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The Last Hurrah

Posted by Bob on December 20th, 2008 under General

I get the impression that everybody now sees that the message of the last election was,”Nobody is going nowhere, so let’s elect a black guy.”

In the 2008 election, the choice was between an old white Republican and a young black Democrat. Nobody even HINTS that it will make a difference.

Millions will be out there to celebrate the election of the first BLACK president.

That’s IT. With a new Depression threatening, nobody has any expectation of anything really changing. The whole thing looked like exhaustion. For a major candidate to run on the meaningless word “Change” is a symptom of complete failure.

When the entire electorate can only agree on Change, the whole two-headed system has run out of steam.

This is not 1932 or 1980 or even 1960. Everybody now agrees that the medium is the message: the new president is black, and that’s IT.

When we had a crises of this size in 1932 and 1980, the change was specific, a straight switch from right to left and vice-versa. Roosevelt and Reagan went in on announced swings from one side to the other.

Now both sides are discredited completely.

Something started in 2008, and has little to do with a black face.

  1. #1 by shari on 12/20/2008 - 2:13 pm

    This looks like “deja vu”, like the last zoasterian shah was the LAST one. I still don’t have your idea of what that means, but I sure think it’s worth paying attention.

  2. #2 by Dave on 12/20/2008 - 2:34 pm

    You have to have perspective on the brutal trap that has been laid.

    The government ruthlessly suppresses unlicensed employment (way beyond anything you might consider actual crime) and (2) there are no means to finance (heavily taxed) payrolls except through direct or indirect government subsidies (our heavily subsidized banks and dependence on Federal spending).

    This is a form of dictatorship and it is very ORIENTAL and durably structured.

    There is no way of escaping being politicized in this type of environment. The only way you can make a living is through you own politicization. The alternative is to remain impoverished.

    Like I said, it is very ORIENTAL.

    The hordes of Chinese and other Asians immigrating into America have no trouble understanding the American system at all. They thrive in it and rob us blind. Meanwhile they laugh at us whites for being so ridiculously stupid.

    That is why it is critical to leave behind our traditions of political expression.

    They are obsolete . The old ways are done. That is all there is to it.

  3. #3 by Tim on 12/20/2008 - 7:44 pm


    The Asians I know do not like our system. Not all of them are thriving. The ones that are doing well tell me that they are not happy. They do not like this TYPE of Oriental system. After all, ours is based on ethnic conflict. I think you will agree Chinese and Koreans are not exactly conflict oriented. They are not jews.

    Many Asians are so unhappy they are leaving and going back to their country. After all in America we are building ethnic cauldrons. We are not building Singapore’s and Dubai’s. Singapore’s and Dubai’s are multicultural and multiracial and they work. BUT they are not democracies. They are way more organic.


    White folks are waiting for the next big thing. They have not seen it yet. But they are starting to look for it. They are starting to resign themselves to the fact that this is not working and only getting worse. Old men at the gym keep telling me this country is over. They were optimistic not long back.

    I think people actually breath a sigh of relief when Washington does nothing. Knowing that anything Washington does will be horrible for them. And Washington these days is just trying to tread water. They are broke.

    I think the people in Washington know what is coming. The Neocons certainly do. The Neocons feel the walls closing in around them. LOL. You can not make an all white party like the Republicans into a Communist Party. It would be a lot easier to make the Democratic Party into a Nazi Party.

    I am only interested in what it looks like when it shows up. I think maybe a core group of White Democrats and Republicans will get together and get bold. Maybe some of the female elected officials. Remember all the white women who got so offended by the Obama/Hillary flap. Geraldine Ferraro was on Fox and she actually looked pissed off.

    There is good news. No one can do anything without us. We can shut it down in a blink of an eye. We need only get that Sam Francis “the white have now made up their minds to do something” moment.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 12/21/2008 - 2:27 am

    in considered reply:

    This topic has been a major concern of mine of late, as I saw the electorate motivated by feelings of revenge – the young, and the Left – and feelings of surrender – the old, and the Right.

    Neither side offers anything remotely resembling solutions, and I think the Internet powered people are fully aware of this; those still stuck in mass media suspect it, but can not put their finger on what the problem is.

    This goes MUCH deeper than the desire to elect the first FCC to the White House; it is almost as if those who COULD make a difference are tired of fighting the Zeitgeist – mandated equality, and explicit attacks on Whites, in general, and White Male, in particular.

    The overarching theme is simple – The Children of the Sixties decided to force America to commit suicide, and most of what MADE America great decided the Swarm was not worth fighting DIRECTLY any more.

    I’ve noticed this, in casual conversations with people I know who are sixty and over. They are literally retreating to watching old movies – the classic, black and white movies of the Thirties on, where the men wear suits and ties, and the women wear dresses, hats and gloves.

    AS I noted before, the moment of White America’s greatest technological achievement – men on the Moon – was mirrored in the hallmark of the beginning of the Collapse of the society, the Chicago Democratic Convention Riots of ’68.

    The implicit acceptance of, and support for, core Values made the issues of right and left marginal issues, as there was agreement on the fundamentals of who we were, and what we do.

    So many of the implicit values in the middle were mocked, undermined, and ignored, and with them went the middle as a meaningful source of stability.

    So, the extremes became ever more extreme, with only each other to define each other; the Middle, that broad, national, intergenerational consensus, was gone.

