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Adelheim: The Mantra in Action: Questions and Answers

Posted by Bob on August 23rd, 2010 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

This is a summary of some of the responses Bob gave to anti-whites on Stormfront.
Anti-white: So if I am against an Asians who say that Negroes are inferior, I’m being anti-white?
Africa for everyone
Asia for everyone
White countries for everyone
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): It doesn’t matter if you ALSO believe horses are purple. The point is that what you are pushing this: “Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: That… that doesn’t make any sense.
I make a statement about my beliefs – saying that as many people of European ethnic backgrounds can immigrate to wherever they want – and you respond with what quotes from someone else? What? How did that contradict anything I said?
Anti-racist is not a codeword for anti-White. I am against racism, in all its forms. I am against, say, a Japanese person or a Zulu or whatever being racist against European peoples.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): This is how your “anti-racism” WORKS on Planet Earth: “Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: I don’t believe so called “anti-racists” are so much anti white……I would more likely refer to them as deceived.
Most of them have been indoctrinated by the mainstream politically correct press and media, and most have probably attended university, which has furthered their brainwashing.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): They are anti-white and proud of it. To white anti-whites, hating white people is a form of virtuous self-sacrifice.
Remember that we are part of a tradition, both Puritan and monastic Catholicism, that has often gone overboard in the area of self-hatred. There is a fine line between acknowledging one’s guilt and going into all-out self-hatred, and our established religion, Political Correctness, wipes that line out on racial issues.
The first building stone of our established religion today is total self-hatred. If any European professor said the same things about blacks or Orientals or, above all, Jews, that European professors routinely say about whites, he would be in prison.
Anti-whites are PROUD to be anti-white.
Anti-white: The most anti-racist people I’ve met ARE white. How can they be anti-themselves?? That correlation makes no sense.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): It’s called treason, dumb-dumb. It happens all the time.
You’ve never HEARD of self-hatred?
Anti-white: That… that doesn’t make any sense.
I make a statement about my beliefs – saying that as many people of European ethnic backgrounds can immigrate to wherever they want – and you respond with what quotes from someone else? What? How did that contradict anything I said?
Anti-racist is not a codeword for anti-White. I am against racism, in all its forms. I am against, say, a Japanese person or a Zulu or whatever being racist against European peoples.
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): You are part of a program to end the existence, SPECIFICALLY, of the white race. That is its PRACTICAL, REAL result. To say that is d not anti-white is like saying that those who supported slavery were just objectively pro-property.
“Quotes the mantra”
Anti-white: However, one can’t say that if one is anti-racist one is anti-white
Pro-white (from Bob Whitaker): Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth: “Quotes the mantra”

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