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Simmons on Liberalism

Posted by Bob on December 12th, 2008 under General

I wrote the piece below because, once again, instead of bitching, I am about to write a piece praising Simmons. It occurred to me that you might wonder how ANYBODY, especially Ole Bob, could be writing so many upbeat pieces at a time like this.

It was self-defense. If I stay this nice for this long it is only a matter of time before one of you calls the Ding-A-Ling Ward and asks the guys with the butterfly nets to go by my apartment.

Simmons has been emphasizing a critical point: A reassessment of our enemies.

There has been a complete change in the left since fifty years ago when I was already experienced in this fight. Back then the left was, as S says, an actual, identifiable bloc. “No enemies on the Left” had a meaning it does not have today.

Saint Martin Luther the King could jump from bus boycotts to supporting the Viet Cong without a noticeable bump because everybody understood it was the same crowd.

Then it was a bloc with a common goal. Now it is a rattling coalition.

As I said, when Saint ML the K began his predictable change of emphasis in the 60s no one needed an explanation of it. On June 22, 1941, the whole far left went straight from all-out support of the non-interventionist America Firsters to a demand that America get into the War. They had been America Firsters since the Russo-German Pact was signed at the end of August, 1939.

  1. #1 by Dave on 12/12/2008 - 7:06 pm

    Most of this change in the left is due to the fact that North America has been South Americanized.

    But it is a mistake to believe that a large segment of the public is going to escape being permanently frozen in the amber of Communist devices such as public housing, food stamps, and free medical care. It is not politics that make them a block. It is their situation that makes them a block.

    To understand that you just have to see the irony in the bright futures of the following public employee unions: (1) The Federal police and Federal jailers; (2) The state police and state jailers; and (3) the municipal police and municipal jailers.

    Each of these unions has a strong vested interest in what Simmons refers to as “the end of evolution” and in that sense the left is a rattling coalition, involving large segments of the American public no longer actually American.

    This is why the right is being forced into becoming “oriental” as if we are all living in the Casbah in Algiers.

    In this climate there is no room for political posturing that is not backed up with a demonstrated capability to deliver real punishment to the enemy for that is the only way to acquire credibility in this kind of climate.

    It is a completely different kind of politics that Americans are used to. Our national situation cannot be rescued and the politics that matter have nothing to do with rescuing anything. Things are much more elemental now.

    I suggest you read BWs post entitled “Nowhere” to better get my point. It gets right to the heart of where things are.

  2. #2 by shari on 12/13/2008 - 12:01 pm

    I suppose that back then, the left still looked human. Now they look and act like Orcs who will fall on each other over nothing. This Illinois thing looks like it will be a mudslide.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 12/13/2008 - 12:08 pm

    That is right Dave. Also a good many of the rackets of the Left are now being dispossessed of their “inevitable future.” How is feminism doing with its future, or the rest of the white kiddy left? We are not supposed to ask of course as history is being re-written Stalinesque style.

    Anyway a couple of anti-evolutionary types are trying to freeze their racial advantages over whites, typical nigger comedy. It seems Colin Powell was interviewed by some overpaid clown on CNN, Zakeria or something like that, and he in his ignorant fashion basically stated our case.

    Even the kids at FreeRepublic cannot genocide whites fast enough to stay ahead of the racial left when even their houseboy Powell is calling for racial submission by whites to “asians,hispanics and blacks” before the respectables can complete their aracial world.

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