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Traditional Values and “SHAZAM! BOOM!” Part Two

Posted by Bob on January 12th, 2007 under Musings about Life

Everybody says that if you put down a black, a black should object. If you put down a Jew, a Jew should object.

According to Traditional Values, when Jesus said, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” he excluded every one of us living today. Can I, on behalf of every black and Jew, object to this? You see, every one of us living today, including Holy Minorities, are part of the population Traditional Values excludes from Jesus when he spoke the Golden Rule.

According to Traditional Values, at the instant of conception there is a “SHAZAM! BOOM!”

At that instant, the new person should be treated as you would want yourself treated. But when the black and the blond marry, all that matters is that THEY are “in love,” and, above, that the guy in the dress shouts SHAZAM!

To hell with the kids.


The problem is that neither you nor I nor the other six billion people on earth were around when Jesus said “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This did not apply to you and me, since we were not in the “SHAZAM!” stage, much less the “BOOM!” part.

Jesus did not say to only be good to those who are here now. Early Christianity did not believe there would BE a future, so I doubt Jesus worried about it much. But had he known that his Second Coming would be so delayed, the churches would not have been closed in the meantime because people like me and you, future generations who had not been SHAZAM/BOOMed yet, didn’t matter.

No, a man in a dress screaming “SHAZAM!” won’t substitute for a genetic morality.

  1. #1 by Peter on 01/12/2007 - 3:39 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    Repetition works like a plunger. Shari

  2. #2 by Peter on 01/12/2007 - 8:51 pm

    Not Spam

    Not Spam

    When Black leaders claim that
    “you are either for us or against us”
    They take a purely political position.

    When Jewish leaders claim that
    “you are either for us or against us”
    They take a purely political position.

    Meanwhile, whites worry about ideals like
    Democracy or Racism while quoting the
    Constitution or the Bible.

    While Blacks and Jews understand politics
    as power relationships,
    Whites view politics as ideological fantasies
    revolving around mental gymnastics such as
    utilitarianism, socialism, Marxism, libertarianism,
    and other sundry political poppycock.


  3. #3 by Peter on 01/13/2007 - 12:35 pm

    NOT SPAM (But Off Topic)
    NOT SPAM (But off Topic)

    Letter to a 23 yr old white man – Preparation for the Future

    I think you are doing as good a job to get ready for it as can be done. Hands on and technical skills are are good, The military training is good. Try to go to CADM (or however it’s spelled) school. Radiology is good – it has many applications, and you work with sophisticated equipment which will give you a better feel for machinery and mechanical systems.. When you can afford it and have the time I hope you will study more martial arts. You also should work on ‘getting small.’ – becoming unnoticeable when you want to be.

    Those who don’t know anything real will face a steep and painful learning curve when the time comes. Many of them won’t make it. Looking around I think we’d be better off to lose 40% – 60% of our own people anyway. Also, the women must be placed under strict control, even if it requires physical intimidation. If given any say, they will attempt to sacrifice healthy and productive individuals in order to save greaseballs and useless eaters.

    Your interpersonal skills are good and you should continue to develop them. You must learn to lead from the top, but also from the side and from three or four levels down. When you are middle management it is quite a trick to get the top guys to do the right thing. Believe it or not, I think that the pudgy guy who runs Hezbollah is a good model for a future leader. He is able to lead and develop a consensus in a situation of disorder. I suspect that trying to get Arabs on the same page is like trying to herd cats.

    White men SHOULD be easier to manage, but every shithead is raised to think he is something special these days. Those delicate egos will have to be dealt with in the beginning, until reality washes that nonsense out of people’s heads.

    Mike doesn’t agree with me, but I spend huge amounts of time trying to figure out what is going on. My opinion is that we are just past the high water mark of Equalitarianism/Cultural Marxism/Multiculturalism, and things are slowly, slowly starting to drift our way. Our demographics may be crap, the kids may all seem to be soft, useless whiggers and wannabes, the girls may all seem to be mudsharks, but the entire system that supports all this is, to my eye, visibly failing.

    As a self-proclaimed intellectual, I notice that all the intellectual creativity and vitality these days is on the side of traditiionalism and ethnic nationalism. Equalitarianism has reached an intellectual dead end. There is no life or vitality left in it. On the extremely rare occasions when I discuss this stuff with an equlitarian, it isn’t long before the handwringer is calling me a ‘racist’, ‘sexist’, etc. He can’t answer my arguments, so he is reduced to personal attacks and name-calliing. The equalitarians are forced to rely on intimidation, force, and psychological manipulation in larger and larger doses. When any system reaches this stage, the end is near.

    Keep your eyes open and, above all, take the time to have some fun.

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