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Dave on Conservation and Stagnation

Posted by Bob on September 5th, 2009 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses


Casrro’s Cuba is now entering its sixth decade of STRUGGLE.

The nonwhite majority has got its President but that is merely a milepost (according to them) in eighty years of ongoing (and not yet and will never be finished) STRUGGLE.

According to the environmentalists, we face decades of STRUGGLE against carbon emissions and the very sun itself. (How dumb can you get? Struggling against the sun itself?)

When the economic recovery inevitably fails to materialize, the Establishment will certainly tell us years of STRUGGLE are required to correct our debt induced economic malaise

We WN’s own our (very own) endless STRUGGLE.against the nonwhite majority and our anti-white white traitor enemies.

But what WN’s need to understand is the language of STRUGGLE is the semantic domain of stagnation (and when you use the language of STRUGGLE, you are playing into the hands of the enemy).

In his old age Masanobu Fukuoka (one of the founders of the organic farming movement) obtained enlightenment about the hopeless state of his own people. He said, “Japan’s only hope is change from the creative energies of white people (who according to Masanobu are only people capable of real change), for the Japanese are incapable of change themselves.”

He went on to say, “ There is no advantage God delivers into Japan’s lap that the Japanese will not turn into an unnecessary and endless effort of labor, cost, and sacrifice.”

Furthermore, he said, “ Nothing can possibly be easy for Japanese. Everything that is effortless in fact, they transform into pain, cost, and STRUGGLE through philosophy“

He concluded: “They are the opposite of the efficient people they pretend to be. For them there is only one road, the hardest road and the most expensive road. They are incapable of IMAGINING anything effortless and easy.”

Hardly anybody gets what Masanobu understood: IMAGINATION MATTERS.

When you come to understand the importance of imagination, you are delivered into the vertex of power.

The effective use of your voice to enforce your own personal will (mostly through strategic silence) is EASY. Winning arguments is EASY. Spreading influence is EASY.

Defeating the depredations of corrupt laws and courts is EASY.

Dealing with tyrannical police is EASY.

Mitigating the assaults of the political system is EASY.

Almost without exception, the most effective road is the EASIEST ROAD to take.

This is the polar opposite of what the nonwhite majority and their anti-white white traitor allies believe. For them, everything is HARD. Everything is STRUGGLE.

And when you hear STRUGGLE, when you think STRUGGLE, you are experiencing the world of stagnation

  1. #1 by robwinfield on 09/19/2009 - 8:12 am

    Check this out and go vote and/or send “vents” to this person.

    Most of them are White nationalist toned posts. It looks like we are actually a majority in the country. The moment a place opens up for us to speak, our side is both numerous and vociferous.

    Our dominating presence on the comment boards is the harbinger of what will be our presence on the streets, that is, our overall influence on the culture.

    Racialism is NOT the deviance; it’s the norm. It looks to me that the pathologization of Whites’ normal instincts is running it’s course. Millions of us are being forced to make a conscious choice, and are rejecting the their fundamental premise.

    Every person reading this post who is a serious White nationalist — here is my message to you at this tide-turning, most historical moment, which will only be recognized as such after the fact.

    Cultural ideas and cultural norms proceed in succession. Just like all living creatures, the old ones die off, and a newer, more adapted to the times, generation, takes its place.

    The Baby Boomer liberal cultural norm was based on very specific, and anomalous conditions. It was the “blowing off the national inheritance, and invite in the world to share the land” generation. Woody Guthrie, a perfect of example of a demonic jew camouflaging himself with a toothy twang and a folksy image, singinjg “this land is your land, this land is my land.” I was always disgusted by that song, always knowing instinctively that life on earth is an animal struggle. There’s not a damned thing in Nature that would ever sing that Woody Guthrie song.

    Also, “share the land” was a phrase in some hippie song. If anyone knows it, let me know. I remember hearing that as a kid, and thinking, “Bull——shit!” Also, someone at my school rephrased the Woody Guthrie anthem, “This land is my land, this land ain’t your land, I’ve got a shotgun, and you ain’t got one, so you better get off, before I blow your head off, this land is private property.”

    That’s what life was when we first came here. It was a constant struggle to claim land, and we won. All the schoolbooks say, “Oh boo hoo, it’s evil to colonise the planet for your race. Boo hoo genocide, boo hoo, racial supremacy.”

    Any race does that if and when they can. Any animals do that. Any bacteria does that. Any plant does that. Any mold or fungus does that. Boo hoo, White Nature is evil. The White Devils must not be allowed to follow their Natural Inclinations.

    Boo hoo, Whites were highly successful animals on the planet, let’s hate them for it, and most importantly, teach what ones we can to hate their own kind!

    Life on this continent is going to become a struggle to claim land again, my White brothers and sisters. It’s going to become town by town tribal warfare. It’s already being waged of course, against us, but the time will come when we wage it back.

