Archive for January 4th, 2012

Other Methods for the Mantra Are Your Artillery Cover

No one really knows how ideas are spread. Before I really got into campaigns I thought once a candidate had statewide or national advertisements on television, he would concentrate on Big Stuff.

I got that impression beaten out of me dragging behind a major party candidate at 7 am while we waited for a chance for the hands to show up so we could shake them.

The self-styled Wise Men will see a candidate for President of the United States going into a coffee shop and going around shaking hands. Any foreign political observer is likely to say it is just a photo op.

I honestly don’t understand it, but successful candidates do go out there and put in hours the Gulag would shrink at.

If we find other ways to spread the Mantra, it is cover fire the ground troops. Politics cannot be sold in abstracts. The nose-to-nose work the Swarm does is the ONLY way to start from where we are, but it is also the only way a cause is sold.

Having a random group of people hear the Mantra in other ways may make your job a bit easier, but not much. You can batter and bomb the other side into rubble and powder, but someone still has to go in and take the ground.

The only relief you may get is that a few extra bugsers may turn up from other means of exposure.

Other methods may make your job more effective, but it will make it no easier.
