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Merry Christmas and Thanks!

Posted by Bob on December 24th, 2008 under General

I haven’t been here for a few days and the first thing I saw was our BUGS bee with his Santa hat.

Actually our bee looks a hell of a lot more like a “BAH, HUMBUG!” type. Like our bee, we are a hard-bitten lot, but we are willing to get on the good side for a good REASON.

That Santa hat reminded me of how much I appreciate initiative. I appreciate Lord Nelson and Prometheus when they trap some poor anti-white bastard with the Mantra and won’t let go.

I am lost in admiration of my techs who do EVERYTHING.

I know that my comment writers who answer my critiques rationally are UNIQUE.

The longer you have been in this movement the more you understand that last point. For over fifty years I have hit the enemy without pulling punches, but the second I started talking to people on our side, I had to walk on eggs.

You know what I mean. On Stormfront I attack the other side viciously, but when I make the slightest criticism of SFers’ opinions, or when they THINK I am doing that, they go ballistic. One minute I’m their comrade, the next minute I’m a Jew in disguise.


So, for the sake of unity I walked on eggs. Fifty years of walking on eggs makes you WEARY.

Or as we say down South, “Tarred all over.”

I think only I really truly, fully appreciate BUGS in this respect. My job here is to tell you lessons like this that one learns from being in the fight for a long time and this is one of them.

Think about it. This is the only place on our side that I have EVER been where nobody suddenly says, “You said THAT to insult me.” Or”So, you are really on the enemy’s side!

Just lately, Dave and Pain were saying unkind things about each other. You all know that this is where the Moderator is supposed to step in on Stormfront.

Pain says Dave is full of the Stuff That Makes the Little Flowers Grow. Dave says he has a very low opinion of Pain. In each case the BUGS Commenter was saying what he thought was true.

Pain even asked Dave if he was a nigger.

My techs could have cut that out. They didn’t. By BUGS rules, Dave doesn’t feel like he needs protecting. By OUR rules, Dave would have taken a lot more offense at the idea he needed shielding than at anything Pain could say.

And Pain would hate coddling more than any insult.

We are in a war for our racial survival. Isn’t it time we put all the personal nonsense in perspective?

I did not make that decision NOT to Moderate Pain and Dave. The techs who do EVERYTHING did that. The powers Bob has installed at BUGS ALL understand these rules.

It is hard for you to remember what a contrast this is to the exchanges we are used to elsewhere in our movement. Anywhere else one of the two would have whined about The Moderator not protecting him from this Evil Lie and threatened to pull out.

Pain and Dave have their outspoken differences, but each of them would be SICKENED by the very thought that he need protection.

What I want you to remember is that this is ONLY place where this rule is taken for granted.

Pain thinks Dave is full of it. Dave will survive he blow. Dave thinks Pain is a nobody. Pain will make it though this attack without needing to apply for disability.

In fact, in the BUGS world, both would take it as an insult if I considered it my DUTY to protect one of them.

Let me repeat that:

“In fact, in the BUGS world, both would take it as an insult if I considered it my DUTY to protect one of them”:

Then take a look at Stormfront and try to realize what a RELIEF this is to me.

Before SF it was WORSE.

This is a part of the Mantra message. The question is not whether Dave will worry enough about Pain’s ego or vice-versa. The point is that they each say what they think is TRUE.

This is not a normal reaction. Normals get insulted and flee. That is the normal reaction.

But if I called YOU Normal, the BUGS Bee would become a Lynching Bee.

I never thought I would EVER find a place like this where everybody understood that we are not hunting heretics, we are not seeking ego boosts.

ALL we want is truth, with a small t.

You don’t just know that, you PRACTICE it.

For that, I thank you.


Don’t worry.

After Christmas we’ll be back to “Humbug, you low-life son of a bitch!”!

  1. #1 by Dave on 12/24/2008 - 2:44 pm

    I would not participate in BUGS if it were not a tool to improve my thinking. In a seminar you are not supposed to be immune from challenge and the rules need to be loose. That is how you get from A to B.

    There is a lot cross talk and direct challenges in the blogoshere. It has replaced the MSM with a far superior product as the MSM has become as senile as an institution can get.

