Archive for category History

Changing Governments While Nothing Changes

Two points:

1) when I need correction, I come here.  As I have said many times it is much better to make mistakes here than out in the field.
2) The last thing I want to do is appear to use obscure information to make me look good, as so many AMPWs love to do.

When I talked about the importance of the coalition that got Hitler into power in the 1932 election, I went right into it as if you were familar with coalition-building.

As I remember from my political science days, The United States is the only country on earth in which the legislative and executive branches are elected separately.

In every other country, the “government” is elected by a majority of the legislative branch.  photo frenchpm.jpg

France was famous in the 50s, until DeGaulle took over, for short-lived governments. I remember one, Henri Queuille, that lasted two days though he held office another eight days as a caretaker while a new coalition was cobbled together.

They could elect a Premier and other officials, then they would fall out with each other or one or more parties would drop out of the coalition and the government would resign, and/or lose a vote of confidence.

This year Britain went back to “one party government” when the Conservative Party won a tiny majority.

If you paid any attention to British politics, which is as boring and pointless as ours, a coalition of two or more parties formed one of their recent governments.

I can almost hear BUGSERS saying, “Well whoopteedo!   We are supposed to be bored to death here by breathless announcements of which cuckservative gets ten more votes, and you expect us to keep up with British Liberal Democrats who make even less difference?”

True, nearly all other countries do use the Parliamentary system.

For nothing.

You already have an electoral system that means nothing.

Why should you keep up with another one?


Side Note:
A quote from the beginning of Stephen King’s  “Kingdom Hospiral:”
“A hundred and fifty years ago in Maine, women and children worked sixteen hour shifts every day to make blue uniforms.
The blue uniforms were for men who were fighting to abolish “The Peculiar Institution.”
“The Peculiar Institution was slavery”
Only Stephen King could get away with that!



Bob’s Campaign Platform

Audio Bob – The meaning of independence.

“At my inauguration, I will take the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.”Bobs plaftform pic

The Preamble to the Constitution is the only statement of the purpose of the United States:

To “secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

Having so sworn, I will, as commander and chief begin the orderly process of withdrawing all American forces from foreign soil.

The only purpose of the American armed forces is to protect American soil.

The Constitution instituted America as an independent nation. An independent nation does not enforce its notions, be they equality or anything else, on other independent nations.

To declare itself a “nation of immigrants” a country must demand sovereignty over every potential immigrant on earth.

We are a people with many political points of view. A government which uses force to collect taxes and then gives that money to groups or persons to promote their own political agenda are committing a criminal act.

It is the duty of the Executive Branch to prosecute such people.

And to receive the people’s funds.

Congress has become the means of doing what the people do not want done.

Technology has given us the means of going directly to the people and asking them what actions will fulfill the Preamble.




If Your Heart is in Israel, Your Butt Should be in Israel

Abraham Lincoln must have been God, because he is supposed to have performed transubstantiation.

In a speech far shorter than a Mass, the God Lincoln transformed our Declaration of Independence into a statement that we ruled the world.

Let us see if anybody remembers what the word “independence” means.

Independence means we are dedicated to one thing, and the one thing is that you don’t run our affairs and we don’t run yours.

Lincoln declared that the Declaration gave us the power to force our version of equality anywhere on earth.  General Wesley Clark declared that American troops should be used whenever we feel like it to enforce racial quotas in Europe.  photo constitution1.jpg

People said Lincoln was God and Clark his Prophet.

I think they should have been committed.

The Founding Fathers knew exactly what “independence” meant and they stated it: to “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

No congress today would allow such a statement even to be proposed for the Constitution.

It is Nativist and Evil and God will get you for it.

The actual Constitution says not one word about jamming equality down throats around the world.

The clear import of the Preamble to the real Constitution is that we should have no immigrants unless their presence is good for the people already here.

No one who thinks Lincoln is God will know any real history.   So they think there were a lot of immigrants who helped adopt the Constitution.

Actually the generation that adopted the Constitution had the highest percentage of native born white Americans it has ever had before or since.   It is not incidental that the President had to be born here.

I would be a good president if only because I am the only candidate who has ever READ the Constitution.

There is no evidence that anyone else running for office has.



“Living Constitution” Means Fuhrer

When Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, it was actually a technical problem for International Law that until that date, Germany was, OFFICIALLY and TECHNICALLY, a free and democratic society.

Unlike Communist countries, the Nazis publically and officially denounced any pretense of democracy.

So how were they still an official democratic republic?

I enjoy the humor of it, though it was a serious problem at the time.

The Third Reich was still operating under the Weimar Constitution.

And not just “technically.”

The Weimar Constitution had a “state of emergency” clause.

And the state of emergency had no time limit.  photo supct1.jpg

So Hitler took power under these constitutional emergency powers and was still operating under them when his government collapsed.

Hitler was Germany’s “Living Constitution.”

REALLY!      If you read the Federalist Papers, you will find that the Founding Fathers never considered that the Judiciary would be allowed to do what we take for granted.

The judiciary will always be inferior to the other branches – “…the judiciary is beyond comparison the weakest of the three departments of power…as liberty can have nothing to fear from the judiciary alone…” Federalist 78.

But in our day we take it for granted that the current nine lawyers wearing black dresses IS “The Constitution of the United States of America.”

They are our Living Constitution, Our Fuhrers.

Because they say so.

As President I will immediately announce that they are NOT!




They got Al Capone on tax evasion.

There is a million light years difference between an outfit that is “tax exempt” – every political party is exempt from paying taxes – and “tax deductible,” which means that you can deduct contributions to it from your income which is taxed..

These latter groups are therefore partly funded by taxpayers. They are, NOT JUST “tax exempt.”

Today almost every big money tax deductible organization, from Harvard to the National of Churches to the Ford Foundation, openly backs anti-White propaganda on a massive scale.

They BRAG about it.  The NEA openly engages in anti-White propaganda.  photo capone.jpg

That’s point one.

Point Two is history:

They got Al Capone on tax evasion.

Somebody ignored all the drama, the extortion, the Valentine’s Day Massacre, and looked at his BOOKS.

BUGSERS certainly understand why it took so many years for the Feds to do that.

Like the Mantra, tax evasion had no sex appeal, no Headline News value.

Exactly like the Mantra, once it worked then everyone claimed they had come up with it.

But we all know what happened when it was first proposed:

“A MURDERER, a CRIME BOSS, and you are going after him on his TAXES!!!!!?????”


Like the Mantra, it WORKED.

Like the Mantra, EVERYBODY had been for it from the start.

From the National Education Association to the National Council of Churches to the universities and Foundations, these groups have been bragging for decades about how they openly violate the tax law in a way that would send you to prison.

It is time to look at their statements and at their BOOKS.

I could have done it in the Reagan Administration, but my staff was disbanded.

Treat those Holy Ones like just another tax-deductible outfit?


A nuclear weapon in our arsenal would be the serious demanding of Al Capone Audit Number Two.
