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Science Fiction Goes Senile

Posted by Bob on November 28th, 2015 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

When I was young, I loved science fiction. I went to some conventions.

Back then SF looked to the future. It demanded experimentation. In a world where population and per capita income both increased steadily science fiction was the cutting edge of demands for technological progress and optimism.

Now reading SciFi is like listening to an old man grumble to himself.

“None of these new-fangled things will do anything but cause disaster.”  photo malthus.jpg

In today’s scifi, any population increase means starvation.

One story talked about the discovery of the secret of eternal life, and then showed how it was banned forever because a society that could extend life forever did not realize it might involve a population increase, and total disaster ensued.

The very idea is laughable, but nobody laughed.

They PUBLISHED this crap.

Today’s clowns READ this crap!

Science fiction is now “message media.” Each story is supposed to advance the “message.”

So, like all Marxist output, it is BORING.

  1. #1 by Yankee Rebel on 11/28/2015 - 1:25 pm

    I, too, used to love Sci Fi , but now we get “message media” like the latest Star Wars movie which promotes a White and Black relationship through the main characters. It is very hard to find any entertainment that is not “message media.”

  2. #2 by Jason on 11/28/2015 - 8:18 pm

    You can look at old Sci-Fi and see how optimistic much of it was. We were conquering the future.

    Now it is always some “dystopia” they love so much.

    They’ve lost the ability to think like White men. They can’t imagine making things better. We are to be PUNISHED for trying to improve things!

  3. #3 by Undercover Lover on 11/29/2015 - 12:55 am

    I don’t know Bob. I think there’s still lots of good Sci-Fi stories out there. Though it is definitely true that anti-whites are trying to turn it into another “message media.” Actually this reminds me of that “Sad Puppies” thing;

    Basically it involved a bunch of people who stood in opposition to the anti-whites (though they called them social-justice warriors) who bully authors who don’t toe the party line.

    Another thing to note is that there is a brand new (relatively) media to Sci-Fi; video games. Two Sci Fi games that left a huge impression on my younger self were Star craft 1 and System Shock 2.

  4. #4 by jo3w on 11/29/2015 - 1:05 am

    Sci-fi is entertaining when you are young enough to not realize that the inevitable future is really just a bunch of horse crap.

  5. #5 by Jason on 11/29/2015 - 7:01 am

    Being pro-White means ensuring progress as a side effect. If we win, we won’t be eating tree bark and using rivers as bathrooms.

    It won’t be some prepper nightmare.

    Why wouldn’t a pro-White get that?

  6. #6 by Jason on 11/29/2015 - 7:18 am

    “Now reading SciFi is like listening to an old man grumble to himself”

    That’s the kind of magic line that sums everything up and puts the bastards in their place! They aren’t “cool” or edgy people. They are grumpy old men.

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