    In contrast, things like BUGS emerge where we actually start with the premise that the stars are simply aligned differently for white people, that we are fundamentally different than all nonwhites.

    And since that is true, not TRUE (we are a seminar, not a religious cult), we are miles ahead of everybody else in accurately perceiving what is really going on and what needs to be done about it.

  2. #2 by shari on 12/24/2008 - 4:04 pm

    I have a friend from Conneticut. She always says “son of a seacook.” Ha! But at least, sons of seacooks were very doubtfully mulatto. Merry Christmas!

  3. #3 by Bob on 12/24/2008 - 4:42 pm

    Shari, that’s from Arsenic and Old Lace.

    As a political writer I was called a son of a number of things, most of which I can’t even find on Google.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 12/24/2008 - 7:47 pm

    Bob wrote:

    We are in a war for our racial survival.

    in reply:
    That about sums it up as succinctly as possible.

    I am to the point that it sets the bar a bit low, in that it defines the goal as “survival,” as in “Merely survive,” as in “Look at what almost extinct species we have in the cages at the zoo.”

    The key to “survival” is conquest.

    We MUST recapture the Mindset of our Ancestors, who has virtually nothing, looked at this continent, and said, “Now, what do we have to get rid of to make this place work for us?”

    Remember, the parasites only live in the presence of death, and decay.

    And on THAT upbeat note,…


  5. #5 by Tim on 12/24/2008 - 8:34 pm

    Merry Christmas everyone.

    I remember first seeing Stormfront years ago. I was a greenhorn back then. I just looked at it again. Quite a site. For someone who has been around this struggle for a half century (that is you Bob) Stormfront must be quite a site.

    I have not posted anything on Stormfront in a couple years. I just read Bugs. I got tired of Stormfront for some reason? However, after looking at over it again just a minute ago and seeing the neophytes on there. I had a flashback to when that was me trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

    My New Years resolution will be to post on Stormfront again under my handle TimB (Tim cuz that is my handle here –and B for BUGS). I am sure there will always be some kind of conversation on Stormfron were BUGS logic is needed. I might as well get back in there now that I have been educated.

  6. #6 by Lord Nelson on 12/25/2008 - 6:47 am

    Just want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to every one.


  7. #7 by shari on 12/25/2008 - 9:27 am

    I bet the movie just used that phrase, not coined it. There are old ballads that tell of a poor jilted girl who fell for a sailor and a cook wouldn’t have been even that noble, I suppose. Well, I have to get cookin myself.

  8. #8 by Pain on 12/26/2008 - 10:59 am


    Now you are making excuses.

    You fail to understand the situation, so I will spell it out forthrightly. You had one person trying to start a fight with more than one person who has been loyal to you.

    You admit you did nothing about it.

    The person who tried to start the fight took over your blog, filling it with provocative comments and empty strutting – exactly as a black man does. This is not appropriate behavior.

    In fact, you failed to notice that several people have complained over the frequent, empty disputes.

    You characterize this as some sort of “personal” issue, but no one but you used the word “nigger.”

    This would-be fight became a situation after you refused to deal with it, just as you refused to deal with all the endless, empty disputes with others and this individual before.

    Instead you mollycoddle the ones you are afraid of – the ones most likely to leave you. In other words, you are disloyal to the loyal.

    But if you had behaved differently, you would not still need to make excuses about it in yet another post.

    So don’t ask why so few people comment here. Who wants to read another post involving a meaningless bit of soap-opera drama?

    I am speaking frankly because trying hard to protect your feelings has so far not worked. Now, ask yourself, will you have more influence when you nurture petty dramas, or when you stick to your points like a professional?

    If you want more people to post here, give them a reason to come.

    Bob, we don’t want to hear “As the World Turns,” but Bob W. Whitaker.

  9. #9 by AFKANNow on 12/28/2008 - 12:09 am

    in considered reply to Pain:

    you wrote:


    Now you are making excuses.

    You fail to understand the situation, so I will spell it out forthrightly. You had one person trying to start a fight with more than one person who has been loyal to you.

    You admit you did nothing about it.

    The person who tried to start the fight took over your blog, filling it with provocative comments and empty strutting – exactly as a black man does. This is not appropriate behavior.

