Archive for December 26th, 2008
To be honest, I don’t even remember what I posted, aside from the fact that it is heretical to see the obvious regarding the foot race.
I made a comment earlier, a tongue in cheek one about having a child born in Kenya so they could become a good long distance runner.
Most people point out it doesn’t work that way and then they STOP.
Political Correctness said that the only difference between men and women, apart from hormones, was the way they were raised. Men behave like men and women behave like women, not because of genetic predisposition but because of environment and stereotyping during early childhood years.
I remember when that was party line and everyone said that. What people say now is largely different.
— Prometheus
You are the only person I have heard from who REMEMBERS that orthodoxy that boys are only different from girls because they don’t play with dolls.
Now here we have the sort of thing that jumps out at me but no one else even notices. Think about how hard this makes things. I distinctly remember giant fads like this.
If people remembered the endless list of PC absurdities like this, PC would long since have been discredited. Instead each new PC declaration is treated as Holy Writ.
But how do you REMIND people of this string of insanities? Remember, we are not talking about something SOMEONE said. That would only require a quote.
We are talking about a hundred successive things EVERYONE BELIEVED. That would require a hundred BOOKS.
Respectable conservatism is more critical to this Memory Hole than outdated leftism. RCs treat EACH new PC absurdity as a unique and serious one, NEVER as one more nail in the coffin of PC.
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