Archive for August 25th, 2016

The Snobs’ Wall

Between the common sense I preach, the stuff that demonstrably WORKS and professional pro-Whites and professional conservatives there is a WALL.

Snobs, mysteriously, HAVE to DENY the stuff I recommend. It seems that they are DRIVEN to fight anything I put up.

We watch them using White Genocide and simultaneously shouting that THEY would never touch that low-class kind of stuff.

I have watched them do this for two generations.
 photo snobswall.jpg
No, I can’t explain it any better than you can.

Trump may be abandoning his anti-immigration stand.

It wouldn’t surprise me if he were.

No one can point at one single vote he is likely to get by doing this.

Backing down on popular stands has never been explained. No respectable has ever even TRIED to defend it but it has always been predictable.

Yes, backing down on immigration now is so dumb that even the media is shocked. But rejecting Reagan Democrats was always Republican policy and it was always inexplicable in any standards of sane political thinking.

It’s never been sane. It’s never been explicable, not only in terms of political logic but in terms of political SANITY.

But I would not be at all surprised if Trump went into desperate reverse on immigration and desperate groveling that would embarrass even the Republican National Committee.

Insanity is predictable but it is not explicable.

Some of the finest minds we know are desperately trying to separate themselves from “White Genocide.”

I do not want to waste one minute of BUGSERS’ precious time and thought on denouncing serial killing or political stupidity.

Insanity is predictable.

It is NOT explicable to a sane mind.
