Archive for category Religion

Jewish Establishment Agrees With Hitler

If you accept that the Inquisition never did physical damage to Jews, you can accept that the priesthood of the temple did nothing to Jesus. But the converse is true. If you overlook the responsibility of the Inquisition that crucified Jesus you must hold the Inquisition guiltless.

One could say that both the Inquisition and the Crucifixion were terrible mistakes in the millennia-long history of Jews and of the Church of Rome. They cannot be blamed on MODERN Catholics or Jews.

But there is a huge difference here. The Catholic Church has admitted it did wrong. The Pope has gone to Israel and groveled at the Jews’ feet for the Inquisition. He has rolled and puked and peed in his robes over the Evil the Church did to Jews.

In other words, the Church admits it was wrong and separates modern Catholics from the errors of their predecessors. The only problem is that, like other white gentiles, the Church keeps on groveling to a sickening extent.

Jewish reaction to Mel Gibson’s perfectly accurate portrayal of the Crucifixion was the exact opposite. The Jews said that if the Temple Priesthood back then did an evil thing, then that evil is still part of Judaism. This is odd, but that IS the logic..

If you insist that admitting a 2000 year old error by Jews is anti-Semitic, you are agreeing with the anti-Semites.

By the same token, Jews who insist that any attempt to save the white race is Nazi are agreeing with Hitler. They are saying that Jews and Aryans cannot survive in the same world.



BUGS, Congratulate Yourself!

Lead SF banner on Stormfront Radio:

Genocide Of White People Video by David Duke

This is a major win for the Mantra.

I have seen these major wins for each of my separate pieces of lone strategy through the years, but I had no one to explain it to. It would a gratuitous insult to David Duke, who has spent his left out there fighting for our racial survival, to say I taught him about white genocide. I didn’t.

In the same way it would be a hideous insult to Confederate leaders to say that General Lee taught them to fight the Yankees. Lee would be the first to say that his soldiers and his fellow leaders came equipped with their loyalty and courage and their knowing who was right and their willingness to die for it.

So what was LEE’S special contribution? He was one of the great military STRATEGISTS in history.

The people who hired me in politics were already IN office. I didn’t put them in office. They hired me and put me at THEIR level. They said I was a special strategist and put their money behind that judgment.

If you understand why I had to put the above four paragraphs in, it is easy to see why I cannot explain to people when I see a MONUMENTAL step forward. You and I have devoted enormous effort to putting the Mantra to center stage, and it is a reason for celebration. But the moment we try to explain what we did, the attacks will begin.

We will be told we are taking credit for David Duke’s being interested in the disappearance of his race. I get tired just thinking about it.

I did not make John Ashbrook an anti-Communist. I did not make Bill Rusher a leader in the battle to unite the Wallace vote — now the Reagan Democrats – with the regular conservative vote.

What I got paid for is an aspect of politics totally unknown to people in general. In the 1980 presidential campaign, Reagan made a crucial campaign change specifically because of my recommendation through Rusher. I did not make Ronald Reagan what he was, but I was CRUCIAL.

I did not invent the Hubble Telescope. But it would not be up there without me.

Because I had a STRATEGY.

You are now going with me through ONE of my strategic moves. It took YEARS to get SF to START talking about white genocide EFFECTIVELY instead of Zionist interests.

But that is the LAST thing anybody wants to hear about. They want to know what the Great Conspiracy had to do with the main headlines. They want to know how I am INSULTING leaders by presuming to advise them.

People want to know how often I SAW Ronald Reagan not how I was instrumental in the strategy that elected him. They want to see me in Crisis Mode in the Oval Room rather than typing out Memos at two in the morning in my apartment to people who would influence Reagan by a few words.

It took a thousand repetition of the Mantra on our start to get those two words, “White Genocide.” On the SF banner, the way it is on ours.

And I guarantee you, if you try to show how important it is, the discussion will immediately go to what the NEXT SF banner will say.

How often did I SEE Ronald Reagan? As little as I possibly could. To me, the general attitude toward power and strategy is like a person thinking that power is represented by an Eagle Scout getting his hundredth merit badge from the President Himself.

It was major step forward for me when I saw Pain and Simmons having a MUTUAL, INDEPENDENT discussion of their JOINT action in the field. To me it was a major step forward when the words “White Genocide” hit the banner of SF.

I am not insulting David Duke. I am not claiming we are the first people to ever MENTION genocide against our race.

It is ONE MORE evidence of our STRATEGIC breakthrough.

But we cannot explain it to others as long as they do not bother to understand the specific nature of STRATEGY.

But if everybody DID understand it, I would not be comfortably retired now.



Back Bay Grouch

Back Bay Grouch: Hmmm, you are beginning to sound very Catholic. This is a common experience to intelligent men who, freed from the daily hubbub by age, turn reflective.

That depends entirely on which kind of Catholic you mean. I am rereading Lawrence Brown’s Might of the West for about the fiftieth time, and he makes a critical distinction.

My own observation: Erasmus supported Luther at the outset, but turned against him as he began to attack the Western unity represented by the Medieval Church. But at his death, he refused all rites, something a modern Catholic would NEVER do. This puzzles the hell out of Mommy Professor.

