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A LITTLE, a LITTLE, breathing Room

Posted by Bob on January 11th, 2012 under Coaching Session

A commenter asked me about the use of the word “racist, so I said that we speak in terms of pro-white and anti-white only, and do not use the word “racist” except in “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.’

This caused a small discussion of what I meant by that.

In my experience, all rules of conduct have exceptions.

Another commenter asked a related question: are we EVER to change the wording of the Mantra?

The bottom line is not Bob’s Words, but whether it works or not. One person pointed out a case in which he used the term “racist,” but he did NOT point out whether it WORKED or not. You can take out my rules and stamp on them if it WORKS, just let me know and I will, too.

Remember that using the Mantra is a lot like reeling in a big fish. Don’t give them ANYTHING that they can draw you off the genocide point with. My advice on that is good because I’ve been at this for decades and have kept my eye on the ball, the one ball, and nothing BUT the ball.

But my whole hope is that this won’t stop with me. I hope you make me out of date with your own experiences.

You can try using racist, but look CAREFULLY at the RESULT. Go over the exchange later to see if it gave them some loophole, some relief.

The same is true of the Mantra. When I stated it with my whole heart back when I had the energy, I think it got to people. But if someone just reads it off dully, as one TV announcer did, it hits a lot less people. I had not fully appreciated this until a commenter mentioned it.

If you need to change something to fit the time and place, do so, but do it CAREFULLY.

We have already begun to see results from getting across things like “Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, White Countries for Everybody” and “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.” You may find, after STUDYING these results, that you will have a feel for the time when getting the reader’s or readers’ full attention on one point is more important than shoving in the whole 222 words

When we first got started, people tried to “adjust” the Mantra. The results stank.

But your seniority is now growing. The discussions I see about what you have learned out in the field are dead on target.

The fact is that basic training is inviolable rules because the recruit is likely to let the grenade go off in his hand. As he progresses, it becomes more and more guidelines and the understanding that he is getting into the command himself.

If you can make anything but my exact method WORK, you must not only do so, but you must TELL US about what works. Right now you are somewhere between basic training and noncom training.

  1. #1 by herrMajor on 01/11/2012 - 6:38 am

    One of your best posts yet Coach.

    I’d like to point out context.

    “Anti-Racist is just YOUR code word for Anti-white”

    “Everybody knows that Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White”

    “Stop hiding behind Anti-Raism, you are simply Anti-WHITE.”

    Are all good examples of quick changes that still get the message across. But unless you are debaing someone in a very quick-and-hard manner. You really don’t need it.

    Bob’s a professional, when you see the talking points work over, and over again against people online and offline the margin for adaptations is slim.

    “Old Bob is a code word for COMMIE SLAYER!!!”

  2. #2 by Genseric on 01/11/2012 - 10:56 am

    This recruit has experienced great success by adhering to the Mantra, but more importantly Mantra thinking. When this recruit engages in Mantra thinking, the sky’s the limit when it comes to humiliating anti-whites. The future looks bright.

    I cannot FATHOM a time when Bob Whitaker will be irrelevant.

    Thanks for everything, Bob.

    My experience has been that the Mantra machine of simple truth can tell NO lies. For example it can process any “word” without skipping a beat. More importantly, it can crunch CONCEPTS too. Example:

    “No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely RACIST.’

    No one is flooding Africa with millions of non-Africans and saying ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely RACIST.’

    No one is flooding Mexico with millions of non-Mexicans and saying ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely RACIST.’

    YOU anti-whites ONLY say this about White countries. ONLY White children are expected to accept your Multicultural Morality. ONLY Whites get hit with the Racist label while opposing their own genocide. What you are doing is tantamount to advocating genocide for White children.

    Why do you anti-Whites hate White children so much that you would silence pro-white dissidents? Deny their children a home? Why genocide? WHY?”

    And it works too. Why? They hit it HARD. I think they do so because it asks the question and their OWN words get cut to ribbons right in front of their faces.

    The following passage is from Bob’s Mantra. It explains the double standard EXACTLY as it exists in as few words as humanly possible. What I wrote before this is another way of saying what he wrote. It is tailor-made to counter the anti-white’s weak sauce argument (anti-point). This is key. You can throw anything THEY say in there and send it to the virtual scrap-heap while making our points.

