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Diversity = Chasing Down Whites

Posted by Bob on November 2nd, 2014 under Coaching Session

In the serious part of an interrogation, the interrogator never uses an interrogative.

The transcript will contain a lot of question marks, but seldom is it really a question:

“Where were you at one a.m. Monday, the …..?” means “You were committing a crime at one am Monday, the …”

Damned few people who have not been on either end of this process ever again will mistake something with a question mark at the end as a question.

You have learned the same thing at BUGS:  This is not a discussion, this is a fight.

Ammunition is limited and you make the most of it.

Old Coach is watching you closely.  Is someone on my team making an unnecessary move?

An old warrior watching you can see things you are too busy to see.  photo chasing.jpg

For example, I keep pushing “chasing down whites” because I THINK it would work.

But no coach worth his salt is going to try to force anything on a team that has racked up your record.   You can try things now yourself.

A few years ago, I would not DARE have suggested a line for YOU to TRY OUT.   I was teaching a very complex and novel discipline and could not afford any distraction.

But you don’t coach a pro team the same way you do a high school squad.

“Chasing down whites” gets around a couple of interrogative points we keep running into.

The first is DEFINING genocide.   AND we now have the White Genocide Project to do that.

“Chasing down whites” also destroys any consideration of DEFINING Whites.   The northern Idaho diversity SPLC project also is fun to KEEP mentioning.   Whites are the people they raise money to chase down.

Now that I have invested so much time and effort in producing my Dream Team, I would like to get your opinion on a few ideas like “chasing down whites.”   Of course, I would enjoy seeing people with your skills TRYING them.

  1. #1 by Laura on 11/02/2014 - 6:00 pm

    “Diversity” is chasing down Whites – this is an extremely effective meme. It is a clear and simple statement of what is happening in ALL&ONLYWhiteCountries and when you mention White Flight it hits even harder.

    “Diversity” is chasing down Whites. #fightwhitegenocide

    • #2 by Mark WN on 11/03/2014 - 3:32 am

      Laura – I agree this is a very effective meme.

      Something else I have been trying – preface all the anti’s euphemisms with -so called- followed by the buzzword in quotes.


      So called “diversity” means chasing down Whites.
      So called “diversity” is a code word for White GENOCIDE.
      So called “anti-racists” always whine about…
      So called “multiCULTuralism” only targets…
      So called “anti-racism” is a code word for anti-White….etc

      This tactic really diminishes, ridicules and delegitimizes the euphemism without blatant insults.

      I have had a few “f*** you and your “so-called” and being called “uppity” and “know it all”.

      We want to continue to ruffle feathers and touch nerves, so every little bit helps.

      Try it out…

      • #3 by Benjamin Newells on 11/03/2014 - 5:06 am

        Why does every stormfront moron have to shortern “anti-whites” to “antis”?

        W.T.F ?

        • #4 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/03/2014 - 8:58 am

          I saw a thread that wicked Mimmy Jarr (he of the Scot cloth and billboards fame) was involved in on VNN (a poor cousin of Stormfront).

          Linder, the owner of VNN said:

          “The use of anti-white is obviously good”

          So yes, WTF indeed.

        • #5 by Mark WN on 11/04/2014 - 12:34 am

          OK…whew. I’m no Stormfronter. I will not make this semantic mistake again. I guess your reply is what Beefcake refers to as a “muddy boot”.

          (Previously saw a few back-and-forths here about using anti-White or anti-racist and recalled seeing a few references to “anti’s” as well.)

          I prefer to focus on the other 99% main theme of my orig post – the effectiveness of putting anti-White euphemisms in quotes prefaced by the term “so called”:

          So called “diversity” means chasing down Whites.
          So called “diversity” is a code word for White GENOCIDE.
          So called “anti-racists” always whine about…
          So called “multiCULTuralism” only targets…
          So called “anti-racism” is a code word for anti-White….etc

          IMO, anything additional that further discredits & delegitimizes the idiotic (but deadly) anti-White euphemisms is worth the effort.

          • #6 by Benjamin Newells on 11/04/2014 - 4:53 am

            I agree.

            Putting the phrase “so called” before each of the anti-white terms is definitely a good thing. I do it from time to time.

          • #7 by Carloman on 11/04/2014 - 12:03 pm

            I wouldn’t put “so-called” in front of “anti-racist” or “anti-racism” because then it makes it appear as if we’re saying that anti-Whites aren’t the real anti-racists, that we’re the real anti-racists. I’d leave the tag line “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” alone and keep it just the way it is.

            But I do sometimes use the phrase “so-called” in front of the word “diversity” because diversity is a legitimate concept, and I want to emphasize that it’s being misused as a euphemism for White genocide.

            • #8 by Benjamin Newells on 11/04/2014 - 12:39 pm

              I disagree.

              We’re attacking two terms, “anti-racism” and “diversity” because when anti-whites use these terms they are just using code words. Neither of the two should be treated as legitimate.

              For the same reason we put them in quotation marks (to mock the terms), we can put “so called” before them to exaggerate our mockery of those terms even further.

              • #9 by Benjamin Newells on 11/04/2014 - 12:40 pm

                All that matters to us is whether they are legimiate concepts WHEN anti-whites use them. And since they are NOT legitimate concepts when anti-whites use them, they should not be treated as such.