    In fact, you failed to notice that several people have complained over the frequent, empty disputes.

    You characterize this as some sort of “personal” issue, but no one but you used the word “nigger.”

    This would-be fight became a situation after you refused to deal with it, just as you refused to deal with all the endless, empty disputes with others and this individual before.

    in reply:
    There is one idea that really matters.

    The many disputes simply reflect many disputed positions, and the nature of seminars is essentially a series of strongly contested opinions, supported by facts.

    I’ve disagreed with many here – usually Bob, in particular – but the intellectual honesty that is mandated forces the best outcome for each of us, one way or another.

    I am a strong supporter of Harold Covington, and his Northwest Republic Analytical Model; most aren’t, so I refer to Covington only when necessary.

    I’ll tie my Covington position in with my support for Dave’s best idea at the end of this.

    you wrote:

    Instead you mollycoddle the ones you are afraid of – the ones most likely to leave you. In other words, you are disloyal to the loyal.

    But if you had behaved differently, you would not still need to make excuses about it in yet another post.

    in reply:
    UNEXAMINED Loyalty to a person, or his perspective, is what got us here in the first place!

    Hell, Movement Past looked in a rear-view mirror, adopted the Form of what seemed to work, and never asked what the Substance looked like.

    There response has been, usually, not unlike the popularity contests at high school cafeteria tables, and has had the net effect of neutralizing them as effective people in what might loosely be called “The Cause.”

    you wrote:

    So don’t ask why so few people comment here. Who wants to read another post involving a meaningless bit of soap-opera drama?

    I am speaking frankly because trying hard to protect your feelings has so far not worked. Now, ask yourself, will you have more influence when you nurture petty dramas, or when you stick to your points like a professional?

    If you want more people to post here, give them a reason to come.

    Bob, we don’t want to hear “As the World Turns,” but Bob W. Whitaker.

    in reply:
    I think your last part is pretty unbecoming, and that is a diplomatic way of stating it.

    Too many of the high school cliques that have defined the “Leadership” of White Nationalism have been people of the One True Way, and all else is not to be discussed.

    What is fascinating is the Creative Race looking to cookbooks written by Others, who did not understand the situation facing us TODAY.

    So, they adopt bedsheets and pillow cases as formal attire, OR they adopt the brownshirt/red swastika Armband of the NSDAP political moment, and wonder why no one will show them where the torchlight parade is.

    They are ALL adopting the top-down political model that never was what it seemed, save in Asiatic societies, and do not realize their challenge is the Creation of a better Nation, starting where they are, starting with themselves.

    They want to control vast organizations, and yet, they can not even control their own eating and drinking habits!

    So, they put on the brownshirt, and hope Uncle Adolph will lead them through the day.

    Never happen.

    Look at all of the pictures of Hitler wearing well-cut, custom suits, just like Obama, with his custom tailored Hart, Schaffner and Marx three piece suits.

    I’ve repeated that point – slavish imitation only works for slaves – because it shows the immaturity of following the Leader, without doing the hard, challenging, difficult work of BEING Leadership material.

    And that takes us to Dave’s strongest point, that the measuring rods have failed us, and we MUST develop new tools to do the measuring needed in a new economic and social system

    Ultimately, I have one yardstick for all decisions, and it ties to Christianity As It SHOULD Be – a Positive, Masculine Christianity – and the simple yardstick of Race, as defined in the future of my Nephews.

    Nothing else matters.

    Every issue is now defined in terms of Race, and, damn, this certainly seems to have worked for the Jews, hasn’t it?

    This simple tool will work for us, as well.

    Everything is in a Collapse Phase, because the measuring sticks were calibrated for a different social order.

    Start with Race, and, suddenly, everything becomes much clearer.

    Start with Christianity As It Should Be, and Race, and either you are scared by the grand future that awaits, in which case you take the Blue Pill, or you are excited that YOUR Race will be the one that develops new systems of mathematics, new systems of abstract thought, new tools and techniques, and, in time, a new social order – a Nation within a nation.

    My Nephews as the founding blocks of a new Nation, and the chance that MY Posterity will walk in their footsteps, and beyond, “Toward The Stars.”