    “But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

    I, as I think others have, recommend sticking to posting the full Mantra if you are just learning Bob’s method. We’ve talked about this before. naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews / racistxenophobewhowantstodeportpedro / RACIST / Supremacist. Does it really matter what pejorative of THEIRS we shred to little bits? Just SHRED it. And shred it in front of EVERYONE.

    What Bob wrote and how I use what he wrote, leaves the anti-white with THREE options.

    1)DENY geNOcide (plays into genocide-denier talkers)
    2)DENY white countries/children exist (plays into DEMAND/insist talkers)
    3)Run away (the smart ones will do so)

    I do believe all three scenarios strengthen our position.

    • #3 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/11/2012 - 11:19 am

      A fine post by Bob!

      I love this line in the Mantra too, Genseric:

      “But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

      As I’ve said before, who else but Bob could put the phrases “Nazi,” “genocide,” “six million Jews,” and “kill” into a single sentence and have that sentence work for pro-Whites rather than for anti-whites!

  3. #4 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/11/2012 - 11:32 am

    We think of ourselves as conservatives, but many of us are Americans, which means we carry an attitude of, “Let’s make it better right now….here, let me do it!”

    Which is not a conservative approach at all.

    The conservative approach is humility in the face of human affairs, an appreciation of the existence of complexities that are beyond the power of human consciousnesses to comprehend, but an appreciation that the struggles that have gone before us have to some degree worked their way toward a workable arrangement with those complexities.

    Conservatism always gives a vote to the ancestors.

    Times change, more rapidly than ever before, and we HAVE to change. But as Bob says, CAREFULLY!

    Because of our various traits and limitations, there will be troublesome slippage away from the Mantra and away from Mantra thinking, I guarantee you.

    • #5 by Genseric on 01/11/2012 - 12:11 pm

      If you perceive what I wrote as “slippage”, then let me pose this hypothetical anti-white COMMENT to you, HD.

      “There is no such thing as white geNOcide! You are just a sad and lonely racist who tries to bring others down to your supremacist, nazi, racist level of existence.”

      Your move.

      • #6 by Harumphty Dumpty on 01/11/2012 - 1:58 pm

        Genseric, I didn’t have you particularly in mind in that comment!

        I like the response you gave above, but with “r-word” substituted for “RACIST.”

        It’s slightly stilted in that instance, but it serves our general desire to avoid “racist” because it’s so loaded against us and also carries a fundamental lie about racial feelings, and it introduces instead the slightly mocking term, “r-word,” which by its similarity to “n-word” also conveys the healthy suggestion that “racist” is a pejorative.

        Your choice, “racist,” may be slightly better for your particular moment, but it also strikes one more blow for keeping the word “racist” in place even as you (rather effectively) simultaneously strike against it.

        “No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely RACIST.’”

        reads better to me as,

        “No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying, ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely ‘r-word’!”

        The last sentence reads as kind of silly, but I think the silliness gets heaped on the anti-White who challenged you, not on the person writing the sentence.

        But I could be wrong about that last…we’ve discussed this general issue so much that I’m beginning to lose my feel for how the different ways sound.

        I’d agree that your getting good results is what counts most by far. I’ll try using my version of your response also and see what happens. I want to post more/observe the results, and theorize less. That’s actually the chief point I drew for myself from Bob’s post* (or article) today.

        *I think we use the word “post” just for lack of a better word, since “article” suggests something longer.

        • #7 by Genseric on 01/12/2012 - 9:28 am

          Your choice, “racist,” may be slightly better for your particular moment, but it also strikes one more blow for keeping the word “racist” in place even as you (rather effectively) simultaneously strike against it.

          “No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely RACIST.’”

          reads better to me as,

          “No one is flooding Asia with millions of non-Asians and saying, ‘This is NOT geNOcide. You are just a sad and lonely ‘r-word’!”

