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Sea Battle

Posted by Bob on January 1st, 2012 under Coaching Session

Or rather, battle when one’s opponent is AT sea.

Dungeoneer has discovered the joy of kicking the enemy when he is :

I asked PomonaPunkRock this question 20 times and it was a total lockout:

“Do you deny that White GeNOcide is your goal? So far you have only denied the METHOD, you are using to eliminate White people is genocide.”

Sorry to repeat myself, but I found it mind-blowing, once I realized exactly what it was she was admitting, by her silence. Its one thing to hear it from Bob, but getting it from the horse’s mouth is different. They really are in a lot of trouble. Lol

The enemy is totally adrift when you use the Mantra right. You should not only pour it on, you should ENJOY pouring it on.

In the early wars with Britain, American ships were always smaller so they concentrated on using chain balls to dismast the enemy while they took his direct broadside. The Brits really looked like they were winning . Their huge beautiful Man of War had hardly a scratch on it, and the American was riddled.

But then the Brits realized that they couldn’t maneuver any more. The American ship could pound them at will.

And DID.

One other point about this I haven’t seen discussed in history books is that the Americans had the range on the masts. Aiming artillery or even rifles in the middle of a battle when the sea is rolling and your ship is being rocked by enemy hits, not to mention that you are only getting glimpses of your target through the black powder haze is close to impossible.

But by the time the Brits got to trying to repair the damage to their sails, American gunners had had n hour’s practice on hitting them. Any British seaman trying to get up there would be picked off by rifles or hit by grape shot or ripped to pieces by chain shot.

After getting shoved around by the giant British Navy all those years, this must have been a wonderful experience for Americans.

So enjoy it, Dungeoneer, while I cheer you on.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 01/01/2012 - 11:26 am

    Bob addressed this a week or so ago with the post about how our little groups so used to losing that the only thing left to them is doctrinal purity. Winning is much better than doctrinal purity, at least for me, and god bless Bob for being Bob and giving me a tool more powerful than Thor’s Hammer.

    Mantra predictions; 1, the Mantra works its way thru the left’s cult system till it arrives at some “leader’s” foot, and that leader screws up and actually addresses it and demands the “respectable” conservatives crush us. 2, Some respectable out of pure frustration at lefty’s election year race baiting calls his/her opponent an “anti-white”, the establisment has a cow.

    • #2 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/01/2012 - 2:42 pm

      I never loose a debate.

      I get death threats, a lot of nasty insults, but I never loose.

      Leftists are not very smart, if they were, then they could not possibly support the Left.

      A friend of mine will carry on a debate for days, or even weeks, and finally when the Leftist says “that’s it, I am just not going to waste any more time on this” he will reply “then you are admitting that I am right!” and then of course the debate will start all over again, but he doesn’t loose either.

      The important part is that thousands of people might observe such a debate.

  2. #3 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/01/2012 - 12:10 pm

    HA HA! PURE DELIGHT at Bob’s post and Simmon’s second paragraph!!

    Happy New Year, fellow bugsters, it’s going to be glorious!

  3. #4 by meawhiterabbit on 01/01/2012 - 12:21 pm

    LOL PomonaPunkRock is hysterical. Check out her youtube page

    I quote “kill the white rabbit”

    Anyway thanks for that one Dungeoneer. Thats in my mantra notepad/tick bag.

  4. #5 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/01/2012 - 2:34 pm

    The most important fact about the Loony Leftists refusal to answer simple questions is that OBSERVERS will see the refusal. They might wonder WHY the Leftist refuses to answer questions. Some of them might even begin to THINK!

  5. #6 by dungeoneer on 01/01/2012 - 3:59 pm

    This specific attack was actually Old Blighty`s.

    I`ve been looking for something like this,a short “short-circuit” way of connecting their agenda and their denial of genocide,to the reality of the genocide.

    Excellent work OB.

  6. #7 by Scrivener on 01/01/2012 - 4:09 pm

    I enjoy poking at PomonaPunkRock. It always makes me smile. This anti-White is still operating in an anti-Fascist paradigm (thinking she can attack Whites while claiming only to be against fascism), so she’s easy to confound.

    Before the Mantra, the “anti-fascist” strategy had some success. Unfortunately for her, we here at BUGS have changed the rules of engagement and PomonaPunkRock not only didn’t SEE the memo, but seems to actively IGNORE it.

    She doesn’t know how to deal with people calling her out on her anti-White worldview.

