Archive for August 26th, 2010

The Mantra in Action

Adelheim’s basic work in finding and sending my arguments against anti-whites on Stormfront is important.

But BUGS will run these with new articles, because the first, of course, got no comments. A commenter tells me that Kelso’s whitenewsnow has some discussion of it, which I will look up. But for BUGSers, nothing about this is new.

But if you are being trained in using a weapon, you can learn all about the theory and how to take it apart and put it back together and its effects in action. But you still have to pull the trigger, and your instructor has to watch you do it.

I do not want this to make BUGS boring. So skip it if you like. But I do want BoardAd to put in the whole Mantra where I do. I want everybody to see that what works is repetition. You pull the trigger over and over and over.

There are only a few of these. Then Adelheim added some of his own replies using this method. To me, this is very important.

If this bores YOU, it is because you know about the Mantra. But if you are bored, the other side is driven up the wall. They can’t deal with it.

We are the ONLY source of the Mantra. NOBODY but BUGS and the shows set up by BUGS members ever mentions the Mantra.

There is a lot of difference between theory and practice. Some people may agree with the theory of hammering in the Mantra, but when they start doing it, they have an urge to expand it to be more interesting or look better.

The Bang! Bang! Bang! I advocate is the one I practiced. It is a tough discipline.

And it is a lot like Classical warfare. The Greeks beat the Persians because the Persians used a mass attack, while the Greeks held together. Rome perfected this technique, locking shields and going in as a solid block. They formed an early tank, the testudo or tortoise, by forming a square and using the central shields as a roof.

This was easy theory and terribly hard practice. In the midst of a battle, it is against every instinct. When the moment comes, some want to run and some want to hold back and some want to go beserker.

On the Field of Mars Romans practiced doing the same thing, together, for thousands of hours.

I would like to hear from BUGSERS who have practice in using the Mantra this way.

I am sure everyone on the Field of Mars would rather have been hearing tales of Great Heroes and practicing far more exciting tactics.

But it is critical for the few of us who have found the fatal dent in the enemy lines to show how we pull the trigger or lock shields.



Adelheim: The Mantra in Action: Questions and Answers III

Anti-white: “No one can “force” you to accept diversity.”

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Then you describe the diversity we are forced to accept.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): The “DUHH!” approach.

So you’ve never heard anybody talk about a race problem. You’ve never heard the white race condemned.

You’ve never heard anybody insist on open borders.

You’ve never heard anybody say the Final Solution to race is “mixing THE races,” when they mean only mixing races in predominantly white countries.

I am not even sure this comes up to the level of a good solid lie. It is certainly not a reply, and it is less than childish.

Mommy Professor will Let you get away with this crap, but you’re not with Mommy Professor here.

“Quotes the mantra”


Anti-white: Hey now, we prefer to be called pro-humanity.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Stalin called himself a friend of humanity, too. “Quotes the mantra”


Anti-white: (writes a long rant about something)

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): You haven’t read a word we’ve said, have you? If Mommy Professor didn’t say it you don’t hear it. I used to be a professor myself.

I just pointed out that whites who are anti-white are the most rabid of all. It make you feel virtuous.

Another thing you never noticed is something I repeat and you anti-whites complain I keep repeating it but you never address it: “Quotes the mantra”


Statement: Of course the anti-whites don’t seem to understand that 60% of Jews make up the student body of Georgetown or Harvard, and are considered to be “Whites.”

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Jews are whatever they choose to all themselves at the moment, minority, white, religion, nation.


“Quotes the mantra”

Anti-white: I’m not a racist and I’m not a WN. I don’t hate white people and I’m not against whites preserving their culture and identity. I’m white.

What I’m against is this hatred that many white nationalists have towards people of colour.

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): What you are is this: “Quotes the mantra”

Anti-white: (a long rant I am an Asian and I am shocked – Page 34 – Stormfront )

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): This seems to begin with a complaint that we do not FULLY allow anti-whites to speak out here and ends with a demand that we be suppressed entirely.
Anti-white: …..

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Anti-whites are always spouting about how massive immigration and assimilation demanded of ALL white countries and ONLY white countries is just Freedom.

I am really ticked off at my comrades for NEVER telling the truth about this.

The same anti-white who spouts this libertarian nonsense knows very well that free speech does not apply to US, but I am STILL waiting for us to SAY so every time this crap appears.

They keep saying we can live in our own bunkers if we want to. Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, it is forbidden for us to do so.

But no one points this out.

As O’Reilly said, “There should be no all-white ANYTHING in America.”

At least O’Reilly SAYS it. That’s more than my comrades do here.

For all their “diversity” talk, the fact is that all-white areas are forbidden because people will MOVE there. If we had freedom of choice integration would be doomed in the long term.

That is the justification for our entire set of laws, the ones O’Reilly is all for and states so clearly. Why do my comrades let the anti-whites get away with this “Freedom” crap?


Anti-white: I don’t believe this. I’m fine with as many Europeans emigrating outside of Europe and other European-majority regions. I’m part-South Asian in a country that originally had an Australian Aboriginal majority, so it would be hypocritical of me to deny this of other people of European descent (I’m also half-White).

Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): All anti-whites claim that. But in the real world: “Quotes the mantra”


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