    I’d rather die on THAT mountain, that make it to the top of any other.

  10. #10 by AFKANNow on 12/28/2008 - 1:05 am

    A quick observation for Pain:

    Why not take the Challenge offered by Simpson in “Which Way Western Man.” This is from Chapter 3:

    It takes only the reading of such a book as Professor Hans F.K. Guenther’s The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans3 to make one realize that in the long run no people can flourish, or even long maintain itself, unless it lives with and by a religion that forms according to its own nature and to the ways of working of its own mind and soul. He opens one’s eyes also to the fact that Christianity, basically, is not in accord with the instincts, values and traditions that have found expression in Aryan man’s various religions, over a period of thousands of years, from the Indus to the Atlantic. And surely this is understandable enough. For it is at once obvious, if we but stop to think about it, that to us Jesus was an alien. Granted, that more can be made than I at first supposed possible, of the argument that by race Jesus was a gentile, and even that he may have been sprung from the same stock as the ancient Greek and Persian and the modern Nordic.4

    More – much more – follows.

    Think hard on your decision to join the seminary.

    I can assure you, you will not change the thinking of one person there; quite the contrary.

    My guess is, they will expel you, and you will leave embittered.

    So, think, and think about trying to form the foundation of the Aryan Bible of which Simpson spoke.

    My choice would be a living relationship with the Living Savior, but that’s me.

    Or – and this is a very useful Thought Exercise – imagine what path Western Civilization would have followed if the pagans had pushed back any Form Christianity took at the Institutional level.

    Asatru seems to have some organizations developing around it.

    Why not start with the best of what they have to offer, and move forward?

    Why not be Creative, and Do Better than those who went before?

    What Would Jesus THINK of what Christianity has Become?

    Why, and how would a pagan reinvigoration help make this a better world for our Race?

  11. #11 by AFKANNow on 12/28/2008 - 2:05 pm

    in further reply to Pain:

    Look at this:

    Their main site is:

    They seem to have it right on the basics.

    My focus would be on the idea that the pagan faiths provided the raw energy and discipline needed by Christ to make Christianity a living religion, a dynamic religion, and not the Christ-denying tool that Institutional Christianity had, and would, become.

    Again, Simpson made some great points in his “Which Way Western Man,” and I would use his ideas as a starting point for a melding of Asatru, and Masculine Christianity.

    If you need to have readings during the services, I think Rudyard Kipling had some good stuff, including “Hymn to Mithras.”

    We ARE the Creative Race.

    Don’t settle for the leftovers and rag droppings of others.

  12. #12 by Pain on 12/28/2008 - 7:44 pm


    Interesting posts, although they may have been a bit too long. Out of respect to you, I will likewise respond in greater length than I usually like to, since you might well read it. Maybe this won’t seem too long.

    You’ll have to believe me when I say that I know more about the paganism of old Europe than Asatru-re-enactors do. In some of my past posts, I indicated that I am trained in Old Norse and I have read everything there is in the original sources, and in the original languages. To be blunt, some of my cousin’s D&D manuals are more accurate in their understanding of the material than are the re-enactors’.

    Now, the old paganism made for very beautiful poetry; but in history it failed. If you study the original documents, it is clear why.

    On the other hand, what you have read that you like is actually Christianity repackaged.

    That is, the “Asatru,” the “Germanic religion,” or the “whiteman’s faith” are actually just pale versions of Christianity.

    If I were with you in person, I could show you point by point how that is so, but really that should not be hard to understand since the “heathen” stuff you are reading was written in a Christian world a millennium after heathendom gave way to the fittest.

    If you want a truly masculine religion that worked — and which never died — study Chivalry as it was in the high Middle Ages.

    In addition, there is no racism in the heathen original sources, because they really knew only one race. However, racial love and loyalty form an undergirding command throughout the Bible. Here are some examples: the place that the Bible commands divorce is in regard to interracial marriages (between the people of God and the Babylonians). The place the Bible commands abortion is interracial (a baby was spiked with a sword right through the mother’s belly). The history of the Old Testament is filled with the command to exterminate the Philistines who invaded and which the Bible calls an “alien race.”

