Archive for category Musings about Life


ME First

I enjoyed this ramble, so I hope you will.

I did change one word relating to sex. It’s not that I’m prudish, it’s just that I’m supposed to be teaching here, and I don’t KNOW enough about sex for that.

Now I’ll let Dave rave on:

I was at seminar the other day when the speaker’s credentials were recited: She had a PHD in Law, a Masters in Taxation, held a CPA license and was an active member of the California bar. Everybody immediately knew there was something wrong with her. You could almost hear the groaning in the audience. She had that vicious look most serious academics get, like she never had any sex in her life ever and had no hope of getting any ever.

Having to listen to such a woman is almost like being 5 years old and being forced to sit in the pews with a suit on. The only thing you can do is sit there and dream about lobbing spit balls off the pastor’s noggin.

But my favorite in America’s credentialing system is listening to the announcers recite the credentials of colored ball players, the best one being, “a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from State U”.

I have never heard an announcer follow up by saying, “Why didn’t they just let the poor nigger play ball?”

Do you have any idea how humiliating and hard it is to have to sit through two years of lectures by sociology professors, sufficient to enable you to get the 45 quarterly hours of distribution credits to enable you to apply for a college bachelor’s degree? It’s hard on the pride man, if only for the pure waste it involves.

But it is even worse because the whole experience lasts so long and does something to your brain, crippling your ability to think and giving you no hope you will ever recover. You have to have a pretty serious sports injury to be as badly injured, speaking for the long term. Then they tag that Sociology Degree to your ass and you can never get rid of it. It stays for life. They will even mention it in your obituary.

And what a punishment that is for being unable to learn algebra! Why do white people put all those damn X’s and Y’s there anyway? I mean, if that is the thing that’s got to get answered, that thing those X’s and Y’s are supposed to stand for, just ask the question! Why jumble it all up and make it confusing?

White people are just plain crazy, that’s all there is to it.

And being white, I will volunteer.



Just How Dumb ARE People Who Think They’re Intellectuals?

I am a documentary freak. I was watching one on the Stone Age culture in the islands north of Scotland. It reminded me of the times I went to visit Great Zimbabwe. Like absolutely every other ancient structure, Zimbabwe was regarded as a “religious structure.” This is because it is assumed that anything useful that was not a product of a Great Civilization was taught to the barbarians by the Orient, Ex Oriente Lux.

There is another assumption here, and I am STILL the only one who goes on with the critique of assumptions at a deeper and deeper level. The assumption is that nothing DUMB ever came out of the East. So the Ex Oriente Lux crowd has always assumed that the lowly barbarians spent all their time, money, and building skill on useless religious exercises the way Egypt did. Actually, even the ROMANS laughed openly at the Egyptians about this. They MADE FUN of the fact that the Egyptians build worthless crap out in the desert while the Romans were building roads.

No, not all of the people in Europe had the same quivering worship of the Middle East that “Christians’ and Political Correctness demand today. Please note, once again, the alliance here between the so-called conservative “Christians” and the established faith of Political Correctness. They stand shoulder to shoulder in the battle against REAL history as they do in the case of other realities.

So let us return to this assumption, WHICH NOBODY ELSE HAS EVER THOUGHT OF, of the simple fact that historians assume that nothing SILLY came from the Great Civilizations.

Once again, as with the words of Jesus, my experience with totalitarian society gives me an insight others do not have. As I walked around Zimbabwe, the hair on my neck raised. I had been here before. Every avenue was WATCHED. The main entrance led straight to a guard post and straight away from it. On the outskirts is circular winding walkway that has a classic purpose: a guard could stand at the top in those days before electronics and watch every step a person made to the center point.

Then there was the water. Like all other nice things, I have been taught to think in terms of THIRST. They showed us that, under the porous rock in that semi-desert area, there was an area under Zimbabwe that was very wet. It was wetter when Zimbabwe was new. It was a previously rocked-in area underneath Zimbabwe under the porous rock. When it rained there three or four times a year, the water went though the porous rock and accumulated in that gap, which today is mostly open. What the guide thought was particularly funny was that the only TREE in the area has grown right there, with its roots in the only water for miles around.

So while other people saw only a giant religious structure trying to copy Great Civilizations, what I saw was a familiar sight: a structure built to keep watch on a huge number of slaves, with the only source of water there.

But I was, for once, not the only person to make this observation. A number of sane Rhodesian scholars had declared the Great Zimbabwe was a slave-labor gold mine. They were denounced at Oxford, of course. Now this idea is accepted.

Hell, a lot of Germans were advocating the germ theory of disease in the seventeenth century. We only know that because the Intellectuals denounced them and the “Christians” wanted to know where THAT was in the Bible and Noah’s Ark. But this is going on today: Real history is always denounced as uneducated at first.

Which tells you a lot about the “educated.”

Back when the Great Sculptors were working in Renaissance Italy, I am sure the peasants wondered why their statues had to be so UGLY. They were bare gray stone, and to the peasants of that day, who liked vivid colors to brighten their dull existence, they must have looked depressing. But the Great Sculptors said that the peasants were ignoramuses, so they did Understand the SUBTLE beauty of the Ancients.

