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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!


Posted by Bob on January 16th, 2012 under Coaching Session

The truth of a rule may be shown by it having no exceptions, but it is more often demonstrated by how desperate the search for an exception is.

  1. #1 by Coniglio Bianco on 01/16/2012 - 6:13 am

    There is an exception to every rule and a rule to every exception. Neither of which proves the exception or the rule to be incorrect.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch on 01/16/2012 - 6:25 am

    BUGS does not do News ‘n Jews but when opportunity comes aknockin’….

    Over the next eight days the national media will be riveted to the political climate of South Carolina. As Bob was reared there and has followed it his entire life perhaps he could take a break from Mantra focused observations and survey the GOP candidates and the extent to which any of them has an appeal to our cause. Answer, probably none.

    In any case with aggressive tagging, maybe even eye catching use of the excerpt feature, it is possible that the Mantra could be exposed to a large number of potential recruits. More BUGSERS is the goal.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 01/16/2012 - 8:11 am

    Maybe one exception to the rule of white guilt pathology will come about in this election cycle.

    I’ll give three examples of the WGP destroying the cults which took to it, first Promise Keepers, gone within weeks of adopting it, second Glen Beck’s personal cult gone within months of adopting it, the Bob Dole presedential nomination still born while mouthing platitudes to “diversity.”

    Will this year’s GOP establishment catch the hint? My prediction is that they do.

  4. #4 by Dave on 01/16/2012 - 9:36 am

    This covers interrogation quite nicely too. The exception from target’s viewpoint is anything but the truth.

    Accordingly the principle that any plausible lie will do is standard operating procedure for our Mandarin, corrupt, and rotten to the core Establishment.

    There is nothing more meaningless than our preposterly staged Federal election cycles. Everyone involved are militant enemies of our people and possess fundamentally criminal mentalities. I have more trust in the ethics and loyalty of Mexcian drug gangs than in the filthy lowlifes that stage and participate in the insulting election cycle theator staged for the multitudes of suckers out there. Just another of the endless cycles of stupid dog tricks that the public falls for EVERY TIME.

    We BUGSERS represent our people. The election cycle fraud and the fraudsters participating and perpetrating the fraud have nothing to do with any representation of our people.

    • #5 by Genseric on 01/16/2012 - 11:55 am

      “There is nothing more meaningless than our preposterly staged Federal election cycles. Everyone involved are militant enemies of our people and possess fundamentally criminal mentalities.”

      Surely there is at least one exception to be made here. Surely you mean ‘everyone’ EXCEPT Ole Bob. Surely you mean ‘everyone’ SINCE Ole Bob’s involvement in the Reagan campaign.

  5. #6 by Dave on 01/16/2012 - 12:37 pm


    I get tired of the naivety. US Federal elections are no different than the kinds of charades they play in Beijing. You know Beijing? The Han capital (since 1949) of what used to be the Manchu capitol. You know what happened to the Manchus? THEY WERE EXTERMINATED. It is illegal in “China” (e.g. Manchuria) to mention this fact.


    Do you know what is happening to us? We are being obliterated and EVERY candidate is facilitating that.

    Robert Whitaker’s last post was entitled: “Reminder: The ONLY Real Fight is Here”. Do you think he was kidding?

    How many times do you have to be reminded?

    I say it again: WE BUGSERS REPRESENT OUR PEOPLE. Those assholes running for office have nothing to do with it.

    • #7 by Genseric on 01/16/2012 - 10:16 pm


      Forgive me for being “naive,” but it seems you failed to answer my question. Or acknowledge my INFERENCE. Is that naive enough for you?

      Dave, when is the last time you posted the Mantra? Or are you not really a part of “REAL POLITICS?!”

      Maybe one shouldn’t speak in such absolute terms, lest they find themselves removing their foot from their own mouth.
      A question for everyone:

      Does one have to post the Mantra to BE a BUGSter? If not, then I think I will take the easy way out too. It would be MUCH less work.

      • #8 by OldBlighty on 01/16/2012 - 11:20 pm

        I have been angry at this in the past as well, though I definitely wouldn’t include Dave in the list of people I am angry at. From what Dave said recently, he does this work, face to face, out in the real world.

        Bob asked us a while ago, what we could do to Prevent what is being done to all White countries, from ever happening again.

        I used to say, fine White anti-Whites and give them the boot from our countries, if they won’t mend their ways, but now I think I was looking at the wrong people.

