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He Ignored the Danger Signs, Promote Him!

Posted by Bob on August 12th, 2010 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

When a crisis occurs people rush to pay the experts.

But a crisis is usually by definition a failure of the experts.

Let us say you are in combat. You only realize there is an enemy weapon in a particularly place because some of your men got killed by a shot from it. Obviously you need to know more about the location where that weapon was located, so you bring in your people who were scouting that area because they know more about that particular area than scouts reporting from a different area.

But you don’t give them a medal.

Highly paid and well-known experts in our society are usually those who have let the most casualties occur in their area..

I predicted on September 11 and 12, 2001 that not only would not one single intelligence officer even be personally criticized for what happened but that all of them would get a boost in rank and pay. At the time, when people were screaming about the intelligence failures, that seemed impossible.

Today, it is utterly forgotten that anyone ever asked for any explanation for the criminal failures of 9-11.

White agricultural experts and white farmers are considered about the least exciting people in our society. Nobody even knows that, for the first time in human history, there is more than enough food for everybody on earth and when starvation comes it is not accepted passively anywhere on earth.

Farmers and agricultural science have succeeded on a monumental scale. So they get no attention.

A crisis is a FAILURE. We treat failure, especially colossal failure, as the reason to promote people and increase their budgets and put them on talk shows and read their books.

Usually one of the greatest signs of success in a political system is when people don’t bother to vote. In our world where we worship the Root Canal a low turnout is seen as a disaster, a reason to have political experts write books on the failure of the system.

When the American political system was at its most stable commentators were constantly bitching about how few Americans voted compared to the Election Day March in Europe.

Europeans didn’t vote because they were concerned. Quite the opposite. Almost all Europeans considered voting a Duty. They went to the polls unanimously and cast the same vote for the same party.

Americans only bothered to vote when they didn’t trust the rest of the electorate.

Compared to the Communist countries, even the Europeans had too small an electorate. North Korea once reported that one hundred percent of its ballots were cast, presumably including by those in comas.

But no one questions whether heavy voting is a healthy sign. The scouts who didn’t find that gun that killed their comrades will not receive praise. But experts who do exactly the same thing have ensured themselves promotion and book sales.

  1. #1 by BGLass on 08/12/2010 - 9:34 am

    Heavy voting appears a “healthy sign” only b/c communist-trained academics and t.v. “pundits” are repeatedly told “engagement with the system” is “part of the struggle.”

    It is part of the struggle to enhance their jobs, lol. Hannity during the tea party “uprising,” kept saying he’d never seen “the base so energized.” B/c angry people are more sensational, the ratings go up, he hopes, and his job is more secure. So he was happy. He’s an “expert,” which is really a football-throwing executive appointee commentator, so he will be called to comment and maybe write a book and make even more money. So voting is good FOR HIM, personally.

    The “elite” had “reached” the “energized base” and had “engaged” them. Sometimes people don’t vote b/c their lives are fine. Other times, though, they really are disaffected. The possibility of disaffection causes fear, when it is glimpsed, since the people become unpredictable.

    Strangely, Hannity (and others) clearly see themselves as somehow “spokespersons” for the “base.” I, personally, am Mr. O’Reilly’s “little guy.” Almost categorically, speakers are Jews and Catholics, neither with a sense of Protestant history and imagination, (a religion still is over half the country). This comes into play a lot on the Muslim questions, since the Protestants/Northern Europe have a different relationship with Islam, but instead, experts own personal (and cultural/religious) realities are expressed and projected as if they belong to everyone in the world.

    Things that signify largely to the pundits aren’t even on the radar of many citizens and vise versa. Anyway, even schools teach that, during a crisis, it is appropriate to quickly “position yourself.” Always CYA and be ready to move.

    It’s not about generating a real and thriving society, but cashing in on the system, by CYA and ready to move. The main type of paper in schools is the “Position Paper” (where you learn to explain yourself.) Or “justify your existence,” (in long years of preparation for presenting yourself to a public who thinks you are insane).

    I’m studying housing. Real estate brokers are sitting pretty, raking in money—now from foreclosures or new government financing and so on. Life has never been so good. Or maybe they are a new cottage industry–for now, they must “stage homes” and so forth. (This is –to them– “new job creation” b/c it created a job for THEM.)

    But none care about the internal reality (inside themselves) the fracturing of mind that occurs for them in this situation, or how this fractured mind will affect their kids. If I point this out— they categorically say (and without knowing me at all), that I —(supposedly unlike them as they are exposing they are secretly comparing us)— can “AFFORD” to care.

    In other words, they SAY they are in for the money; due to this, they feel they CANNOT “afford” to take a deeper look at anything going on around them, (and how they are really eating).

    The Housing Crisis is a great place to be. Brokers are positive about the future. They cannot understand why buyers and sellers are so negative. It always “comes back!”

    So: To them, fellow citizens are like invertebrates— starfish or worms—who have mysterious constant powers of limb regeneration.

    They always “grow back.”

    THIS MEANS they are always being amputated. Or sheared like head hair.

    People in those jobs are money shavers. They shave off money. They clip, cut, amputate—things they pray will “grow back.” If the vast majority did not amputate others for a living, those attempting to live would not have to “come back.” The American life is that of a plant, ever pruned, the root finally too damaged to grow.

  2. #2 by Dave on 08/12/2010 - 10:22 am

    No accountability is the essence of tyranny and dictatorship. The Federal Government goes out of its way to make the point. It is deliberate: Their motto (absolutely seriously taken) is, “We are not accountable for anything under any circumstances, ever”.

    It isn’t only that Federal employees are given a pass for their failures. It is the whole point of their rule and the very essence of their relationship to the public. They go out of their way to condition the public to the expectation that there will never be the slightest accountability under any circumstance with no exceptions, ever.

    There will be no accountability no matter how egregious the failure. Count on it. Count on it is assuredly as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 08/12/2010 - 11:35 am

    Well this blog just went \provincial.\

    \Crisis\ is a two way street, but we here are treating it like \Respectables\ who sit around going to each other, \What are we gonna say about the next crisis our liberal friends cook up?\

    I want to know about this crisis of anti-white rhetorica and actions.

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