans have not taken over.

    I live in a community full of Mexicans. Rest assured by direct observation, they don’t have a pot to piss in. Literally.

    That’s why they are camping out in our parks.

    The message is balkanization. Look at it from the successful politicians perspective. Do you really think that our politicians aren’t aware that there is no public?

    Concealing that fact is one of their greatest challenges. Go out and run for office. Find out for yourself.

    Nobody has anything in common. Political dialog is fabricated by those paid to fabricate it.

    Obama’s public coalition goes away the minute his paid volunteers leave their posts to await the next election cycle. It never really existed. It was an event hosted by the establishment. That means they paid for it. If the money didn’t flow nothing would have happened.

    Our advantage lies in the fact that the establishment primarily public employee unions in one guise or another (and highly compensated executives) can’t buy what they really need.

    This is the establishment’s primary problem.

    Sarah Palin can’t hire BW to write the Mantra.

    The Mantra doesn’t come into existence for pay.

    All those posts I have compiled on cannot come into existence for pay. That intellectual gold mine only exists on a volunteer basis, entirely unmotivated by electoral politics.

    But goldmines like that determine the future.

    They contain the seeds of what is really needed.

    And it is what is really needed that matters. It is really needed to understand that this is a multi-sided fight.

    It is long overdue that white people genuinely wake up to what it means to be just one racial faction is a multi-factionalized society.

    Extreme balkanization is the reality. Only the polictians who get out and actually rub their noses in it, come to a realization of how bizarre it all really is.

    Meanwhile, the “public” which doesn’t really exist live in fanatasy worlds revolving around their pet ideologies.

    There is no way to hammer a consensus out of this. We are well past even having an “Americanized” society. The late 19th and early 20th centuries are not repeating themselves.

    There is not going to be a “social contract” in America. There is not going to be any type of consensus at all ON ANY MODEL.

    We are well past even making the money work.

    Nobody is going to be dominating anything.

    I think that is the point BW is trying to make.

  5. #5 by shari on 11/21/2008 - 10:53 am

    And Chris Mathews will be out of fast talk to make himself look clever,professional, deeply religious, and all that.

  6. #6 by Pain on 11/21/2008 - 12:17 pm

    Thinking new is exactly what all true leaders are looking for. It is what makes BUGS irresistible to the right MEN. As Bob has noted in the past, BUGS’s audience is very large, meaning this is the place where the right men come to read.

  7. #7 by bruce on 11/21/2008 - 3:51 pm

    The queer opposition to Proposition 8 has provided a good example of a multi-sided fight. Blacks overwhelmingly voted to ban gay marriage in California. Now the queer activists are going around harassing random blacks on the street. So we now have 2 groups that a republican would normally think of as “the opposition” fighting each other. This is the principle of divide and conquer in action.

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 11/21/2008 - 7:03 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    I am not arguing that the Mexicans have “taken over.”

    De facto, they HAVE, in Los Angeles, and key border towns all the way across to Texas, they HAVE taken over, demographically, in that they will be the most expensive underclass in American history, a luxury that White People Who Work For A Living – Palin People, if you will – can not afford, and will not tolerate.

    I am fully aware that American politics represents extreme Balkanization, and no group is as proactive in their Balkanization as the illegals and their overseers. They are starting off with a position on Race that makes the First Klan look like a Socialist picnic. Their umbrella organizations are explicitly Racial – “With The Race, Everything; Outside The Race, Nothing.”

    And, damn, but they are extraordinarily, ruthlessly proactive in dealing with the Faithful Colored Companions, many of whom are now all but begging Massah Whitey to let Ol’ Coffee back in.

    The Mexicans of the Reconquista are more attuned to Race than we ever were; the Castilian beauties you see on Telemundo and Univision, the Castilian Patrons you see running the social order, speak volumes as to the power of the White Race in all of the Americas.

    Yet, the Transformation is slowly, but certainly, underway. The Meztizo – Hell, probably worse, probably Indians – you see in the parks is little more than a pawn, a placeholder for a Patron system that organizes society in America along Mexican lines. Get enough people on welfare, you get your own welfare department caseworkers; get more, you get welfare department supervisors. Get more, you get the nod to police cadets who can speak Spanish o- or at least Spanglish, the manufactured language that locks the underclass into servitude for all of their days.

    I have a friend who works outside New Orleans. he said the illegals have told the Blacks, “Why do you want to come back? We have the jobs, and we will KEEP the jobs. Stay away.”

    And so, Univision broadcasts from “Nueva Orleans,” where the Mexican Army trucks, all carrying the large Mexican flag on the side, and all carrying “relief supplies” to “Nueva Orleans,” make a very strong symbol.

    The stronger symbol, of course, is the new Mexican consulate in New Orleans. Yes, Presidente Bush attended the recent opening of this consulate. It was covered quite extensively, and with great pride, on Univision, and not at all, that I saw, on American news networks.


    And, this is Balkanization, not unlike the collapse of Yugoslavia, on a sub-State level.

    So much for the long-winded discourse.

    This ties in with a Positive Theory of Race in several ways:

    One, the Leaders of the Reconquista are White Europeans, and…

    Two, the Followers WISH they were White Europeans.