        Now I am thinking, teach what Bob teaches as a mandatory subject in all schools and reward citizens with tax reductions, that make Pro White Mantra comments and can prove they have done so.

        Now that would create a sizable Swarm and a sizable self protecting industry to go with it.

        • #9 by Genseric on 01/17/2012 - 12:05 am

          Maybe we need to start with “rewards” right here? I mean, if we can’t CONVINCE our own Team to spread the Mantra other than in person, well, what good are we?

          I thought the in person thing was a given. How are we going to reach market saturation if we deviate from the plan? Then, I am expected to listen to crap that implicates the very man who gave us this effective tool called the Mantra?

          I am not CONVINCED I should have to.

          • #10 by OldBlighty on 01/17/2012 - 12:21 am

            >Maybe we need to start with “rewards” right here? I mean, if we can’t CONVINCE our own Team to spread the Mantra other than in person, well, what good are we?

            I agree. There should be rewards for Mantra posting BUGSers.

            What I was concerned about, is you thinking Dave might be a troll. As long as Dave has posted here, I have thought of him as adding something useful to the discussion. Trolls on the other hand, always say negative things, and do not answer relevant questions when asked.

            And I see what you are talking about with Dave’s post. I think Dave was talking about the politicians in the current presidential elections – including the one Pro Whites wet their knickers over, Ron Paul.

            As for Regan, his group took out the Commies in their heartland, which was an incredible achievement, but he did nothing overt, for White people – unless you count, taking down the Commies.

            • #11 by Genseric on 01/17/2012 - 2:28 am

              You know what my reward is?

              Being able to sleep at night, knowing I did EVERYTHING I could the day before to help secure liberty and a homeland for our posterity. That I attempted to help stop white genocide. That’s ALL I will ever require.

              Perhaps others need more CONVIN$ING.

              Last I checked, those commie bastards are still kickin’.

              P.S. I think I made my point about ‘exceptions’ and absolutism.

              • #12 by OldBlighty on 01/17/2012 - 5:38 am

                “Perhaps others need more CONVIN$ING.”

                As Horus and I’m sure Bob would say, “Use what works.”

                What I was thinking of for BUGS, right now, is a system, that counts how many times, people post the Mantra, and that number is put next to their name.

                I don’t pay much attention to folks, that comment, yet do nothing to spread the Mantra anyway, but I do think it would be a nice way to show respect, for our go getters.

  6. #13 by Dave on 01/16/2012 - 1:35 pm


    Also, lest you think my example of Beijing is less than on all fours, do you know what happens in China if a person of Manchu descent mentions that Manchus might have some rights in their own country?

    They are immediately branded with the charge RACIST!!!

    Then they are told that they are supporters and “deniers” of the Japanese atrocities in Nanking and are also told that they are “closet supporters” of the Japanese Emperor.

    That is simply the Chinese version of labeling them Nazis.

    Sound familiar?

    Also, tell me which candidate currently running is predicating their campaign on the idea the real Americans should have some rights in their own country. It is only mentioned as an aside to their OVERRIDING COMMITMENT TO MISTY TINKLES UNIVERSALISM, which is simply their tacit assurance to all non-Americans residing in America that they shall receive full rights in a land they have no business being in.

    And the similarities even get worse than that. In China there are always these broadcasts and celebrations aimed at “celebrating diversity” with the focus on Manchu customs and heritage. This is supposed to prove that Manchu rights are being respected.

    This is no different than what the Public Broadcasting System is doing to us with its “white people’s” programs celebrating Celtic culture and Northern European focused programing and so on.

    It makes me sick and enrages me. I am not an “ethnicity” in my own country! And it is precisley this style of crap that the Republican candidates are promoting.

    • #14 by Genseric on 01/16/2012 - 10:28 pm


      I get really exhausted with all the pontificating and the lack of will power to GET IT DONE. I completely understand precisely what it is you think I don’t. You keep drawing these Intellectual Analogies, but you ASSume I give a rip about the Chinese and their policies regarding their own. I don’t.

      Are you telling me that 100% of the political class are fundamentally criminal? Really? You STILL haven’t answered my question.

      Don’t be naive, David. You are an European-American whether you like it or not. It’ll be that way until we reverse the effects of this genocide. You should know that.