          Really? It seems to me that in your opinion ” it also strikes one more blow for keeping the word ‘racist’ in place.” What I did was take their own words and slap them in the mouth with it. The audience sees this. Otherwise known as imposing a negative association. This time, with the actual word “racist.” Do you think they want the same treatment after a humiliating encounter as such? I have yet to see someone jump right in and say “Me too! I want some of that ass-whooping!” Anti-whites have a way of scattering when they see BUGSters roll through.

          Case in point, My Tram Experience (Emma West). They. Shut. It. Down when we began to dictate and control the talking points. Do you think I shy-ed away from “racist” when we were hitting them HARD for 24 hours straight. Hell no. On a case by case basis, I took what the anti-white gave me, put the anti-white over his own sword and moved on to the next one. There was a wake of bodies a mile wide when we were done.

          IN MY OPINION, if you want them to stop using a word YOU don’t like, then show them it doesn’t work. What you propose with “r-word” stops short of showing them HOW it doesn’t work. You are effectively asking them to start using your substitute. I wonder if anti-whites will cooperate?

          Have you had many positive results with ‘r-word’ in place of ‘racist?’

          If so, was there a discernible difference between the two, with the substitution?

  4. #8 by Genseric on 01/11/2012 - 11:59 am

    I know some might perceive this as quibbling over words, but I feel it necessary to make a distinction here since it has happened twice in one day. I am fairly certain I myself have failed to make this distinction in the past.

    Bob doesn’t “post.” He writes articles. Someone who has made a large portion of his living by writing the most succinct and eloquent pieces your eyes have seen and your brain may or may not comprehend might take umbrage with that notion.

    BUGSters “post” and comment.

  5. #9 by Coniglio Bianco on 01/11/2012 - 3:47 pm


    You are supposed to be using the mantra to brainwash other people not allowing yourself to be brainwashed by it.

    The reasoning that you are using is logically fallacious. By appealing to the authority of the mantra you are coming to the conclusion that one can never be wrong while using it correctly.

    If you believe that it would be impossible to fight White genocide without it then you have just proven my point.

    • #10 by dungeoneer on 01/11/2012 - 4:39 pm

      There`s no fallacy involved in pointing out objective truth,and no,you can`t ever be “wrong” while using it correctly.

      As BUGSers we SHOULD know what successful political warfare is and is not.

      Everything non-mantra fails,and has failed for decades.

      If you don`t approve of what we`re doing here Coniglio your time would be better spent elsewhere.

    • #11 by OldBlighty on 01/11/2012 - 4:54 pm

      If you flat out refuse to post the Mantra as you have done, then you are not a BUGSer.

      BUGS for BUGSers!

    • #12 by Scythian on 01/11/2012 - 5:51 pm

      Without the Mantra, would you even realize that what’s going on IS geNOcide? It’d be kind of difficult to fight against something you didn’t really understand was happening. I bet the Americans who were pissed off about British taxes at first didn’t think Independence was possible (if they thought about it at all), until Thomas Paine wrote ‘Common sense’.

    • #13 by Genseric on 01/11/2012 - 7:18 pm


      What do YOU do to produce RESULTS?

  6. #14 by Cleric Preston on 01/11/2012 - 5:27 pm

    I have tweaked the wording,but not the meaning of the Mantra for local conditions here in Australia,
    ‘liberals and respectable conservatives’
    In Australia,the Liberal Party are the ‘respectable conservatives’,so I’ve swapped in ‘left wing radicals’ in it’s place.
    It works locally.

    Coniglio Blanco,if you know a better method of fighting our GENOCIDE,please tell us

    Where did you post the Mantra today Coniglio ?
    Put up or shut up

  7. #15 by Simmons on 01/12/2012 - 10:59 am

    At least BGlass and ephinay tired and found other entertainments so they spare us the bandwidth waste. If you got a legit critique I want to hear it, other than that as I tell myself “go make yourself useful.”

    • #16 by Genseric on 01/12/2012 - 11:25 am

      As you say, it seems as though there are still a few who don’t grasp the BIG picture of what Bob is all about. They want to engage in dialog with Bob, but DO none of the things he has, which helped him attain that unrivaled high level of understanding and EXPERIENCE they purport to admire.


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