But Brown points out, and C.S. Lewis, who was an Anglican, indicated, that both the Reformation and the reaction to it, the Catholic Church hardened at Trent, were totally different from the united church in its Medieval form. Nobody raised on the Renaissance crap has the slightest idea what I am talking about.

The Medieval Church, as I said, regarded Renaissance witches as demented old women. They did not let Wordism blind them to reality. The Medieval Church would have had no problem with Galileo.

My interpretation of Brown and Lewis is that the Reformation got the entire church, both Tridentate and Reformation, tangled in the exact WORDS of the Bible and Tradition. Tradition is a living thing, not the locked-in wordism of post-Reformation Catholicism.

In short, Tradition is Western. Neither the Reformation nor the Trent Catholics nor Mommy Professor has a hint of what that means.

Erasmus was a part of the West, part of the Medieval Church, so he did not feel he needed the hocus-pocus.

These are thought-points, not doctrine.



Defrocking the Excommunicated

Guest, Paul Fromm

Teacher’s College Seeks to Lift Licence of Dissident Teacher

Three gruelling days of hearings are over and the farce has been adjourned until early July. It takes two hours of preparation for an hour of cross-examination. In 1997, after six years of lobbying the Canadian Jewish Congress and the League for Human Rights (well, not free speech rights) succeeded in pressuring the Peel Board of Education to fire me from my position as an English instructor, after a 24 year career, where I’d been hailed by former Director Robert Lee as an “exemplary teacher.” I had never used the classroom to preach politics. My sin was that I had expressed criticism of Canada’s lunatic immigration policies and had stood up for free speech on my own time, outside of school hours. For having been a heretic and not shown the proper respect for multiculturalism and ethnocultural equity, I was fired.

Now, seven years later, the forces of repression want to take my teaching certificate and I am again on trial for my political views.

Tuesday began with my motion to adjourn for a month. As this is a political trial, I may wish to move that one or more of the three-man Tribunal recuse themselves for political bias. Current law requires a person to raise this issue at the earliest moment. How can I investigate the panel unless I know who they are. I asked repeatedly but was denied this information until Tuesday morning. My motion for adjournment was turned down.

The Ontario College of Teachers is represented, in one way or another by four lawyers. I always enjoy even odds. There’s just me to oppose the strike force from McCarthy Tetrault, the pricy downtown Toronto firm that represents the Teachers’ College – the body that licences Ontario teachers.

Today, I got to start my cross examination of a former Department Head of mine. Her testimony was so whiney, it was laughable. She complained that my very presence made her and her leftist allies afraid and stressed. She admitted that I hadn’t preached at them or discussed my views. It seems that my very existence was an afront to them. So much for tolerance.

They feared for their lives and families, oh not from innocuous me, but from my “associates.” When asked whether my associates — members of the Heritage Front — had ever threatened her, she had to admit they hadn’t. She loves to deal in generalities and flees from specifics. She had heard — she couldn’t be sure where or when or how — that I was “linked” — they love that word — to the Ku Klux Klan. Well, had she ever seen me in a bedsheet? (I probably should have phrased that more delicately.) Well, no. Did she ever ask me about it? Well, no.

I’ll continue this report in a few days.

Paul Fromm



p.s. A big thanks to John and Lynda for sitting through these three days and watching my back. Even bigger thanks to my backstage lawyer who has given me the advice and the legal research to be able to mix it up with the lawyers from McCarthy-Tetrault. Thanks to all those who’ve e-mailed me with their support. Tuesday night there was a lengthy item on the CTV news and this article appeared in the Toronto Star on Wednesday. This morning, I appeared on the John Oakley radio open-line show in Toronto. All three callers, including a former student, backed my right to free speech.


On trial for views, fired teacher says
2005-01-26 07:53:20 [Education]
A Peel teacher fired in 1997 for allegedly fraternizing with white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups in his free time has pleaded not guilty to discreditable conduct. Paul Fromm, 56, who is representing himself at a disciplinary hearing before the Ontario College of Teachers, yesterday described the proceedings as “a trial of my political views.” Leslie Ferenc reports.

On trial for views, fired teacher says
Fired for alleged links to white supremacists
Now faces charges from profession‘s governing body


A Peel teacher fired in 1997 for allegedly fraternizing with white supremacists and neo-Nazi groups in his free time has pleaded not guilty to discreditable conduct.

Paul Fromm, 56, who is representing himself at a disciplinary hearing before the Ontario College of Teachers, yesterday described the proceedings as “a trial of my political views,” saying teachers have the right to express their opinions on their own time.

“You will have to make a decision about teachers and their outside political activity and if it should be censored,” he told the tribunal hearing his case.

Fromm faces several misconduct charges, including failure to maintain professional standards, not complying with college regulations and bylaws, disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional and/or unbecoming conduct, and practising while in a conflict of interest. If found guilty, he faces anywhere from a reprimand to losing his licence to teach in Ontario.

