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2014: A year of N&J Transition‏

Posted by Genseric on September 3rd, 2014 under General

AMPW’s used to scream “The Mantra will never work!” Then they screamed “The people want and DEMAND stats!” Next they screamed for “RESULTS! Show me the MONEY!” First, we showed them they were wrong, Then, we gave them what they asked for – efficacy, efficiency, an economy of words, and real world results; a template for success.

As we near more than 43 million TANGIBLE mantra media impressions by the end of the year, the AMPW rhetoric has changed again. Now, anti-mantra pro-whites sit in their echo chambers and drool to each other about which “stage” of genocide we are at and which white country has “more genocide” to deal with.

So, I ask them the same old question I have always asked since signing up with BUGS, “What have you done to help disseminate the message?” And the response I get is the same old – same old.


  1. #1 by shari on 09/03/2014 - 9:04 pm

    I have noticed, though, that news and jews sites are effected by the mantra’s straight arrow meme.
    It’s become so obvious that what is going on, and has been going on, is white genocide. Not making that front and center doesn’t make sense. Just look the Rotherham crime coverup, for example.

  2. #2 by JPOutlook on 09/04/2014 - 2:29 am

    If they are pro-white then they should say something pro-white. But, more often than not, it’s only anti-negro, anti-Jewish… In that vein, even in the United States, these types hardly mumble an anti-mestizo word, preferring to fixate on the two above-mentioned ones… Even though mestizos are the biggest demographic that, in the U.S., the anti-whites bring in to commit White Genocide.

    That’s how lost these A.M.P.W.s are…


    • #3 by -scythian- on 09/05/2014 - 12:50 am

      Might that have something to do with the fact that we’ve been told since birth that we were “heroes” for killing hundreds of millions of our White brothers & sisters to save a few Jews & Blacks from slavery? & that ALL White people are evilracistnaziswhowanttokillsixmillionjews anyway?

      • #4 by Mike M on 09/05/2014 - 3:16 am

        Hey TRUTHY, here is a new meme for you !

        When white people fighting for the right of jewish people to exist, killed millions of white people, they were called heroes.

        When white people fighting for the right of black people to be free, killed millions of white people, they were called heroes.

        When white people fight pacifically for the right of their people to exist in the future, they’re called “evilracistsnaziwhowantstokill6Mjews”

        “Antiracist” is a code word for antiwhite.

        Thoughts people ?

        • #5 by JPOutlook on 09/05/2014 - 6:25 pm

          “Mike M”

          First, the United States abolishing slavery didn’t kill millions of white people.

          Second, maybe others’ opinions will differ, but I never specifically mention Jewish persecution during W.W.II (except for the “naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews” shot at anti-white name calling). I might say “white people fought wars to end genocide,” so some people would mentally go back to W.W.II, but that’s them. There have been other military peacekeeping missions outside of it.

          • #6 by Mike M on 09/06/2014 - 4:18 am

            Thanks for your answer JPO.

            I corrected the meme with GAr5 before publishing it. We removed the “millions of deads” reference to make it shorter anyway.

      • #7 by JPOutlook on 09/05/2014 - 9:21 pm

        “Scythian” I know what you mean but White Genocide is happening not because of what anti-whites say, but because of what anti-whites do. And, they do what they want, which is White Genocide.

  3. #8 by -Sentinel- on 09/04/2014 - 12:35 pm

    Our memes have been shown and repeated many times on major TV, web and print publications. Racial crime stats and Hitler quotes have not. AMPWs do not understand how to get information through in this system.

  4. #9 by Jason on 09/06/2014 - 6:14 am

    We said one time, when the movement begins to get mass appeal, the anti-mantra pro-Whites will drop off the radar screen. This won’t be interesting to them anymore, since it will be real world action.

    And I believe Daniel said, let’s hope they go away. I couldn’t agree more.

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