Archive for August 27th, 2010

What NEO Means

In the 2008 election, a leftist strategy was leaked which said “Find an opponent and call him a racist.”

Conservatives quoted this but it still worked beautifully. It worked because it is correct.
Conservatives base their American history upon the views of a man who knew his STATED historical view was absurd, Abraham Lincoln.

Everyone else knows it, too. You have to choose between the RACIAL views of our Founding Fathers or anything any of the Rousseau-Marxist Mommy Professors come up with.

Leftism is still based on the early twentieth century view that animals have no class system, no wars — “Only Man Has Wars” was a leftist hippie slogan, and no territory.

That nonsense is SHOT. But conservatives are even sillier. They posit a theory that everything liberals did until on or about January 1, 1970 was dead right, but at that moment it all went unaccountably wrong.

That’s insane.

National Review is full of praise for every liberal before 1970. It praises Lyndon Johnson’s policies rather than him personally because the people they follow, the liberals, can’t bring themselves to praise Lyndon.

This, by the way, is the true definition of neo-conservatism. The term has gotten a meaning of being Jewish or all for war, but the actual definition is neo, which means that it condemns the old conservatism National Review was founded on, and its conservatism, that is, its opposition to liberal proposals, is new, or neo-.

A writer in National Review was complaining that all the alternative histories end up showing how awful history would be if it were different. But that is the theme of National Review today. If Lincoln and Roosevelt and Johnson had not succeeded, the world would have been lost.

Only National Review would have a cover picture of Franklin Roosevelt and Churchill, saying They Saved the World. They did the same thing with Lincoln.

Would the world have ended if Britain had not declared war on Germany in 1939?

To question that is “racist,” according to National Review.

REAL neo-conservatism begins by conceding history to the Left. Its main voices are Jewish, but EVERYBODY’S main voices are Jewish. Everybody’s main voices used to be in New England.

So we can either feed our obsession or deal in reality. The reality is that neo-conservatism concedes history to the political left. That is the DEFINITION of NEO-conservatism.

Both of today’s official sides declare that all history was good until on or about January 1, 1970. So naturally all alternative histories that are PUBLISHED declare that any deviation from real history before January 1, 1970 would have been a disaster.

But can a person who concedes history to the left be a conservative?



Adelheim: The Mantra in Action: Questions and Answers IV

Anti-white: And there are non-whites that do not benefit from any programs or quotas, but just want an end to all kinds of discrimination and racism because it is wrong.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): You Alzheimer anti-whites always pretend you never read this: “Quotes the mantra”


Anti-white: There are more Whites in Africa than there are Blacks in Europe, there are more Whites in Asia than there are Asians in America, There are more Whites in India than there are Indians in Scotland.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): If you select it this way, ther are more Eskimos in America, too. But Europe and America will be a majority non-white by the middle of the century, and that is what you are for. As I said, YOUR intent is genocide, what you call “assimilation:” “Quotes the mantra”

Anti-white: (Six-Man Race Shows the Value of Diversity – Stormfront)

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Let us assume the impossible: That instead of regurgitating the usual Diversity Poster, this guy could THINK.

My point was the six-man, all black race was exactly what we would expect to see in a real championship race. Look at the photos in each case in this standard and packaged Diversity Poster the same way:

Imagine a country made up 90% of the kind of people pictured IN EACH CASE.

In EVERY case, the ones made up of 90% whites would be where the brown ones would be going to get a better life. In the real world, it is the same as the six-man race.

It is easy to realize that the six black man race simply shows what blacks obviously do best.

You and Mommy Professor can talk until you are blue in the face about it is an accident that the six black runners you see are an accident, but no one is going do anything but laugh at you.

Blacks win the race. Mulattoes lose it. Get rid of the whites and the whole world looks like the colored countries where people do NOT want to go.

You do the standard Diversity poster and that is supposed to show that the fact that white countries are ALL where the brown ones want to go is somehow irrelevant because you are so Loving.

This is, speaking charitably, moronic.

If that’s a Brainy Spic, I’d hate to see a DUMB one.

Anti-white: I would love for my son to marry a nice Panamanian girl… but if he wants to marry a Colombian, or American… what can I do about it?

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Get real.

The only right being suppressed is the right of white people to have their own lands and you KNOW it: “Quotes the mantra”

Statement: That is the nature of the liberal, the leftist, the anti. Hypocrisy, contradiction, and yes double standard as you said friend.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): The anti-WHITE.

They are comfortable with “anti.”

Anti-WHITE makes a point: “Quotes the mantra”


Anti-white: I’m researching White Nationalism and am interested to find out some answers to my questions.

1.) Do you believe that we did an injustice to the American Indians after we became a country? Why or why not?

2.) Do you believe we have have a financial obligation to American Indians and African Americans that were brought over during the slave trade?

3.) What do you think is the reason White Nationalist groups are developing very quickly in this country?

4.) How do you feel about White people who do not agree with your point of view?

5.) Do you believe it is wrong to hurt someone when they do not agree with you or if they are part of a minority group?

Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): If each Indian tribe is paying reparations to the people they replaced whites might pay, too. If Inuits are paying reparations to the Nordics they replaced, it might be Okay. If the blacks are paying reparations to the Hottentots they forced out and slaughtered all over Capoid Africa, maybe so.

Do you know ANY real history at all?

Statement: Russia/Eastern European are unmistakenly part of the European race, but they are not considered Western. Ultimately, what does that mean?

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): It is a corollary to what I said:

Those who are obsessed with “culture” are enemies to our RACE.

Anti-white: I’m white. My Dad’s Austrian. My mom’s American and she is of mostly English and French descent.

I was born with blond hair and blue eyes, but as the days went on my hair has turned brown.

That’s 100% the truth.

There’s no way of proving it unless I post a picture of myself, which I won’t. So whatever.

Call me a race traitor if you want. I don’t care.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): You are, in short, a true traitor.

I pointed out that whites had done nothing that non-whites would not have done had they had the power. You said that was not proven.

You are saying that whites are genetically evil and need to be done away with.

That is not an intellectual position. That is a declaration of war and should be treated as such.

Anti-white: you claim that every other race is more violent but white people have done so much violence and killed so many people. It doesn’t make sense.

Think about it, white people have caused destruction everywhere. North America, South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East. is there any place that you haven’t wrecked?

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Whites have committed no evils other races would not have done had they had the power.

Slavery was everywhere. What was shameful was that WHITES would sink to it.

ONLY white people ever felt ashamed of slavery or abolished it.

Whites have committed no UNIQUE evils. We have done many, many unique GOOD things. The device you are using now is one of them.


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