    And, at Core, at the end of the day, the unspoken Center was founded on the values of Western Civilization, Family, Christianity, and, uniting them all, Race.

    When Race went, and was actively scorned by our people, it was easy for Western Civilization, Christianity, and the Family, to be redefined by the Left, and constructively undefended by the Right.

    Thus, the Abyss, and thus, the Wasteland.

    What is seen as indifference is actually, in large part, the constructive equivalent of despair for “Better” being possible, much less an actual goal to be defined and achieved.

    And, as we all know, Hedonism is the Cultural reaction to Despair.

    Seen any hedonism in this Culture over, say, the last forty or so years?

    Seen it becoming ever more manifest, to the point that it is all but a new “Family Value?”

    I have been working on an alternative biography of Dr. Sam Francis – a work of fiction, you may rest assured – and the Francis-like character looks around him in 2020 and realizes the answer is a Renewal, that must come from within, and from the ground, up.

    I suspect a good part of the despair people feel for politics at the moment is because they have seen eight years of ever-greater centralization transforming the social order, and now, it has failed to make things remotely better, and some things are much, much worse.

    The collapse phase of this System takes twenty years to fully manifest, but the Rebuilding begins on the foundation of a Positive Theory of Race.

    More to follow.

  5. #5 by AFKANNow on 12/21/2008 - 3:16 am

    a quick comment:

    Tim made a great observation when he wrote:

    There is good news. No one can do anything without us. We can shut it down in a blink of an eye. We need only get that Sam Francis “the white have now made up their minds to do something” moment.

    in reply:
    This is the phrase I use to redefine my perspective on the issue of Race as the Living Bridge between Family and Culture, and I used it with the people who want to retreat to old movies, and a day long past:

    The problem is this:

    We have always set our sights too low.

    My Nephews, and I, are Doing Something about that.

  6. #6 by Simmons on 12/21/2008 - 7:08 pm

    I like historical timeline comparisons, 2008 America like early 80’s Soviet Communism, past its prime an old stale joke.

    But where is our largest foe the white liberal? I have a visual that I think accurately describes their situation and their reactions to this situation. Imagine a too short ladder extended down into a vast pit. In this pit are the lowest of the lowly whites, the Dreamcatcher whites with a small corner reserved for the crystal worshippers feeling the power. The lib stands on the last grease covered rung all the while the Dreamcathers wave their dreamcathers and taunt the lib with their howls of despair. The lib driven out of his mind because he is trapped, above him now are welfare niggers, scheming jews, and smiling asians all stepping on the white lib’s hands, and below are the whites with no hope whatsoever. So the libs howl their own death cries, but still hoping that their past racial treachery will be rewarded by people who no longer need him and literally view them with suspicion.

    So yes Bob is right 2008 is the start of something. But contrary to Dave who predicts an Oriental satrapy with a thousand year life span I see Yugoslavia with every group doing their part of the looting.

  7. #7 by Tim on 12/23/2008 - 8:23 am

    “I’ve noticed this, in casual conversations with people I know who are sixty and over. They are literally retreating to watching old movies – the classic, black and white movies of the Thirties on, where the men wear suits and ties, and the women wear dresses, hats and gloves.”


    I just bought some used dvd’s from Amazon. Guess what they are? Gilligan’s Island! LOL. This thing was made before I was even born. I used to watch it when I cam home from gradeschool. The professors is brilliant and WHITE. The women are good looking and of course WHITE.

    Funny. ehh? You are reading minds. Oh and I believe the village idiot Gilligan is jewish?? But that is not the point. People are sick of Hollywood and everything else.

    (I buy used stuff on Amazon all the time. I have rarely had a problem. Alot cheaper)

  8. #8 by AFKANNow on 12/23/2008 - 8:33 pm

    in reply to Tim:

    Dave made an excellent point, some time back, when he noted that the measuring sticks have all collapsed in value.

    Do you trust the SEC, the AICPA, Moodu’s, Fitch, Standard and Poors, and the numerous “watchdog” agencies, to even pretend to do an even nominal version of Due diligence in their work?


    So, just as banks aren’t engaged in unsecured/uninsured lending to each other, so, too, will those who have discretion in their finances decide to pull back, and choose security over risk.

    This will continue until we get a new financial system based on Financial XML – period.

    This is the liquidation phase of the unsuccessful attempt to build dreams based on negative real income and debt-based consumption.

    Look at EVERY sector of our economy, and our society, and ask yourself which is even pretending to improve?

    We lack – publicly – anything resembling the social consensus that let us remake America to meet the changing needs of the various Cultural Moments it faced, when he changed everything – currency, economic system, political order and Constitution – to remake American the interests of what was best for the White Race.

    I believe it is developing, privately, in the home churches, and home schools, the community churches, and the megachurches, are all trying, almost inchoately, to develop the functional equivalent of a parallel nation within America, just as the Jews have, and the Muslims are, with so much success.

    My hope is this – by definition, churches and Christianity are the enclaves of the White Race, which will seize the opportunity to create the Families, and Institutions, that will be the foundation of the best of the Remnant, and the foundation of a new Nation.

    To those who claim we are under attack from the vulture, the carrion eaters, the maggots, please remember this:

    They only eat what is already dead.

    There is no room for them, where we are going.

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