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White Genocide Petitions

Posted by Henry Davenport on November 8th, 2014 under General

The Wash Post blog on one of our “petitions” illustrates exactly a point that Ryan Holiday makes in his book Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator that Bob has recommended to us recently.

“Andrew Kaczynski of Buzzfeed sent out an intriguing tweet yesterday with a link that I couldn’t resist clicking.”

That opening sentence of the Wash Post article is an example of what Holiday describes: you feed something to the low level blogs that higher level blogs customarily search for story leads, and your planted story can move up the chain to major media.

We didn’t have to plant that story, since the oddness of our message having appeared on the president’s site (and the need of media to publish, publish, publish something) was sufficient to launch it.

The petitions offer opportunities to use Holiday’s tricks. For example, we’ve noticed the anti-white petitions (one of them is on page 2 of that thread, and the 3-page thread is an entertaining read!) that have sometimes appeared that attack our own and (helpfully, lol!) focus on our own specific memes in particular as objects of their attacks.

If whoever’s been writing those continues, the rabid reaction of some SF’ers to them has illustrated the possibilities in planting stories in low level blogs about “the raging race war on President Obama’s website,” or whatever. As Holiday points out, most blogs are paid by their advertisers for page clicks, and so blogs are fiercely competitive in “being first” with a story and generally don’t have time or inclination to check sources.

I’ve noticed that those anti-white petitions take a long time to get their 150 sigs and become visible, so if they keep appearing it would be helpful if we could develop ways of helping get them up as quickly as we do our own, lest their author becomes discouraged! …let’s let him think he has some support… lol!

Al Sharpton to ask Obama to block ‘White Genocide’ petitions from White House site. A close associate of Rev. Sharpton has reported that…”

Blogs like it if you write their stories for them.

But I think Holiday’s bag of tricks are going to take some finesse. I wouldn’t know right now what blogs are out there, which ones are good ones to feed to at the bottom of a chain, and exactly how to shape the tone and content of my communication to them so that they could at least pretend to themselves that what I’m offering them might be real. Do I just say, “I happen to know someone who is close to Al Sharpton…. I liked the report you did on….and I think your blog would be perfect for this story”?

I’ve hoped that in the months ahead I could begin to learn how to do some of Holiday’s stuff, but I really have no idea right now what I’ll be able to do or not do after a good long rest. Maybe what I’ve just written will spark interest and other ideas in some of you who already may be familiar with some blogs that could be used.

(While I’m thinking about getting ready to prepare to consider doing that, I can probably predict who may actually do it! :) )

Because this is what we want to achieve: MSNBC discusses White House White Genocide Petitions.

  1. #1 by Benjamin Newells on 11/08/2014 - 11:34 am

    HD, how many viewers would have seen that msnbc program?

      • #3 by Henry Davenport on 11/09/2014 - 2:26 pm

        Thanks for that bit of research.

        What struck me the most in that MSNBC segment was their nonsensical linking of the petition to a gathering of Republicans that had just occurred somewhere. The “link” was that that gathering of Republicans had failed to address our petition and disavow it!

        I felt lost in Wonderland at such stupid gibberings, but after reading “Trust Me, I’m Lying,” I have to look in the mirror to see who was being stupid.

        MSNBC was doing exactly one of the things that Ryan Holiday talks about in his book, which is to make a story out of nothing. In MSNBC’s terms (not in our own of course, because we understand the eventual consequences of what we’re doing), our petition was absolutely nothing, just a weirdo petition with less than 300 sigs.

        But the fact that it was racial provided them a hook (I think is the journalistic term…not sure), and they handled the fact that there was nothing else about it that was notable (in their terms) by making up a story using the gathering of Republicans, and by treating the low number of sigs in a clever way that made the dribbling of a few more sigs onto the low total seem like Mussolini’s march on Rome.

        At last I begin to understand. It takes real pros to do a silly piece of fluff like that MSNBC segment.

        My 2 cents.

        But hey, the brazen silliness of linking our petition to a gathering of Republicans to help make a story was something we didn’t even have to plant ourselves…we would likely be embarrassed to be that outrageous. But let’s let the pros be our guide.

  2. #4 by Benjamin Newells on 11/09/2014 - 2:28 am

    Thanks Jason. 400k is impressive.

  3. #5 by Jason on 11/09/2014 - 9:13 am

    The next two years are critical. There is a change going on, under the surface, in the psychology of White Americans. You can feel it. No one quite speaks of it yet.

    The elections are now RACE driven and everyone knows it. The GOP won pretty big in the mid-term elections but no one cares. We all know they will lose in 2016 due to the same racial factors. And the conservative base takes it for granted that the Respectable Conservatives will sell them out.

    When a Dem wins in 2016 (and a person of color would be a perfect candidate), the stage will be set for Whites to face realities they have run from for decades. They will demand an explanation of what has happened to them and, more importantly, demand their own spokesman.

