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Posted by Bob on November 27th, 2008 under General

BW hit the target with remarkable precision in his comment about Screwtape and complexity.

But for the most part the circulation of misunderstanding is not motivated. Words replace understanding on account of ignorance. And there is a lot of ignorance that cannot be addressed. It is baked-in-the-cake.

But what I have learned from BUGS is this: If you don’t have a clear-cut understanding of the goal, you can’t make sense.

And the goal should be the ditching of words that circulate misunderstanding. There is so much hard study and oceans of effort expended on account of the want of the right word or the right phrase.

The right word or the right phrase clears everything up in an instant. I will give you an example: What is the goal of Central Banking? Answer: To get a quart of wine from a pint bottle.

I just summed the entire message of the Austrian school of economics that complains wrongly of the unfairness of not having whole academic departments devoted to it.

Thank God it doesn’t. The fact that nobody is willing to spend money on promoting Austrian economics is its very salvation.

Ditto, for little intellectual groups such as us.

  1. #1 by AFKANNow on 11/30/2008 - 2:06 am

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    And the goal should be the ditching of words that circulate misunderstanding.

    in reply:
    This is a major tool of the Soft Totalitarians, and the casually mandated acceptance of the “words that circulate misunderstanding” seem to be deliberately chosen and fostered for just that purpose.

    Believe me – the Faithful Colored Companions and the White Lumpenproletariat literally look upon the same world, and see two dramatically different worlds, using vocabularies that are so far apart as to require active translators.

    When I use the term “White Lumpenproletariat,” you may rest assured that I have just returned from a trip Back In The Hills, and have a FIRM grasp of just what a “Post-Industrial Society” looks like, and feels like. More about this in General Comments.

    you then continued:

    There is so much hard study and oceans of effort expended on account of the want of the right word or the right phrase.

    in reply:
    Alfred Korzbyski, the father of General Semantics, was the first person I read who wrote with a mathematical precision.

    I see most Lamestream Media as writing more to manipulate emotions than to convey substantial information.

    In truth, I have been doing something different as of late.

    I have been trying to frame my perspective about Institutions in as few words as possible, to make it easier for my Nephews to understand the framework in which the Words that are used to define and control society are shaped.

    It’s quite a lot of work.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/01/2008 - 10:35 am

    All of this incomprehensibility that presents itself as Political Correctness means nothing.

    The only thing that matters is loyalty.

    Our enemy’s weakness is what they stand for is unworthy, which is just another way of saying they don’t stand for anything.

    That is a flaw they can never get rid of.

  3. #3 by Tim on 12/01/2008 - 4:21 pm

    Political Correctness can never really succeed. For instance, when watching television. You will notice a lot of Black folks on every other show. This is talked about endlessly on Stormfront and other such websites. But there is one channel were I never see Africans—–


    That is a very important fact never pointed out on Stormfront or anywhere else.

    You gotta read Bugs for that type of Great Info.

  4. #4 by TuetonicViking on 12/01/2008 - 11:00 pm

    Dave wrote:

    The right word or the right phrase clears everything up in an instant. I will give you an example: What is the goal of Central Banking? Answer: To get a quart of wine from a pint bottle.

    My reply: It’s a right idea in the right direction. It’s probably more accurate to say goal of Central Banking is to get barrel of wine from a gallon bottle!

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