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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!


Posted by Bob on January 5th, 2012 under Coaching Session

One commenter wants to advise me on how to conduct a Mantra campaign.

He says he has done this very successful, with assistants and money. And I do appreciate the offer.

But Bob doesn’t DO things any more.

My Christmas present was an arthritis attack that has me on a walker right now.


The only part of BUGS I do is write the article, if I can, each day.

If you look at all the layout of BUGS, you will not see one thing here that Bob created, or that Bob designed. I have been kept going by a successful of dedicated people who have seen this as a high enough priority in their busy lives to do it for me.

BUGS has kept itself going by the efforts of bugsers.

Which is very encouraging to me: BUGS will keep going when the coach is in the freezer.

  1. #1 by herrMajor on 01/05/2012 - 6:29 am

    Hey Bob,

    We live and die, TOGETHER, as a race.

    Bob isin’t going to buy the farm for a while, don’t let that razor mind fool you with that ‘I’m an old feeble man’, going to croak stuff. He’s got alot of fight in him.

    Bob is smarter than all those Psi-ops agents that roam the internet and media for ways to suppress a pro-white message

    The more we fight together, the more people understand that pro-whites make a real difference because of effort.

    Momentum is built through Mass and Velocity. We have Velocity, we need to build MASS.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 01/05/2012 - 8:05 am

    That was the whole popularity of Jeffrey Deaver’s Lincoln Rhyme crime thriller character— he was a total paraplegic, but solved great crimes with his one still-operational nerve.

    Likewise, your decreptitude only further proves your astonishing strength.

  3. #3 by Peter Whiterabbit on 01/05/2012 - 9:41 am

    Africa for Africans. Asia for Asians. BUGS for BUGSTERS.

  4. #4 by Lord Nelson on 01/05/2012 - 11:20 am

    A few months ago I was with some friends in a bar in London. There were some trendy leftwing college educated types among us. And the conversation turned to the earlier UK riots. To my surprise, a young female mentioned how nearly all the rioters were Black. Immediately, one of the college type guys, condescendingly, explained that all ‘EDUCATED’ people, understood that such remarks are actually RACIST! And how all ‘EDUCATED’ people were against racism. Well, as expected, the White woman started to take up the fetal position, while the Anti-Whites just stood there, all triumphant and smug.

    Then I came to her rescue and said: ‘Everyone who has ‘OUTGROWN’ their education, knows that Anti-Racist is really just a code word for Anti-White!’

    After a moment of shocked silence, there was suddenly laughter and agreement all around. As people openly agreed with me. And some even repeated what I had said. And the ‘EDUCATED’ Anti-whites found themselves outnumbered, and more importantly ‘OUTWORDED’.

    Afterwards I thought to myself “For Those Who Have Outgrown Their College Education” Now where have I heard that before??

    The killer word in this sentence is of course ‘OUTGROWN’ It is BRILLIANT!

    If it had been possible I would have liked to have gone to the BUGS meeting in the USA last summer. Would have been great to meet you Bob. And take part. in the event.

    I hope that maybe this year it will happen.

    It’s around one year ago that we first starting taking our message to youtube. There has been so much progress since then, with now dozens of Mantra videos. And new people taking up our message. And the best is still to come.

    So by all means take it easy coach, but just be sure to stick around.


    • #5 by Genseric on 01/05/2012 - 7:39 pm

      “Everyone who has OUTGROWN their college education knows that anti-racist is a code-Word for anti-White.”

      Well DONE, man! Bob is the best by leaps and bounds.

      • #6 by Frank on 01/05/2012 - 9:04 pm

        Agreed Genseric.

        This is PURE Mantra-Thinking.

        PS: Bob ain’t just the best, he’s the ONLY. And the gods have blessed us with the chance to learn his craft … and carry it forward.

      • #7 by OldBlighty on 01/06/2012 - 12:01 am

        I have already used it. I think its terrific.

  5. #8 by shari on 01/05/2012 - 2:07 pm

    I hope Bob doesn’t croak too soon as he is still needed. I don’t doubt that there are some days when he thinks that might be a blessing.

  6. #9 by Gavin on 01/05/2012 - 3:18 pm

    Preach the gospel not the Gospel.