    We will learn a new, more subtle, more Semitic form of conflict. Up to now, we have known physical warfare. PW is the fastest way from point A to point B, and we always preferred a more effortless, if bloodier, route.

    Our history has not taught us to wage tribal, spiritual warfare, but that’s what’s been waged on us. Now we are getting the crash course.

    This form of warfare does not require military precision or absolute loyalty of all warriors. When there is a cultural shift, a large number of people start pushing in a certain direction, and many decisions are made and conspiracies formulated and carried out, towards that end.

    One thing I know about the White nationalist movement, and that I really like, is the absolutely fanatical dedication of the people that I know in it. If the people I encountered were a bunch of screw-ups and losers, I’d have probably looked for some other avenue for my ends. But the people I’ve known in these 9 years are quiet fanatics, like me, and are completely on board with economic/cultural plan I am carrying out.

    If you are creative enough, then you can do effective things that are legal. Besides being legal, they are nearly effortless and vastly rewarding. When I read this passage by Bob Whitaker, I understood exactly what he was talking about:


  2. #2 by robwinfield on 09/19/2009 - 8:14 am

    Focus on being Middle Class, the movers and shakers who change things
    If you want to put yourself in the position of influence, be an entrepreneur. For years I didn’t get this. I grew up watching TV, like all or most of us, and I always thought I wanted to be, or thought I had to be, something “heroic,” or “professional.”

    I have always wanted to be a craftsman or artist of some sort. I always wanted to do something skilled and endlessly fascinating, a product of creativity that is effortless and brilliant and artistic.

    But the people who influence society have generally unheroic, and non-artistic sources of income, either interest payments and/or surplus labor of others.

    A small entrepreneur, who is a minor expert in a minor field, for example, a freelance book-keeper/accountant, or a landscaper, or a computer repair guy, gets to serve his community and meet the people in it. And because he owns his own labor, he does a little better than average. But even more important, he meets people as a free man, not an indentured corporate serf.

    When you have your own business, if some person you meet wants to go into business with you, or if you are single and meet someone mutually interesting, you are free to pursue that. You don’t have to “call your boss” and make up some excuse, or say, “I’ll call you when I get out of work.”

    Heidi Beirich can’t call anyone in an attempt to take away your livelihood. They could probably take out a full page ad bashing you in a local paper, and it would just be free advertising to the closet racists out there, and most other customers wouldn’t even care or read that newspaper.

    There is one risk to this path, and Glenn Miller rightly pointed it out. Nothing like experience and age to know the outcomes of scenarios.

    Glenn Miller pointed out that if we become middle class, some of us will drop White nationalism and just enjoy life. You know what? That’s OK, because more will join, and there’s plenty of us who are fanatic enough that we’d still do this no matter what.

    The people in Glenn Miller’s experience were and are enduring real hard core suffering in the Kwa. Glenn was in the process of organizing a real live Peasant Rebellion down there in North Carolina, along the lines of Stenka Razin or Emelian Pugachev. It most certainly very real, with blood and life on the line. I read his book, and the Peasant Rebellion period before he got busted is absolutely real and verifiable. It could have been the beginning of another Civil War, actually. He’s going to be in the history books. That was a significant historical event in US history.

    But no Peasant Rebellion or Guerilla War will get very far, if it doesn’t have the middle class behind it, and leading it for that matter. One of the big jobs of the Middle Class Officer Class, is to prevent the enlisted White Peasants from doing things what will get them busted by the kwaps, and make sure the Peasants take thier chilluns to the dentist and martial arts and music lessons and feed them real food isntead of Cheetos and Pepsi.

    The Middle class is the one to organize the campaign, raise the army, and fight intelligently rather than stupidly. I refer to the above Bob Whitaker post — what we need to do will be effortless. It will come from creativity and intelligence.

    I have seen both “endless struggle” of colored minds, and “effortlessness” of White minds. Here’s an example of “endless struggle.”

    The cycle of “domestic violence” and reconciliation. these people have nothing more interesting in life than to fight and bloody up, and get arrested and doi a restraining order, and then the woman rescinds the restraining order and then reconcile and have “awesome makeup sex” even before the bruises heal, and then do it all over again. Often ending up in murder.

    Here’s an example of effortlessness.

    YouTube – Mozart – Divertimento K. 136

    Obviously, you don’t need to be a string player to participate in White effortlessness. This is just a very illustrative example of how White creativity works. They may be playing something someone else wrote, but their bodies had to subtly adjust and adapt to be able to do something that sophisticated.

    Endless struggle or creativity and effortlessness. Take your pick.
    There are no volunteer multiculturalists.
    Equality is a costly charade.
    Liberalism is moral outrage at reality — Cowboy Zeke
    The comment boards today, the streets tomorrow.

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