    I’d feel sorry for her if she weren’t out to genocide my grandchildren.

  7. #8 by Scrivener on 01/01/2012 - 4:27 pm

    “I’d feel sorry for her if she weren’t out to genocide my grandchildren.”

    I just re-read what I wrote. I’m not one to blow my own horn, but that’s a really good bit of conceptualizing.

    We’re in this for our grandchildren, or, if we’re already grandparents, for our great-grandchildren.

    Anti-whites ONLY think of the here and now; well, at least they try to keep the rhetoric here and now. WE are a race, a family, and a continuum. We are our ancestors, we are ourselves, and we are our descendants.

    It is important to have a good grip on this, because it’s easier to SEE genocide when you realize their trying to prevent your descendants. You are the descendants of your ancestors. Without you, our race would not exist.

    They want our genocide, but they rely on temporally provincial language to keep from actually SAYING so.

    Anti-whites may claim they don’t want to round us up and kill us, but they ALWAYS say that they don’t want large numbers of White grandchildren to be born.

    I WANT my grandchildren, and I want them to be of my race, to share my temperament and my spirit. I DON’T want to be one of those sad grandparents I see in the mall watching after mulatto children, and knowing that there will never be a descendant like them again for the rest of human history.

    • #9 by meawhiterabbit on 01/02/2012 - 8:09 am

      Even with brainwashed Whites the main problem is getting them to see beyond their next meal, paycheck, beer, oragasm!
      Time and time again I use the “your great grandchildren” approach.
      The other killer for me is “individualism.” What does it matter to ME personally?! I can do whatever I like! Drives me a bit insane having to debate that with my brainwashed friends! Pierce presented some good stuff on this……….has Bob ever written about “individualism?”

      • #10 by OldBlighty on 01/02/2012 - 8:48 am

        “What does it matter to ME personally?! ”

        Bob has in two posts I remember, but sorry, I don’t have the links.

        Bob was tearing strips off the so called Greatest Generation (Weakest Generation) and the Baby Boomers. He said a bad generation gave birth to an even worse one.

        Baby Boomers don’t care what happens to their children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren, because they are selfish brats. All they care about is “ME”.

        And something that made a selfish older respectable I know really think, is when I made Bob’s point that great civilizations were not built or maintained, by people that don’t think about what will happen after they die.

        Great civilizations have only collapsed, when selfish brats like the Baby Boomers, get control of them.

        You probably won’t have any friends left, if you call them selfish brats. But you know it is true. lol

        • #11 by OldBlighty on 01/02/2012 - 8:56 am

          Perhaps you can call the Baby Boomers selfish brats, but list the qualities of your selfish friends? It could be a sneaky way to rage against their selfish behavior, but you still get to keep them as friends.

          • #12 by meawhiterabbit on 01/02/2012 - 10:55 am

            Thanks OB. I will have a search around. I noticed Bob has something on Rand.

  8. #13 by Creator on 01/01/2012 - 4:34 pm

    Happy New Year.

    YES, I am ENJOYING myself immensely.

  9. #14 by Epiphany on 01/01/2012 - 6:07 pm

    The whole point is that, of all the Whites in the World, the anti–Whites pick on two in particular, the Anglo Saxons and the German Americans. Some even say that the original Anglo Saxons (English) come from Northern Germany. The same Hollywood Industry which vilifies the National Socialists, and their military, can and do also vilify the militaries of the United States and the British Empire, from time to time.

    Hollywood certainly is trying to induce a guilt complex, among Whites, about the conflict in Indo China. They certainly do not want anyone to feel guilt about what happened to the Germans and the Japanese, during and after THe Second World War. We may ask, why are the lives of the Vietnamese Communists more important? Why are their deaths more mourned, than those of the Germans and Japanese?

    I am suprised that Americans do not, in their own way, feel at least as much hatred for the Vietnamese Communists as for anyone. Still, the U.S. Media always goes on and on about the Fascist Powers of the Second World War!

  10. #15 by Epiphany on 01/01/2012 - 6:44 pm

    Political Correctness is hatred towards Whites!

  11. #16 by AntiracistRAntiWhite on 01/01/2012 - 11:45 pm

    I have communicated extensively with PomonaPunkRock as well.

    He/she/it starts to rant about “unity and respect”.

    Unity???? Unity??? Based on what? They sure do not want unity based on race and religion.

    Unity based on hating white people? 🙁

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