    Three, what they have occupied will NEVER, practically speaking, be yielded, particularly to…

    Four, the Faithful Colored Companions, who stand revealed as pretty much a superfluous sub-species who are, at best, net neutral in terms of resources, and, at worst, strong net negatives.

    Much more importantly,..

    Five – Sarah Palin gave White People someone to vote FOR, for a welcome change.

    Six, there is no single organizing theme for the America before us, as the Social Contract between governed and governors continues to collapse, forcing the reorganization of society along lines of Family, while leads directly to organizing along the lines of Race.

    Sarah Palin just made this acceptable, and, like Goldwater with CONservatism, not winning one national election, today, spread the Ideas and the idea that it was POSSIBLE, to win local and regional elections, with explicit appeals to Racial well-being – the social equivalent of Eugenics, which only one Race – the White Race – can make work.

  9. #9 by Prometheus on 11/21/2008 - 10:23 pm

    Bob, I remember a while ago you were talking about some white young adults who had piercings and looked, um, ‘alternative’. You said they were still part of OUR side.

    I make the point on SF that we are not taking a political position. When we WHITES are talking about our racial future, it is not a political stance. It is one of self preservation. That goes above politics. Too many ‘pro-whites’ getted bogged down making it a political issue, as if being pro-white is part of good social policy, or good economic policy, or that its just part of their position.

    If I’m having a political discussion with someone, and that person starts talking about the virtues of whites assimilating with non-whites, the political discussion has ENDED.

  10. #10 by Prometheus on 11/21/2008 - 10:36 pm

    bruce, conservatives seem to base their arguments on being a reaction to the other. There is one way, and thats the conservative way.

    White Nationalists have their own ‘one way’ dogma too.

    Does it matter what political persuason, religious orientation one is? If you are speaking for your race, the institutional affiliations of your opponents become irrelevant. Throw the mantra at them and their ‘liberalism’, their ‘conservatism’, their ‘humanism’, their religion becomes irrelevant.

    When an anti-white on opposing views is hit with the mantra, their political beliefs cannot save them nor be used as a counter argument. They are faced with a decision. Am I against this race or not? There is no other way out, no other way to rearrange the argument or try and shift it to other values. The argument is ONLY about race.

  11. #11 by Dave on 11/22/2008 - 12:13 pm


    Here is my frustration. When I listen to people I am especially listening to their subtext of wants.

    Sometimes when I read your posts, and this is true with Simmons posts also, what I am hearing is people who at the end of the day want peace.

    That is the underlying goal.

    And that is where I my take on things seem a little different.

    You have to listen to the Mantra carefully. On the one side it is a moral claim. On the obverse side it is a branding (a prelude to aggression).

    I see Robert Whitaker as a specialist in how to fight.

    It is very important not to engage in the “branding” of your opponent until you really have your opponent at your advantage. In branding you are throwing up a shield of intimidation to assist an attack aimed at inducing nausea in your opponent.

    That very quality is baked into the Mantra. It is street smarts really.

    Stop complaining about nonwhites’ intimidation of white people. If you have an interest in achieving the right bearing, worry about you own capabilities to intimidate.

    Can’t you see that is what Robert Whitaker is really saying here?

  12. #12 by AFKANNow on 11/22/2008 - 7:48 pm

    in reply to Dave:
    You’ve made some excellent points.

    I’d like to rely to a few of them.

    you wrote:


    Here is my frustration. When I listen to people I am especially listening to their subtext of wants.

    Sometimes when I read your posts, and this is true with Simmons posts also, what I am hearing is people who at the end of the day want peace.

    That is the underlying goal.

    in reply:
    I’ve been discussing the scenes from “The Dark Knight” my Nephews have downloaded, and there is a scene called “The Pencil Trick,” where The Joker is in a hotel kitchen with the top criminals in Gotham City, and he makes a demnading proposition.

    Now, here is someone the size and weight of Heath Ledger, wearing greasepaint make-up all over his face, stringy hair, and a suit most pimps would not be caught dead in – however, it’s a full custom suit.

    The Joker makes his proposal.

    One of the gangsters looks at him and says, “You’re crazy.”

    The Joker says, with perfect calm and penetrating, commanding intelligence, five words:

    “I’m not. No, I’m not.”

    This is a damn near seminally important movie; Hell, it reads like Nietzsche wrote the screenplay – at least, The Joker’s lines, and especially his soliloquies.

    One of the reasons it is so important is the Dispossessed White Adolescents – and, post-Adolescents – were cheering The Joker ON in the movie theater my Nephews went to.

    So, beneath the surface, Something is happening, and the social engineers are having to work overtime to dampen the Spirit that is trying to come forth.

    And, my Nephews – and the country they will build, and their Posterity will inherit – is pretty much all I worry about these days.

    So, after that long build-up, let me reply to your comment that, underlying it all, Simmons and I seek peace.

    To paraphrase The Joker,

    “I don’t. No, I don’t.”