    • #15 by Genseric on 01/17/2012 - 12:09 am


      Apparently, you did a great job with these two posts. I read the very last comment in this thread and see Epiphany is CONVINCED you are spot on.


  7. #16 by BGLass on 01/16/2012 - 2:27 pm

    PBS…Northern European focused programing and so on…

    What? The shows out to prove they are aliens from another planet? Because…they are THE REAL “ALIENS,” (not those over the south border) the real aliens with the blue-eye mutant gene! This “alien” meme produced to counter complaints about the forced immigration/intermarriage (genocide) alien deal is quite something (the only other “aliens” discussed).

    It works due to white vanity, the space aliens being infinitely more advanced than all creatures ever (they are never dumb, or mean, stupid ant drones but with one smart leader or something). The underlying fantasy is also white rescue from the alien inter-planetary brothers out there in some other galaxy, imo, our inter-galactic brothers who will come do something smart, finally.

    Aliens are good, without exception. They built pyramids and wonders, and also come from Mexico, africa, china, etc. to do work whites won’t do.

  8. #18 by Epiphany on 01/16/2012 - 3:53 pm

    The whole thing about China is rather interesting. They associate the Manchus with their Japanese Overlords!

  9. #19 by Coniglio Bianco on 01/17/2012 - 2:17 am


    If you want the message of White genocide to reach ‘market saturation’ the first thing that you need to do is stop attacking people who are on your side. Namely other pro-Whites who oppose what is happening to our people.

    Not everyone understands the mantra. Not everyone is interested in spending every waking hour thinking about it. Not everyone is capable of ‘bugstering’ with an obsessive fervor.

    All of these things do not mean that people do not agree with you or what you are doing. Everyone is different and you cannot force anyone to agree with you. If you persist in attempting to do so you risk alienating them which is counter-productive to your primary objective.

  10. #20 by Genseric on 01/17/2012 - 2:36 am


    I realize that I am abrasive. It is one of my few qualities. You actually don’t do too bad yourself. If it makes you feel uncomfortable about yourself, then perhaps you should examine WHY that is?

    I don’t dislike Dave. I don’t dislike you. I don’t dislike any pro-white who “doesn’t get it.’ It frustrates me as much as I frustrate them. Am I going to change because it makes people uncomfortable? Absolutely not.

    I pray that some day you realize that talking about white genocide not only makes anti-whites get itchy all over, it make Pro-Whites experience the very same sensation. That should never make you re-think Bob’s approach. Brutal honesty.

    Please say so if you feel I have been dishonest in any way.

    Hey Coniglio, when is the last time you posted the Mantra? Just curious?

  11. #21 by RobRoy on 01/17/2012 - 4:52 am

    And here I was thinking that Ole Bob was making a point about anti-whites trying to find an exception to the rule when we say, “EVERY white country, and ONLY white countries.”

    We all know that Bob worked in politics. We all know that Bob spoke the truth and lost his “respectability.”

    Thanks, Coach.

  12. #22 by Epiphany on 01/17/2012 - 6:15 am

    Focus on riddiculing the Paper Hats. They fought for Stalin, you know!

  13. #23 by Bob on 01/17/2012 - 10:47 am

    RobRoy, I’m glad someone got the point.

  14. #24 by Dick_Whitman on 01/17/2012 - 6:26 pm

    I empathize with Genseric’s frustration. He’s on the front-lines everyday. He’s doing the hard work. He’s living in the trenches and using his helmet for a bathroom and a coffee pot (a Battle of the Bulge veteran once told me this).

    Lately I’ve been slacking with my SWARM work. I have been furthering our discourse, but been doing so in places that I can’t report back from. So while I have been doing covert work, I should be doing more straight up SWARM work. We should recognize that Genseric probably does more SWARM work day after day than anyone.

    With that said I certainly gain insight from the perspectives of our commenter’s. I especially enjoy Dave’s and BGLass’s comments. Of course, I’ve been known to give sermons (that old time religion) and go on rants here as well. (LOL) I do so with the hope that BUGSters, or passersby, and/or lurkers gain something from them? While I can’t prove it, I think I’ve even picked up on at least one prominent Pro-White leader who has utilized some of my ideas or discourse. Whether it’s true or not, it certainly has a positive effect on my ego. (LOL)

    So putting my ego aside (well, perhaps not totally aside lol). I recognize that I need to spend more time doing SWARM work. WE all should try to increase our SWARM time. We need to get “back to the front!!!”