  2. #10 by Daniel Genseric on 11/02/2014 - 6:16 pm

    I have been using “Diversity” means chasing down the last white child” as a jab to our punchline of “Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.

    I have had anti-whites running silently away from that one-two combo for about 3 weeks now.

    1. Anti-white “Diversity”
    2. White Flight
    3. White Genocide

    It’s hard to go wrong with any mini containing those pro-white memes.

  3. #11 by Undercover Lover on 11/02/2014 - 8:02 pm

    I’ve been using “Diversity means chasing down the last white person” Seems to work quite well. I get a lot of silence from anti-whites who dared to take me on.

  4. #12 by time for freedom on 11/02/2014 - 8:59 pm

    I use it all the time now, it’s an excellent meme. But I use it with something else. I look at it this way, you don’t chase someone down just to play tag with them. You chase them to CAPTURE, or re-capture, them to return them into captivity. In this case, that means using diversity to chase down and capture every last White person and return them into the system of White genocide. Of course, I always use the short version.

  5. #13 by Benjamin Newells on 11/02/2014 - 10:01 pm

    I actually made up a variant of “Diversity means chasing down the last White person”:

    Diversity means chasing down White countries until they are non-White. #WhiteGenocide #AntiWhite

    It fits into a Tweet beautifully and definitely works. I sometimes make it a bit longer if I have room:

    Diversity means chasing down White people and White countries until they are non-White. #WhiteGenocide

    All tried and tested. Anti-Whites don’t know how to deal with these.

    • #14 by Benjamin Newells on 11/02/2014 - 10:05 pm

      I have found that anti-Whites tend to respond with “I’m White and I’ve never been chased down” when responding to “Diversity = chasing down White people”.

      Obviously this is easy to deal with – point out the Diversity programs and combine the line with other lines in the first place.

      But IME I’ve found that using “chasing down White countries until they are non-White” is more effective on Twitter.

  6. #15 by Carloman on 11/02/2014 - 11:43 pm

    Here are a couple of mini’s that I use:
    “Diversity” is now being forced on ALL White countries and ONLY on White countries.
    “Diversity” means chasing down White flight.
    It means turning every White neighborhood, and eventually every White country, non-White.
    But White people everywhere are now catching on to the real meaning of diversity.
    Diversity is nothing more than a codeword for White genocide.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    When was the last time you heard anyone say that a particular city, neighborhood, school, or workplace was too Black? That it needed to bring in more non-Backs to promote diversity?
    Have you ever heard that? No, I didn’t think so.
    Diversity means chasing down every White city, every White neighborhood, every White school, and every White workplace until it becomes non-White.
    Diversity means chasing down White flight.
    Diversity is a codeword for White genocide.
    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
    I haven’t been keeping track of which mini’s get more responses, so I’m not sure if there are any more effective than the other mini-Mantras that I’ve been using.

  7. #16 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/03/2014 - 9:15 am

    Diversity the chasing down of the last whites It rocks our world Coach.

    Screamers, Thugs, and Thought Police. Is also right up there.

  8. #17 by Daniel Genseric on 11/03/2014 - 12:58 pm

    The problem with “Diversity” is that you eventually run out of white children to chase down.

    “Diversity” is a code word for white genocide.

  9. #18 by -scythian- on 11/04/2014 - 1:20 pm

    I’ve been using the ‘chasing down’ meme incessantly since it was introduced & have been going w/ this Mantra-mini most recently:

    Africa 4 Africans, Asia 4 Asians, Diversity 4 White countries.
    “Diversity” means chasing down White people.
    “White flight” means diversity-refugees.
    Diversity is a codeword 4 White GENOCIDE.
    Anti-racist is a codeword 4 anti-White.

    Interestingly, it got a quick 4 likes 0 dislikes just minutes after I posted it on Yahoo each of the 1st 3 times. No joke.

    • #19 by Mark WN on 11/04/2014 - 5:55 pm

      Excellent! I like this. (Really like the refugee statement.) I just plagiarized your post.

      I’ve really had great results by adding “so called” before the anti-White term/euphemism –

      So called “diversity” is a codeword 4 White GENOCIDE.

      So called “anti-racist” is a codeword 4 anti-White.

      A few more examples of delegitimizing & discrediting their idiotic (but deadly) terminology –

      White people are insidiously being blended out of existence from mass immigration & govt forced/subsidized integration – in only White countries. What does pointing out this indisputable pattern have to do with so called “racism”?

      Non-whites interbreeding with white people will still exist in their own HOMOGENEOUS homelands (in the BILLIONS)…as ONLY white people gradually disappear. What does pointing out this indisputable fact have to do with so called “hate” (or so called “bigotry”?)

      The anti-Whites really seem to have their fangs out now. I want to see their world crumble.

      • #20 by Mark WN on 11/04/2014 - 5:59 pm

        In my haste, I got careless –

        Non-whites interbreeding with White people will still exist in their own HOMOGENEOUS homelands (in the BILLIONS)…as ONLY White people gradually disappear. What does pointing out this indisputable fact have to do with so called “hate” (or so called “bigotry”?)

        • #21 by Denounce Genocidists on 11/05/2014 - 8:18 am

          “Non-whites interbreeding with White people ”


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