    We must push our MEMES harder than ever so Whites will know how to understand the historic crimes committed against them and their children.

  4. #6 by Bob on 11/09/2014 - 11:23 am

    HD is our Samizdat Man.
    He created his own Mantra assignment and he keep on it no matter what the rest of us may wander off to or argue about.
    When the group was in Tennessee I would get up to go to the kitchen in the middle of the night and from the bottom of the stairs I could see HD at the at the top of the stairs, at his computer, hammering away at getting a few more of those first precious signatures on his petition.
    My God! It was like a flashback to the Samizdat days!
    Sitting there, all alone, hammering away at a tiny edge of a cause which every Soviet Expert declared hopeless.
    Even disillusioned Old Bob has his heroes, and HD is one of them.

  5. #7 by Henry Davenport on 11/09/2014 - 1:44 pm

    Hey Bob, thanks a lot, what a very kind surprise! And that does take me back to the exciting time we had at Freedom Farm, and the wonderful internet connection we shared there (always time for a quick snooze while the next page was loading…lol!) 🙂

    I just emailed the White House site about their glitches, and sent copies of the email to two blogs that address technology and the political process and have mentioned our petitions previously, and, and I suggested they might want to look into the glitches. Here’s what I sent nextgov:


    The White House’s We the People petition site appears to have rather severe glitches that are preventing a great number of signatures from actually appearing on the petitions. You may want to look into it. I just sent them this email:

    Dear Staff at,

    Some signers of our monthly STOP WHITE GENOCIDE petitions (and in particular, signers of this month’s petition below) have noted that their signatures have not appeared on the petition even after several days.

    As a test, a few have also signed random other petitions, and in many cases their signatures have not appeared on those other petitions either.

    We haven’t done enough such experiments to be certain, but it appears that failure of signatures to appear on petitions is not the result of purposeful targeting of particular petitions, but is the result of technical glitches at your site that have appeared since you changed the signature formatting several months ago.

    We at White GeNOcide Project believe that the We the People petition site is an important democratic innovation by the present administration, and we hope that this notification will be helpful to you in correcting a technical flaw that discourages participation.

    [Nextgov: The current petition that is referred to is this one ]:“stop-white-genocide”-presidential-medal-freedom/R1B0vrDG

    The glitch problem is real btw.

    Ryan Holiday’s “Trust Me I’m Lying: Confessions of a media manipulator” has shown me that getting a petition or petitions visible on the WH site should be only the initial step in using the petitions as a launching point for greater publicity. We put the petitions up and waited for media, etc. to notice them. That is NOT the approach Ryan Holiday uses to get publicity for his clients, or he would be out of work!

    No volunteers have stepped forward to manage the petition project…I’m going to take it one month at a time and I won’t promise to have one every month, but if I can keep a little distance and avoid getting entangled with anything else that happens here, it might go okay. The last moronic inferno (one of my favorite terms from a popular author) that arrived from outside and engulfed us left me fried to a crisp.

    I owe this Mantra assignment to redoubtable Genseric, who put up the first petition exactly two years ago but had run afoul of the hegemons at SF and was unable to go there and build support.

    And when praised, I always feel compelled to add that my own heroes are the folks here who get our stuff out day after day after day…for me “the working thread” will always be the beating heart of this enterprise!

  6. #8 by Henry Davenport on 11/09/2014 - 4:08 pm

    Any bugster, or anyone involved in spreading the meme “White Genocide,” may find it adds strength and concreteness in certain situations to write, “We at White GeNOcide Project…etc. etc….”

    And of course it’s good for White GeNOcide Project and for White GeNOcide.

  7. #9 by ElectricWhiteRabbit on 11/09/2014 - 6:06 pm

    Why do you think Whites voted overwhelmingly republican for GOB? because “we’ll secure the border” and “We’ll stop illegal immigration” these seem like pro-white qualities, Whites are naturally trying to stop White genocide. But what they don’t realize is they’ll be very disappointed. Once Whites find that out, the’ll be demanding a spokesman to represent us. When that happens, hopefully Whites wont be taking ANY compromise for White genocide.

  8. #10 by mandela on 11/09/2014 - 6:42 pm

    I love your petitions HD, I always sign them

  9. #11 by WmWhite on 11/10/2014 - 9:46 am

    HD, I believe this is your first time as a ‘headliner’ on Bob’s blog. Great job and thank-you for starting and continuing the White House petitions.

  10. #12 by shari on 11/10/2014 - 12:26 pm

    I haven’t had any problem signing so far. I’ll see it fairly soon afterwards.

    • #13 by Henry Davenport on 11/10/2014 - 9:13 pm

      The current petition was stuck at 180 sigs for several days up until at least the time I emailed the White House yesterday, but since sometime yesterday or today, 15 more sigs have been added. That’s rather much, so I assume it’s old sigs that were finally un-glitched.

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