Archive for December 16th, 2008
Missing the Point, AGAIN
What puzzles everybody is EXACTLY what Dave and Pain are fighting about. I think it goes back to when Dave decided to get Wise:
“Acquiring real power in our time is about acquiring the capability to end run the government’s regulatory and tax apparatus in a business sense.”
That is an entirely different world view from the Mantra. The Mantra is a tactic we have tried and it WORKS.
Let’s go back to what I have knocked myself our saying, and when I say it everybody wants to get onto something more general and interesting.
Dave, we do not KNOW whether we want to “acquire power.” If we hammer the Mantra in, it puts everybody in an untenable position. The present acceptance of genocide by whites is the ONLY Final Solution to the Race Problem there is.
We all know that new ideas go through the stages of being heresy, being discouraged and becoming accepted truth. We all of us who have USED the Mantra can see that it is the heresy we need. With the Mantra and with nothing else, we are on way. We have the undeniable heresy we need.
But the point of the Mantra is that it WORKS. It is NOT theorization about controlling the system, which anybody can do. I am fascinated when Dave talks about SALES, because SELLING is what the Mantra is about. But you know damned well, Dave, that the minute you go from sales to how you are going to split the commission, your sales team will be in an uproar.
I, for one, have no idea how this society will try to deal with it when the genocide angle becomes clear. Our advantage is we know how impossible their dilemma will be.
Yes, the most reasonable thing would be to offer us the right to all-white countries.
They can’t offer us this for EXACTLY the same reason that we take it for granted that you cannot have a serious Olympic foot race unless the person representing Sweden is black. One thing no one doubts is that if you have an all-white anything, everyone will eventually demand to be there. That reality killed the Soviet Empire.
As with the Soviet Empire, everybody knows it and no one mentions it.
So all the reasonable discussion of White Nationalism is nonsense. In BUGS, our INCALCULABLE advantage is NOT that we know things like, “Acquiring real power in our time is about acquiring the capability to end run the government’s regulatory and tax apparatus in a business sense.”
That sounds as wise and is as irrelevant as White Nationalism.
We are going to have to bargain, but we have no idea how that bargaining will LOOK. In fact I have gone on at length about how you KNOW the other side wants to bargain. I have talked at length about the subtle signs of filter-down, but everyone wants to talk about some Jewish scandal.
Like Mussolini, we can bullshit on and on and miss the March on Rome.
What we need is what Bismark called Fingerspitzgefuehl, “Finger Tip Feeling.” I try to teach that, but the technique of stopping the spread of Finger Tip Feeling was discussed in Animal Farm. When people asked thought-out questions, Napoleon (Stalin) had the sheep bleet, “Four legs good. Two legs BAAAD!”
There are things I want to explain, but I daren’t because someone will start obsessing.
Fighting over what to do with the world after we conquer it is at least as good as, “Four legs good, two legs BAAD.”
Six Man Race Shows Real Value of Real Diversity
This is a necessary prelude to what I write next.
Watch an Olympic dash. There are six men in it from all parts of the world from Sweden to Nigeria.
Every one of them is black. Every one of them is not only black, but PURE black.
On the opposite end of the scale from the dash, the winner of the Boston Marathon is normally not only black, but PURE black. The Olympic dash winners are from WEST Africa, the long distance winners are from EAST Africa.
In serious competition mulattoes need not apply.
In the one type of serious competition we can measure, there is simply no substitute for racial purity.
Is the black race the only one where TRUE diversity, the existence of different races, is essential? We have TWO cases of this among blacks.
During the Inquisition,”Christianity” came to mean it’s opposite. Today “diversity” means a single brown race.
Have we gone nuts the way Medieval Europe did? Is “diversity” the opposite of diversity in our present age of insanity?
In a truly diverse society, pure Orientals and even pure whites might have a place. Or are we so fanatical in our drive to stamp out all “Hitlerian” heresy that we have decided to make”diversity” mean its opposite?
We Have a WAR to Fight, and We are the ONLY Ones Fighting It
I am not going to tell Seminar members what to say to each other.
But when you start calling each other names, you are doing the enemy the greatest favor possible.
Look at Stormfront. You know damned well I HAVE no one else TO DO MANTRA WORK. THAT is the ONLY important thing, not just here but in the world.
Pain, Christ TOLD you not to make your insult so bare. I am NOT going to be the Daddy here. I couldn’t care less whether you like each other or whether you like ME.
Before I preach at you anymore I will have to do some intellectual work. I WAS going to say that you should have stated your disagreements differently. But I respect you too much to make a general statement like that. So I have to go back and show I can do it.
Meanwhile, PLEASE do some mantra work.
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