    We know what the ancient people of God looked like. Archaeologists have dug up bodies that were accidentally mummified, with tow heads. Egyptian art depicts the historical Semites with yellow hair. Statues of the people of ancient Ur, where Abraham came from, have long heads and green eyes. The holy land was filled with Indo-European Hittites. Coins of the Phoenicians, who also filled the holy land, likewise depict Nordic-types.

    If you study the descendants of Noah, ALL of them were Caucasian. (Yes, that includes the Ethiopians, who spoke a language closely related to that of the ancient people of God.) Furthermore, the Hamites are the dark Caucasians, the Mediterranean race of ancient Egypt and modern upper class Mexico, but the Bible clearly notes that they were cursed. In other words, something is less than ideal with these whites who differ only a little from us. And since all Noah’s descendants were white, only whites are “mankind.” Thus, the other human races are something else and whites are commanded to take dominion and convert them. In other words, we are commanded to take lordship over the world and bring all under God’s loving rule.

    If Christianity is truth and no lie, none of this should be surprising. The things you are reading have the racial shade you are looking for because somebody added it in recently — it is not in the paganism of old Europe (which talked about but one race), but it is in Christianity. Christ redeems all things, which through him were made, including us.

  13. #13 by AFKANNow on 12/28/2008 - 9:10 pm

    in reply to Pain:

    Thanks for the comments, and some quick comments in reply:

    you wrote:


    Interesting posts, although they may have been a bit too long. Out of respect to you, I will likewise respond in greater length than I usually like to, since you might well read it. Maybe this won’t seem too long.

    You’ll have to believe me when I say that I know more about the paganism of old Europe than Asatru-re-enactors do. In some of my past posts, I indicated that I am trained in Old Norse and I have read everything there is in the original sources, and in the original languages. To be blunt, some of my cousin’s D&D manuals are more accurate in their understanding of the material than are the re-enactors’.

    Now, the old paganism made for very beautiful poetry; but in history it failed. If you study the original documents, it is clear why.

    in reply:
    I did not state that the sources were to be considered authoritative; I meant for them to be used as starting points for seeing how others – who take the initiative to form websites and blogs on this topic – see the issue, and see if you and they could work together, in some small manner.

    And, Simpson’s WWWM? offers another starting point; he clearly displayed his shift from what Institutional Christianity had become, but w3as still looking for a power of the pagans, with the wisdom Light of Christ.

    Now, THAT would make a religion!

    you wrote:

    On the other hand, what you have read that you like is actually Christianity repackaged.

    That is, the “Asatru,” the “Germanic religion,” or the “whiteman’s faith” are actually just pale versions of Christianity.

    If I were with you in person, I could show you point by point how that is so, but really that should not be hard to understand since the “heathen” stuff you are reading was written in a Christian world a millennium after heathendom gave way to the fittest.

    in reply:
    In my citation of the Anointed Standard Version of the new Testament, done by the guys at the Christian Separatist website, you see where I stand on the issue of Race and Christianity.

    Masculinity, so often demonized, is right THERE with this crew!

    Simpson did a lot of very credible work, and you can see his anguish as he abandons the illusions of his past, and tries to build a New Christianity – what Christianity SHOULD HAVE BEEN – out of what is there.

    The problem is, Institutional Christianity has thrown away the Masculine Christ – most intolerant, by the way – and remade Him into a kinder, gentler, Jesus.

    They will pay for that.

    you wrote:

    If you want a truly masculine religion that worked — and which never died — study Chivalry as it was in the high Middle Ages.

    in reply:
    Funny what can happen when man and women work together in the fulfillment of a much greater purpose, isn’t it?

    you wrote:

    In addition, there is no racism in the heathen original sources, because they really knew only one race. However, racial love and loyalty form an undergirding command throughout the Bible. Here are some examples: the place that the Bible commands divorce is in regard to interracial marriages (between the people of God and the Babylonians). The place the Bible commands abortion is interracial (a baby was spiked with a sword right through the mother’s belly). The history of the Old Testament is filled with the command to exterminate the Philistines who invaded and which the Bible calls an “alien race.”

    in reply:
    All of this is discussed by the people at Christian Separatists, and I agree.

    you wrote:

    We know what the ancient people of God looked like. Archaeologists have dug up bodies that were accidentally mummified, with tow heads. Egyptian art depicts the historical Semites with yellow hair. Statues of the people of ancient Ur, where Abraham came from, have long heads and green eyes. The holy land was filled with Indo-European Hittites. Coins of the Phoenicians, who also filled the holy land, likewise depict Nordic-types.