    I want to point out again that Genseric has been doing very good work.

  15. #25 by Dick_Whitman on 01/18/2012 - 10:56 pm

    It might not be a bad idea to create a separate page for random discussion. This is what general comments used to be for.

    The main page is for discussion relating to Bob’s writings for the day. He wants us to think about and concentrate on his lesson.

    But like I said above there still needs to be an outlet for the unique perspectives at BUGS. I believe that many kinds of people read this website and they may benefit from our perspectives. This website is an incubator of White & Normal thought.

    I’d like to see some discussion on what our ideal pro-White system would look like. I talk to people who agree with me that White genocide is unacceptable, but then they want to know “what’s next?” What does a healthy White Rabbit society look like? In what ways will a White & Normal Order benefit the common White rabbit?

    One of the first changes we’d make is how we educate our young people. I was listening to MLK coverage on NPR the other day. They interviewed a teacher from NY City who does an “activity” for MLK day where he splits his class up by skin color. He splits them up into light skinned kids and dark skinned kids. He tells the light skin kids that they get A’s for the semester and they don’t have to do any homework or do good on tests. He tells the dark skin kids that the highest grade they can get is a C, no matter how well they do on homework or tests. These kids are in 3rd grade and he admitted that some kids cry and get upset.

    While this classroom activity itself doesn’t even use an accurate or reasonable historical analogy, the point is is that a White & Normal society will never allow vile people to traumatize our children with subjects that they’re to young to understand anyway.

    This teacher created this exercise purely to traumatize young White children. People like this won’t be allowed near a White & Normal school.

    Of course anti-Whites will claim that we want to ignore certain parts of history. This is wrong.

    Take slavery. Kids will be taught that the institution of slavery existed in the world among most (if not all) cultures and peoples. This included the United States where Whites (along with some Jewish people) went and bought slaves from Africans and shipped them to America to do jobs that plantation owners weren’t willing to pay White people to do (we’ll even show them the famous picture of the boat that packed the slaves in head-to-foot). Then the kids will learn that at a point in history Whites decided that slavery was immoral and we outlawed it. The kids will be reminded that Whites were not unique in having slavery but were unique in ending it.

    • #26 by Genseric on 01/18/2012 - 11:14 pm

      You’re absolutely correct.

      To the rest of the grunts, I will see ya around back. Knock thrice on the servants’ entrance, I will let you in. The officers want to theorize some more.

      Anti-racist IS a code-word for anti-white

  16. #27 by Dick_Whitman on 01/19/2012 - 1:34 am


    I’m lucky to have had worked in a variety of teams through my life (sports teams, military teams, work teams, school project teams). One very important lesson I learned while working in teams is that it’s critical to discuss any issues or problems that team members may have regarding team dynamics. Failure to facilitate this kind of discussion can and will lead to losses of effectiveness in team performance. I think we can agree that BUGS is a team with our goal being putting an end to White genocide.

    With that said, lately I’ve noticed that some of your comments appear to have a resentful tone about them? Along with this resentment, you also have had a condescending attitude towards team members. Resentment and condescension and bitterness are symptoms of unresolved issues within a team.

    If I understand your issue correctly, it’s that you think certain commenter’s (such as myself) should be doing more SWARM work? If this is your problem then I am in full agreement with you. I am guilty as anyone when it comes to this issue and will be making more efforts to at least post the mantra somewhere daily.

    The only part I’m not clear about is that you seem to be implying that people shouldn’t come to BUGS at all unless they’re activity engaging in SWARM work? Am I misinterpreting you?

    Personally I would rather have Dave and BGLass posting comments here while doing no SWARM work, than they not be here at all. What are your thoughts on this? Would you prefer that Dave, BGLass, and/or myself not post here unless we’re actively engaging in SWARM work? Please speak your mind.

    • #28 by Genseric on 01/19/2012 - 4:46 am

      I love ya baby.

      I concur with your rational and reasonable sensibilities. Do what you do and I’ll do what I do.

      In my mind, if you ain’t swarmin’ you ain’t BUGS, you’re still theorizing (generally speaking). I thought the second part of being a BUGSter was to spread the Mantra. But, I don’t call the shots. I might, as they say, have it twisted. It’s happened once or twice before 😉

      I mean, who do we think Bob is talking to here? There are only a few dozen of us reporting.

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