Actually the ancients would have gagged at the monstrosities, like the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, that these TRUE barbarians, these “educated” barbarians, produced. We know now that no such depressing gray stone structures EXISTED in the classical world. The “educated” people found statues which had been denuded of their vivid color by a thousand years of wear and did not have the imagination “– imagination is DEFINITELY encouraged by “education” or “Christianity” — to consider that a statue buried in the earth for a millennium may look different from the one that was originally buried down there.

Now back the islands north of Scotland. One ancient, pre-pyramid, village has been uncovered. That is, the stones have. It is significant to me what they said about it, but they didn’t listen to THEMSELVES. The documentary said this was an important discovery because all the other structures from the megalithic period were built of wood, but these islands have no wood but lots of stone to build with. So the stone gave historians a clear look.

Now if they THOUGHT about what they said, as I KEEP encouraging YOU to do — they would have a whole new view of history. They worship the Middle East. The Middle East built in stone because they had to send to LEBANON for wood. So did everything come from the Middle East or did everything THEY CAN FIND still stand there while all the others, the real originators, had their wood structures rot away?

This seems pretty obvious if you can THINK. But Dewey education was declared to be about “teaching us to think,” which means it was a wholesale onslaught AGAINST education. I have given you example after example about how, in practical politics, the first thing you do if you want to defend a monopoly is to declare a campaign against monopoly, if you want to spread hate you do it in the name of fighting hatred, and so forth.

People used to understand this as a matter of course. Then came “education.”

OK, so the documentary made my OLD point, that “Christians” and historians both worship stone. But my NEW point is that that piece went on to insist that everything on those islands was just religious. And in their terminology, “religious” means worthless. Anything NOT worthless had to wait for the Middle East to get it there.

But tiny communities on those barren islands did not develop the massive priesthood that wasted Egypt’s resources. While the historians obsessed over religious significance, as they did in Great Zimbabwe, I saw the practical uses of those structures. In other words, the silly stuff, the wasteful superstitious side of lie that historians impose on every building remain outside of the Middle East is a product of their own crap. Other societies didn’t develop the SILLINESS of Egypt. They did things for REASONS, like the Great Zimbabwe gold mines.

But until we realize that “intellectuals” are so stupid they don’t wonder what a thousand years’ wear might do to a status, that only a dullard would worship ROCKS and assume that everything began where there was no wood, that it is a highly expensive bureaucratic priesthood that builds a whole society around religion, we can’t see ANYTHING clearly.

Political Correctness is NOT the first time that silliness and superstition has been imposed in the name of “intellectuality” and “education.” It happens in every society as a matter of course and is just as a matter of time.

The people who call themselves “intellectuals” simply cannot understand real history because they are incapable of looking in the mirror, which is where the answer lies.



Traditional Values and “SHAZAM! BOOM!” Part Two

Everybody says that if you put down a black, a black should object. If you put down a Jew, a Jew should object.

According to Traditional Values, when Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” he excluded every one of us living today. Can I, on behalf of every black and Jew, object to this? You see, every one of us living today, including Holy Minorities, are part of the population Traditional Values excludes from Jesus when he spoke the Golden Rule.

According to Traditional Values, at the instant of conception there is a “SHAZAM! BOOM!”

At that instant, the new person should be treated as you would want yourself treated. But when the black and the blond marry, all that matters is that THEY are “in love,” and, above, that the guy in the dress shouts SHAZAM!

To hell with the kids.


The problem is that neither you nor I nor the other six billion people on earth were around when Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This did not apply to you and me, since we were not in the “SHAZAM!” stage, much less the “BOOM!” part.

Jesus did not say to only be good to those who are here now. Early Christianity did not believe there would BE a future, so I doubt Jesus worried about it much. But had he known that his Second Coming would be so delayed, the churches would not have been closed in the meantime because people like me and you, future generations who had not been SHAZAM/BOOMed yet, didn’t matter.

No, a man in a dress screaming “SHAZAM!” won’t substitute for a genetic morality.



Traditional Values and “SHAZAM! BOOM!” Part One

There have seldom been weddings that were as restricted as the one Jesus blessed at Cana. Not only was the marriage restricted to two Jews, but it had to be the right SECT of Jews. And Jesus did say to one person, “Are you not a descendant of David, etc.?”

In other words, no one would have been married at Cana by a quick conversion.

But Traditional Values people tell us that if there had been any restrictions on the wedding of Cana, any good “Christian” would have shouted “Foul!”

It doesn’t matter if the children will be ugly (see piece below) or if it’s genocidal or anything else. All that matter to the Family Values type is that a guy in a dress stands in front of the couple, waves his arms, and shouts, “SHAZAM!”

The next frame is a lightening bolt striking with a resounding “Boom!”

And the couple is now Married, which is ALL that matters.

