Archive for November 2nd, 2015

Bob’s Campaign Platform

Audio Bob – The meaning of independence.

“At my inauguration, I will take the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.”Bobs plaftform pic

The Preamble to the Constitution is the only statement of the purpose of the United States:

To “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Having so sworn, I will, as commander and chief begin the orderly process of withdrawing all American forces from foreign soil.

The only purpose of the American armed forces is to protect American soil.

The Constitution instituted America as an independent nation. An independent nation does not enforce its notions, be they equality or anything else, on other independent nations.

To declare itself a “nation of immigrants” a country must demand sovereignty over every potential immigrant on earth.

We are a people with many political points of view. A government which uses force to collect taxes and then gives that money to groups or persons to promote their own political agenda are committing a criminal act.

It is the duty of the Executive Branch to prosecute such people.

And to receive the people’s funds.

Congress has become the means of doing what the people do not want done.

Technology has given us the means of going directly to the people and asking them what actions will fulfill the Preamble.