    I’m the guy who went out of pocket for his Nephews to become judokae, because “it” has always been about power, and control – the soft power of convincing, which is preferred by the social engineers, or the hard power of State sanctioned police and military efforts, done under the command of the same social engineers and orchestrated to impel feelings of fear, and helplessness, in the minds of the masses.

    We have spent the last half-century following one red herring after another, or joining one impotent, false flag organization, after another.

    ALL because we refused to ruthlessly identify ALL issues in the terms of a Positive Theory of Race.

    Those kids with piercings?

    They’re OURS – if we can make “it” work for them.

    Those kids with “The Joker” costume on Halloween, complete with full face greasepaint make-up?

    They’re OURS, too – if we can make “it” work for them.

    I am not seeking “peace”; quite the contrary.

    But, the War we are in will be – MUST be – fought on all levels, at damn near all times.

    I do not pray for peace.

    I pray to be a stronger man.

    So far, particularly since I decided to Do Something about the Race issue in a constructive manner, notably by spending whatever it take on the education of my Nephews, I’ve been given the strength I have needed.

    By the way, I have compared my house to an Irish monastery, preserving the Wisdom of the Christian West during the Dark Ages.

    That’s not what my Nephews call it.

    They call it Fight Club.

    you wrote:

    And that is where I my take on things seem a little different.

    You have to listen to the Mantra carefully. On the one side it is a moral claim. On the obverse side it is a branding (a prelude to aggression).

    in reply:
    *ahem* I was the one who reduced the Mantra to THREE words – “Fighting White Genocide.”

    Far too many of our people have great difficulties following the Mantra through to its logical conclusion, and then inferring a Plan from that.

    “Fighting White Genocide” – if they can’t get THAT, then let’s let them remain comfortably Asleep, for now.

    Besides, those are the ones who will uninvite us from Family Reunions – I know all about THAT – for being “the Family Nazi, the Family Racist.”

    you wrote:

    I see Robert Whitaker as a specialist in how to fight.

    It is very important not to engage in the “branding” of your opponent until you really have your opponent at your advantage. In branding you are throwing up a shield of intimidation to assist an attack aimed at inducing nausea in your opponent.

    That very quality is baked into the Mantra. It is street smarts really.

    in reply:
    “Fighting White Genocide” makes it possible to work within the framework of the Mantra, giving one and all a polar star to keep their eyes aimed at.

    I agree wholeheartedly about the Mantra, but, to our working class types, it’s a bit too abstract for them, for now.

    “Fighting White Genocide,” while much less effective in the long term, focuses the issue of a Positive Theory of Race to them like a laser.

    They can understand it, and work with it.

    you wrote:

    Stop complaining about nonwhites’ intimidation of white people. If you have an interest in achieving the right bearing, worry about you own capabilities to intimidate.

    Can’t you see that is what Robert Whitaker is really saying here?

    in reply:
    I am not “complaining about nonwhites’ intimidation of white people,” per se.

    I am observing how effective it has been, and why it has been so effective, and WHAT can be done about it.

    I am using the example to make the point that needs to be made and remade every day, in the face of the overwhelming propaganda our Race faces, every day, to the point that we are – as I have noted so many times – the largest consumer of prescription tranquilizers on the planet.

    ALL of that, and more, is required

    After all, if our Race EVER can accept the anger that is in their heart at the perversion of the Culture THEIR ANCESTORS CREATED, they just might Do Something, and that might be very, very *exciting* to watch, and maybe even be a part of.

    Look at the crowds that turned out for the Candidate from Whitelandia, Sarah Palin.

    She could easily match the Mocha Messiah in drawing power, if the grossly inept McCain Campaign had one iota of organizing ability.

    I’d like to address one issue you called forward, that I have already cited:

    If you have an interest in achieving the right bearing, worry about you own capabilities to intimidate.

    in reply:
    With my copy of “Winning Through Intimidation” close to hand…

    My Nephews leave the house for one church meeting or another, seven days a week, wearing really nice suits and with the posture of graduates of USMC OCS Quantico.

    They are forward leaning, with perfect posture.

    They are READY.

    They are Alpha Males, Alpha Wolf Cubs, becoming Alpha Wolves.

    The reason the Faithful Colored Companions and their social engineer Masters put so much effort into “intimidating” us is because THEY HAVE TO.

    If we ever get balanced, and centered, in the righteous purity of Our Cause, Our Family, Our Race, then we will walk through them like stallions through tissue paper, and THIS is the greatest fear of our Racial Enemies.

    We won’t have to fight them, directly.

    We will do what is right for our Family, and our Race, and we will go where they can not follow.

    And the direction we must ALWAYS take?

    In the words of Kevin Alfred Strom…

    “Toward The Stars.”

  13. #13 by Simmons on 11/26/2008 - 3:52 pm

    Well I’m back from the vacation and Dave is once again in my sights. Cut the nihilist garbage unless you place it in context, because that crap don’t sell except to a few kooks. As if you could get laid if all you did was spout to the ladies “war for evermore.” And for the record I am an Existenialist, and I sure as hell know there never is any “peace.” I’ll give you “peace” upside your head, so move on buddy. We are a minority who must swim in a very large ocean.

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