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A Few Milestones

Posted by Bob on January 9th, 2012 under Coaching Session

Thirteen years and some months ago, WOL started as a weekly column for the South Carolina League of the South. The purpose of the website has changed though the years as goals were abandoned or achieved, but there has never been a time when WOL and BUGS have been as read as they are today by tens of thousands a month.

BUGS is kept alive by you and your activity, and through your activity, we have had a continuous growth for months. It is your actions, your influence, that brings in new people. Bob and I ask a lot of you, and you rarely disappoint me.

A few days ago BBG brought it to my attention that BUGS passed 30,000 posts and comments. The history of our website is in the archives, but most important a legacy is being formed through your efforts in internalizing, spreading, and utilizing mantra thinking.

Go forth and multiply.

  1. #1 by dungeoneer on 01/09/2012 - 9:01 am

    Thirteen years ago I had no world-view worth a damn,but the world-view I have now thanks to BUGS will last me a lifetime.

    Thank you Bob and everyone else who makes up this great team of ours.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/09/2012 - 9:17 am

    The jungle takes the law into its own hands. That is why the shelter of civilization affords no protection against Wordists and hypnotists.

    It is also why the dominion of the world belongs rightfully to seers – to those who perceive the world accurately.

    The notion we are fighting a cult is dead on accurate. And the Mantra is a tool of awakening, for the rescue of our people from their hypnotic sleep.

    • #3 by Simmons on 01/09/2012 - 9:47 am

      Dave let us be honest most people prefer to remain within the “Matrix” as the movie reminded us. Even whites prefer their reality deferring cults, like the guns and weapons cult that imagines one day the adherent is a lone wolfer against all odds in a last act of near futility with a glimmer of hope of a “reawakening.”

      Perhaps young April can relate to us how well those adherents helped her?

  3. #4 by Dave on 01/09/2012 - 11:44 am


    I understand your point completely. I remember being up in Northern Idaho with one of these clowns showing off his machine gun and ammo to me. I thought to myself, “Here’s a clown who thinks he lives in a world where he gets to tell his story.”

    These people are lazy and stupid and disrespect the fact that they are surrounded by people much more mindful than themselves, and who have no problem disposing of them in their stupidity.

    Cults are cults and how they represent themselves doesn’t matter and they are a plague to our cause. They are always populated by the not-too-bright and they have nothing to do with politics as politics actually transpires.

    In contrast, my mind runs to that (unknown to the public) legislative counsel, who behind the scenes controls everything because he is the only one in possession of the institutional memory and therefore is the only one who can draft something that is consistent and rational. That is one of the reasons I am so impressed with Robert Whitaker. He knows real history and knowledge of real history is power.

    Those Northern Idaho types might as well be working for the Public Broadcasting System. They are the victims and perpetrators of the very thing they denounce.

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