“The NRA wants to put a police officer in front of every school. That’s just nuts.” – Chuck Schumer
“How are we going to fund this program? We’re broke; we’re out of money” – Bill O’Reilly
Naturally, the Sandy Hook massacre triggered emotional responses from parents on both ends of the political spectrum. Right on cue anti-whites rushed in to say “The only way to solve these problems of massacres is with less guns.” Wayne LaPierre of the NRA jumped out in front and said that “The only way to stop bad guys with guns is a good guy with a gun.” They made it their mission to take the torch and secure ALL schools, once and for all, while the left shamelessly used the massacre as fuel to wage war on a largely white, law-abiding population.
As usual, they made no mention of disarming criminals.
Conventional Wisdom and Political Correctness went further on CNN saying, “Not so fast, RACISTS. We ALREADY HAVE armed guards and police officers in the schools that need them.”
You could see the audience raise a collective eyebrow. Their sense of self preservation helped them exercise their ‘right to remain silent’.
How come these school massacres seem to have a knack for occurring in predominantly white schools?
Why is it that armed guards and police officers are “already in place where they need to be” when schools are “under threat” from gang-related activity? Does gang-related activity now include white gangs? Will it ever? When was the last time a massacre like Sandy Hook or Columbine took place in a predominantly non-white school? So, why are non-white schools more important to secure?
Simply put, Mommy Professor DEMANDED that white schools remain unprotected because she cannot see a future which includes white children. Her anti-white religion dictates that she has no obligation to do so. In fact, she and her cult of Political Correctness won’t allow for the security of our posterity.
The following is a list of ten questions that can get you fired from your job and/or socially ostracized:
- Are lawyers and defendants in courtrooms, doctors and patients in hospitals, pilots and passengers on airplanes, athletes and sports fans in stadiums, congress and staffers on the hill, and merchants and consumers in the Mall of America really more important than our children?
- Why don’t we hear anyone talking about removing police and contract security from those institutions? Where was the public outcry when these security measures were implemented?
- If the goal is to keep our children “shielded from evil guns”, are children not allowed in airplanes, courtrooms, stadiums, malls or hospitals?
- I’m hearing about “violating the culture of education with armed guards.” Air marshals travel on airplanes. What about ‘school marshals’ or a silent security? Restoring our teachers’ right to carry would make it random and anonymous by nature.
- Why does the school system dictate that our children remain ear-marked for terrorism?
- How do we disarm people who have no regard for the rule of law?
- The experts who are consulted to deal with a problem seem to qualify by being the very people who made oversights in the first place. Why should we continue to accept that from quote experts unquote?
- Criminals will continue to gain access to guns unless we devise a plan for melting down absolutely, positively 100% of the firearms on the face of the Earth. Has such a plan been drafted and is that even realistic?
- When will teachers’ access to their second amendment rights be restored?
- When will liberals put their egos aside and agree to stop discriminating against our children’s right to a safe learning environment?
The day anti-white European Americans begin concerning themselves with the safety of OUR children is the day they become non-white.
#1 by Undercover Lover on 11/01/2014 - 4:52 pm
You’re writing some really good articles. I’m not even noticing until a little while after I’ve read the article that Bob didn’t even write the articles
#2 by Undercover Lover on 11/01/2014 - 5:03 pm
(for whatever reason whenever I click “click to edit” a blank box comes up but I don’t think that has to do with whitakeronline.)
That’s also an excellent point about courtrooms, airports… having guys with guns to defend them but for some reason schools having guys with guns to defend them is “unacceptable.” It does seem that anti-whites just want to make white children as defenseless as possible.
#3 by Secret Squirrel on 11/02/2014 - 4:57 am
A non-White life has no value to the anti-Whites, unless it is a White man that takes it. But dead White children is still a big deal. People get hysterical and the anti-Whites always use it.
They have filing cabinets full of gun grabbing legislation, prepared for just such events. They know it would never be passed by calm and clear heads, so they start trying to ram it through, before the bodies are cold.
So there’s the answer. Dead White children are to be used to trick Whites into rendering themselves defenseless. Big anti-Whites are not stupid. They know that Defenseless Whites is one requirement of White Genocide.
#4 by Benjamin Newells on 11/02/2014 - 1:43 am
Another impressive article from you Genseric.
It’s meme material. Here’s a rough one:
‘Why is it that courtrooms, airports, hospitals, etc., have security armed with guns to defend lawyers, doctors/patients, etc., but the “anti-racist” establishment refuses to place security in majority-White schools?
Because the safety of White children are of no concern to “anti-racists”. Because “anti-racists” do not envision a future with White children.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.’
#5 by Benjamin Newells on 11/02/2014 - 1:48 am
I am not American, so can someone confirm for me whether majority-nonWhite schools have security?
If so, it would be necessary to include in my new mini this line: (but places security in majority-nonWhite schools)
#6 by Daniel Genseric on 11/02/2014 - 10:03 am
I am glad to read that you have found some UTILITY in what I wrote.
I can write the mini too, but it’s more rewarding for all of us when you do. This process of discovery is infinitely more important to me than reading something that further inflates an already ballooning ego.
Although, I will take what I can get!
#7 by Henry Davenport on 11/02/2014 - 2:12 am
And then there were the good old days:
#8 by shari on 11/02/2014 - 9:41 am
There are no white schools. There are only schools that are still majority white, with the anti-white onslaught being preached at them and IN them. We have a right to white schools, institutions and neighborhoods and areas. We have the right to defend them as we see fit, without interference.
Guns in courts, airports, etc. have only to do with protecting the totally corrupt genocidal system, not the public at all.