Our rulers are now in what can only be called a “Stop Trump Mania.”
Anyone who sees our ruling group as a ruling group would, and I mean anyone who really SEES our ruling group as our ruling group would never have become part of it. We are ruled by the very OPPOSITE of a Conspiracy.
A conspiracy is made up of people who KNOW the real situation and keep their knowledge secret.
No one who really sees our ruling class as such would never have gotten their jobs. They would not be trusted by those who decide who is in and who is out. Conservative spokesmen make liberals comfortable with them.
Lenin referred to what we now call respectable spokesmen as “useful idiots.”
By now, the whole process of selecting who gets listened to and who can raise money is so ingrained that those who are part of the media elite do not have to think in those terms. To a lifetime member of the anti-White professionals, choosing who is allowed to speak and those who are not, is simply a matter of “reasonable” people versus unreasonable ones.
After decades, professional anti-Whites can tell immediately not only who is on their side but also whether a person would make a spokesman for the Other Side. The term “useful idiots” never even occurs to them.
The competition for money and fame is fierce. As far as climbing the ladder of success is concerned, no one who cannot instantly tell their version of “talent” will be kicked off of the bottom rung.
But sometimes even professionals get caught with their pants down.
In 1981 Cokie Roberts, a rising star at National Public Radio, asked ME to do an editorial from the Reagan side!
Even National Review was split right down the middle as to whether I was a legitimate spokesman for Reagan.
Ms. Roberts explained to me that the big media simply did not know anyone on the Reagan side.
“The Reagan side” had just won a crushing victory against a sitting President. But the national media just didn’t have people who represented the side that had taken over the Presidency and the Senate.
Everybody they had put on to represent “the opposition” was a middle of the road Republican or, even worse, one of the almost completely extinct liberal wing of the Party. After the election, New York governor Nelson Rockefeller was asked by a reporter whether he was there to represent the East coast, moderate wing of the GOP.
Rockefeller replied, “I AM the eastern wing of the Republican Party.” ALL of the people the media saw as representing the non-Democratic side of the entire American electorate were GONE!
We saw exactly the same thing happen recently to the UK media.
Over half of the public the BBC was the expert on had voted to leave the European Union.
The UK media said up front they didn’t KNOW those people!
A major news story was that pro-EU Britons were outraged that the Media had not given the slightest indication that the majority in the UK was anti-EU.
In a replay of the American “professional” media in 1980, The BBC and the rest of the “professionals” replied, without a hint of embarrassment, that they simply didn’t KNOW anybody in the country’s majority.
In America in 1980 and in the UK months ago, a media professional was not there to LISTEN to what the British public said.
One becomes a member of the professional media by TELLING the people what they should support.
And they SAY so!
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