I know liberals are silly, too. But I can’t imagine anything liberal that is more droolingly ridiculous than this “Shazam! Boom! Sambo and his blond are MARRIED and that is all that matters forever.”


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How Fast Does Psi Move?

For many years Duke University had the only program dedicated to proving or disproving ESP, extra-sensory perception. Actually the term extra-sensory perception is misleading, because if we have a sixth sense, it is not extrasensory.

Identical twins have an interrelationship for which we have only anecdotal accounts. There is evidence that, to a certain extent, identical twins share the same “self.” We have not the slightest idea why we have this “I” inside us, whereas as far as we know a computer has no more realization of its own existence than a rock does.

It may or may not be googable, but it would interesting to find out whether Duke ever tested this identical twin identity.

I wrote around this subject of “self” below, when I said that, since we can’t even recognize the 2% of our population, which means you know a number of them, which consists of pure sociopaths, people with no guilt feelings at al, how can we say that people of other RACES have the same feelings inside that we do.

We know NOTHING about the self. All of our sciences tell us flatly that the “selfhood” possessed by every man, woman, do and cat and bird on this plant CANNOT EXIST. I am talking about this whole experience you and I live with every day, the one through which we feel pain and joy and boredom and the only thing that really MATTERS in the universe.

But science tells us that this is no more real than ghosts.


I am not getting mystical on you here. It is very hard to discuss this and keep people from sliding off the deep end about me hinting at something. I don’t hint. I believe that science works just fine. I believe that the self is simply something that is preternatural; something that we simply know exists, since we are US, but cannot be demonstrated by present-day science.

But when you say that all people are the same beneath their skin, you are presuming knowledge nobody has any inkling of. That was the point I mad, and it was an important one.

But when I make a point, somebody goes toddling off on something they are used to thinking about. One reader, whom I jumped one, went right into how everybody was the same under the skin and assimilation and so forth. As far as the point I actually made, he simply didn’t hear it.

Ted Bundies lawyer friends thought he was just like everybody else. They SAID so. They TESTIFIED to it. But inside Ted was as alien as any Martian. But the reader didn’t see that point at all. He just went into the usual flitter about how his colored friends bathe and speak good English so they must be just like him.

It makes me tired all over when someone acts like he is commenting when he is just repeating his tape recording.

Anyway, back to this ESP business. Our speed of communication in space is limited by the speed of light. But if two identical brains were developed, identical twins, would communication between THEM be limited the same way? If identical twins have any shared selfhood, it is completely outside of science as we know it. So if twin A is on Alpha Centauri 4.6 light-years away, his connection with the other twin may still be instantaneous. After all, this is not two people communicating, this is the same person.

If we ever found that was true, then we could simplify it until all communications in space were handled this way.

Already this speed of communication is problem is noticeable. You watch a reporter in Iraq being asked a question, and then the noticeable delay before he starts to answer. Each side of the talk must go up 14,000 miles to the satellite, then back down to him. That is a fraction of second, but normal conversation occurs at about 240 words per minute, so this break is noticeable, since it goes on BOTH ways.

I remember when Nixon talked to the first astronauts to land on the moon in 1969. We didn’t use satellites then, and we were used to radio and telephone. So it seemed like a HUGE delay when he and the astronauts had to wait three second for the telephone comment to get to the moon and back at light speed. And the moon is next door astronomically. When the satellite passed Jupiter we had to wait something like an hour for the pictures to get back here.

Alpha Centrauri is our next door star, and a question and answer would take ten years to travel there and back. So how fast does Pi, this shared self, move, if it exists at all?

It used to be ridiculous for people to worry about things like the speed of light. But every day the theoretical becomes practical, and what used to be practical becomes as outdated as using a whole computer to add and subtract.

I am sure someone will tell me that Psi moves just as fast for people regardless of the color of the skin, but that is not what I am writing about.

I did a whole piece about the specific problem I had with monomaniacal anti-Semites who interrupted a point I was making to blame it all on Jews. I received an agonized reply about how I was calling anyone a zithead who talked about Jews.

This is the old “So you are saying my mother is ugly” bit I keep talking about. I go to a lot of trouble to make a SPECIFIC point and then the person I am talking to, who seems to have been in a coma while I talked, looks angry and says, “So what you’re saying is that my mother is ugly!” When I made my living at this I had to put up with crap like that and try to calm the person down and try to understand HOW my comment on the economics of Pakistan somehow could be construed in his mind to refer to his mother.

But I don’t HAVE to do crap like that any more.

AND by now my commenters should be able to do it FOR me, though their silence in the latter case disgusted me.

No, I am not interested in your Mommy or your colored friends. It is hard enough to get my point if you pay attention. The time you spend defending Mommy or Sambo would be better spent looking back over what I actually said and trying to USE Mantra Thinking.

I did not start this blog so we could go on endlessly getting tangled into what I meant and standard ideas you were thinking about before you read what I said. The world is crammed with publications and online stuff for you to do that with.

I want commenters who read, read again, think, and then come up with something productive. There are very, precious few people who can do that. Others are welcome. But that few are the ones I am LOOKING for.