In his opening remarks, Fromm noted that of the 57 cases of alleged professional misconduct on the college’s list of discipline cases, his is the only one involving a teacher’s political or religious views. Some 90 per cent relate to inappropriate sexual acts with students, while the rest deal with such issues as theft, inability to manage a classroom and forgery of credentials.

“I’m embarrassed to be in such bad company,” he said.

Despite years of highly publicized political activities outside of work, Fromm said he kept his views to himself in class and there were no complaints about him professionally.

His request for a one-month adjournment was denied. He wanted the delay so he could do background checks on the panel members to determine their political opinions and if they would be biased against him.

Fromm said he wants to hold on to his teaching licence “as an option,” calling it “a matter of principle and honour.”

His off-duty political activities, including co-founding Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform Inc. — which, according to the notice of hearing, attacked the “principles of multiculturalism and tolerance” — did have an impact on his students, colleagues and the community, argued college lawyer Caroline Zayid. According to the seven-page notice of hearing, Fromm attended numerous political meetings over the years, including a 1990 Martyr’s Day rally. During a speech, he hailed John Ross Taylor, who promoted hatred with anti-Semitic messages taped on his phone machine, as a hero. Taylor died in 1994.

Fromm’s remarks were recorded on videotape and played yesterday. Among other things, it showed some participants giving Nazi salutes and a swastika banner in the hall.

In 1991, Fromm was at a Heritage Front meeting to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday. In 1994, he attended a rally of the white supremacist group the National Alliance, where he sat on stage with former Ku Klux Klan head David Duke.

“Can a person engaged in such off-duty activity be a teacher in the first place?” Zayid said.

She acknowledged that Fromm has the right to freedom of speech, “but it doesn’t mean he can also be a teacher.”

Retired Peel District School Board superintendent Sandra Birthelmer testified that Fromm was reprimanded in 1991 for blurting out the words “scalp them” during a Toronto race-relations committee meeting, while a speaker talked about the need to curb racist groups.

Despite a warning, he continued his activities, she added.

The hearing continues today.

I repeat.

Political Correctness is not like a religion, it IS a religion.

ZERO tolerance. Scorched-earth policy — no competing religious doctrine or thought allowed or unpunished.

Ex-communicate. Neutralize.


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PR: Firing of Las Vegas TV Weatherman

Firing of Las Vegas TV Weatherman

Press Release
For immediate release – January 18, 2005

The firing of the TV weatherman in Las Vegas for a slip of the tongue makes it ever clearer that Martin Luther King’s birthday is the true Holy Day of America’s state religion. Move over Jesus. Martin Luther King is now the god of America’s state religion.

In my book Why Johnny Can’t Think: America’s Professor-Priesthood I have a chapter titled “Who Is The God Of America’s Established Religion?” I explained that it was Hitler. Now I’m claiming that it is King. Am I contradicting myself?

Not at all.

In order to get Christians and those shaped by Christian values in America to change their religion, the left couldn’t immediately take them away from the worship of the good Christian God to the evil leftist god Hitler. No, they needed a “good” leftist god. That god is Martin Luther King.

Jesus taught that we were to worship God not in word, but in deed. Jesus did what He taught, He “practiced what He preached.” He was a living example of His teachings.

Martin Luther King was also a living example of his teachings. Namely, that it doesn’t matter what you do, if you articulate the right ideology.

The Pharisees worked tirelessly to catch Jesus in one little contradiction so they could destroy Him. The friends and promoters of MLK write openly about his sordid life. FBI and other government files on MLK’s private life were so embarrassing that they were officially sealed for fifty years and will probably never all be released.

G. K. Chesterton once wrote that making people accept in practice what they reject in principle is a form of religious persecution. What else is Political Correctness? None of the tenets of Political Correctness work. They have all proven disastrous over and over again. But not even the slightest deviation from PC orthodoxy is allowed from anyone.

Every day it seems, someone is being fired or attacked for the slightest gaff. A TV weatherman in Las Vegas for a slip of the tongue. Prince Harry for wearing a swastika to a costume party.

This is nothing but the meanest and most small-minded religious persecution ever witnessed on the face of the earth. The slightest infraction results in immediate damnation and eternal penance. Even Shylock would have been shocked by the mercilessness of the cult of Political Correctness.

This is the predictable result of giving college professors complete control of our educational system. The seminaries for the religion of Political Correctness are called Universities and Colleges. Every member of the media, every government school teacher, every government bureaucrat, and every corporate executive MUST attend an approved seminary and be blessed by its Priesthood.

Professors are the Priesthood of Political Correctness. The blessing bestowed is called a diploma. Academia is a completely isolated and inbred system that becomes further and further removed from reality. That is because they are not held accountable by anyone. No one demands that what they teach actually works in the real world.

Professors are tyrants. They create and bless little tyrants with diplomas, who then spread this system far and wide. We must cut it off at the root. We must DEMAND an end to the teaching of the religion of Political Correctness NOW. We PAY for these universities. They are accountable to US.

If we don’t, we will get more of the same. Early Americans held the Boston Tea Party to protest a much less preposterous outrage. Why don’t we learn something useful from our history for a change?

Robert Whitaker

TV weatherman fired over racial comment on air
“Martin Luther ‘Coon’ Day gets TV weatherman axed”