    …and keep extending and expanding.

  7. #10 by Frank on 01/05/2012 - 9:00 pm

    What’s this crap about our Coach being in the “freezer”!

    Once Bob shoots a talking point at the freezer, he’ll MELT the bastard!

    • #11 by Genseric on 01/05/2012 - 10:36 pm

      This may be irreverent. But, that’s all I know.

      Bob Whitaker doesn’t cheat death. He wins fair and square.
      Bob Whitaker was once a chief negotiator. His job involved calling up criminals and saying, “This is Bob Whitaker.”
      Bob Whitaker does not sleep. He waits.
      They’re making a sequel to 300 starring Bob Whitaker. Its called 1.
      Bob Whitaker died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can’t get up the courage to tell him.
      Bob Whitaker doesn’t have hair on his testicles, because hair does not grow on steel.
      The only time Bob Whitaker was wrong was when he thought he had made a mistake.
      Bob Whitaker can make a paraplegic anti-white run for his life.
      When God said, “Let there be light”, Bob Whitaker said, “say please.”

      • #12 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/05/2012 - 11:31 pm

        Lol, Genseric! You’re an ungodly clever white rabbit! I hope you didn’t make Bob laugh so hard he hurt himself! You almost did me with that last line!

      • #14 by OldBlighty on 01/06/2012 - 12:00 am

        Well done G. You made me laugh out loud.

      • #15 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/06/2012 - 1:24 am

        When the opposition is too tough, Chuck Norris calls for Bob!

      • #17 by MarkMuses on 01/08/2012 - 4:51 pm

        I can’t stop laughing Genseric. Superman is real. His name is Bob.

        No, his name is Robert-stay-on-message-and-save-our-race-or-I’ll-kick-your-ass-from-the-grave-Whitaker.

  8. #18 by dungeoneer on 01/06/2012 - 12:34 am

    We do,and we`ll keep going until the white genocide program is shut down in every white nation on Earth.

  9. #19 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/06/2012 - 1:05 am

    Classic Bob Whitaker Porch Talk radio broadcast, now in video format, part one available on YouTube, part two coming soon (at least that is the plan).

    “Bob Whitaker – DICTA part 1 Don’t get Involved Call The Authorities”

    • #20 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/06/2012 - 1:24 pm

      Part 2 is uploaded and available on YouTube, look for part 3 soon.

      Bob Whitaker – DICTA (Don’t get Involved Call The Authorities) part 2

  10. #21 by The Old Man of the Mountain on 01/06/2012 - 1:18 am

    For some folks, Arthritis is avoidable.

    Avoid white potatoes– they contain a substance that builds up in joints and causes inflammation.

    Avoid positions and repetitive movements that cause joint pain.

    Consume the natural anti-inflammatory foods, such as: Cayenne pepper, horse radish, ginger, and turmeric.

    Plain old aspirin helps reduce inflammation.

    The sulfur compounds that help to repair connective tissue: MSM and glucosamine sulfate.

    A hot bath works better than pain killers.

  11. #22 by johnnywhiterabbit on 01/06/2012 - 4:24 am

    I’ll keep on beatin that Mantra drum ol’ Bob!

  12. #23 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/06/2012 - 10:05 am

    I’m sorry that you suffer from arthritis, Bob. I hope you aren’t too uncomfortable, and will become more comfortable.

  13. #24 by MarkMuses on 01/08/2012 - 4:37 pm

    Bob, I just wrote an obituary for you and saved it. You’re welcome to edit it of course. That would be like time travel. Except there’s no surety that I will not be under bus tomorrow myself. Every day is a fresh challenge eh?

    Anyway, You are Superman as far as I’m concerned.

    For the arthritis, perhaps take a look at:

    • #25 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/08/2012 - 4:58 pm


      Bob is the only pro-White alive who could work the loaded terms “Nazi,” “genocide,” “six million Jews,” and “kill” into a single sentence that does primo work for pro-Whites instead of for anti-Whites!

  14. #26 by Tom Bowie on 01/14/2012 - 7:46 pm

    The Anti-Whites bash not only our living but our dead White Heroes as well.
    When that day comes it’ll be reversed.

    Not even death can save Anti-Whites from Bob; not theirs nor his.

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