    If you study the descendants of Noah, ALL of them were Caucasian. (Yes, that includes the Ethiopians, who spoke a language closely related to that of the ancient people of God.) Furthermore, the Hamites are the dark Caucasians, the Mediterranean race of ancient Egypt and modern upper class Mexico, but the Bible clearly notes that they were cursed. In other words, something is less than ideal with these whites who differ only a little from us. And since all Noah’s descendants were white, only whites are “mankind.” Thus, the other human races are something else and whites are commanded to take dominion and convert them. In other words, we are commanded to take lordship over the world and bring all under God’s loving rule.

    If Christianity is truth and no lie, none of this should be surprising. The things you are reading have the racial shade you are looking for because somebody added it in recently — it is not in the paganism of old Europe (which talked about but one race), but it is in Christianity. Christ redeems all things, which through him were made, including us.

    in reply:
    Then why waste your time going to a seminary that would only throttle you in the cradle?

    Why not build the Model of what Christianity SHOULD HAVE BEEN, by working with the sheer power and energy of the pagan faiths?

    The websites I referred to concerning Asartu would be a useful place to start with in terms of developing your skills in an organizational framework.

    I suspect you share my contempt for those fools who go around saying “Hail, Odin!”

    My concern, in your analytical framework, is that you avoid falling into the trap the pagans fell into, seeing their knowledge of Man and Nature in the Light of Intelligence as the dead-end it became, and seeing how the Light of Love (the Christ Spirit) could transform this into something very useful, and very powerful, indeed.

    Good to see someone around here is looking at the Big Picture concerning how things are moving forward for our Race!

    approved by:  p

  14. #14 by Pain on 12/28/2008 - 9:24 pm

    You’re a good man, Afkan.

    I do not believe the Asatru have any organizational skills. I have met them. They are trying to imagine what paganism “should have been” — not what it is nor ever was. It is a fantasy. One cannot build reality on falsehood.

    Paganism has neither power nor energy. That is why it failed. It yielded to the fittest.

    Christianity was the fittest because of what it is. It is worship of the Creator and his Son who has redeemed human history. This is power and energy. Only the Absolute, the sovereign God, is power and energy. Obey his will to find them. One does not marry truth and falsehood.

    Here is why I believe paganism failed and the fittest survived:

    And what shall I more say? …Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens?

    Manly, isn’t it?

  15. #15 by AFKANNow on 12/28/2008 - 9:53 pm

    in reply to Pain:

    Yes, it is quite “manly,” and very absent from the current state of Christianity, which has become, at the Institutional level, JUDEO-Christianity, favored by women, and help in soft, quiet contempt by Men who refuse to attend services – the intellectual version of the gelding knife – more than twice a year, “for the sake of the family.”

    Your writing reminds me of the writing of Savitri Devi, when she said that National Socialism had not failed, as it had not been tried, in NSDAP Germany.

    There was a “Men’s Movement” in evangelical circles, about twenty years ago or so, but that quickly was co-opted in becoming a parody of itself.

    There MUST be a restoration of serious, focused, disciplined, positive Masculinity in the Christian framework.

    This is a project I have been working on VERY quietly with my Nephews.

    Paganism HAD power and energy; it was misapplied, and failed to a Greater Power. Tapped as they were in the Light of Intelligence as their Concepotual Framework, they did not see that this essentially went everywhere but UP, to every place but Better.

    I wish you well with the seminary, but I know, from bitter experience, how you will be treated the minute you mention anything positive about Race.

    Perhaps this might be the time to begin to Be what you want the world to Become?

    Incidentally, I agree with you about the Asatru, but saw them as a possible beginning for a possible organization.

    Nothing more.

    Looking forward to your comments on YouTube!

    approved by:  p

  16. #16 by Pain on 12/28/2008 - 10:02 pm

    Thanks, Afkan. Flattery will get you everywhere.

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