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Simmons is Getting It Down to a Science

Posted by Bob on December 8th, 2008 under General

BUGS thinking is the asking. “What do they really mean in exact terms?” In the Mantra’s case it boils it down to genocide when debating the fate of whites with an anti-white.

BUGS thinking is how I work on the respectables and the semi-respectables to make them useful. I tell them they must ask the libs to explain themselves in exact terms, not trading points in the shadow boxing “old forms” as AFKAN would put it.

Witness the debate over Evolution, we now have a couple of respectables asking the libs the very question I gave them to ask, “When exactly did Evolution stop?”

I’ve been working on V-DARE to invite Morris Dees or Abe Foxman for an interview where as they can ask them the BUGS type questions, but they have as yet to completely break from the “old forms” finding some comfort in trading points with their antagonists.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/08/2008 - 9:47 am

    As another Bob wrote in another post a few days ago it takes discipline when debating a lib. A liberal mind is a mess, full of talking points they have gathered thru a lifetime of status seeking and submission to authority of dubious character, but it has no order or logic it can only function on the level of critique (MacDonald unwrapped the crown jewel of Jew parasitical effectiveness).

    In the era of Peter Pans and Tinkerbells we assume the role of Patriarchs whereas the respectables only ape the feckless whitemale (non)authority figures they see on stupidvision as they relate to the mentally stressed (liberal)mother as she deals with the raging child (the left or left’s clients). The respectable wants to dialogue, we impose discipline and accountability.

  2. #2 by richard on 12/08/2008 - 1:59 pm

    If you want confirmation of the widom of what Bob has been teaching on here for the past few years, go to the Stormfront ‘opposing views’ section. It’s amazing how it has been transfomed.

    Two or three years ago it was full of WNs patiently explaining to their enemies that they aren’t racist, they’re not evil, and agreeing that individual blacks can be very nice people. In other words, defensive cringing.

    Now it’s full of our enemies desperately trying to prove that they’re not anti-white, and that they oppose black racists and jewish racists just as much as us. Of course that isn’t true, so they are constantly on the back foot.

    A lot of this transformation is due to the tireless work of Lord Nelson, who took the mantra and whacked our oppnents over the head with it over and over again.

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