Advices/ Counseling wanted
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- This topic has 33 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 9 months ago by seapea.
04/12/2014 at 6:14 am #93155-Gar5-Participant
Mike M, I made the WGP posters. If you can give me translations (or any other text you’d like) I’d be happy to make some flyers en Francais.
@ Seapea, Gimp is an excellent (and free) alternative to Photoshop. I’ve been using it for years now for graphics projects, but not flyers, posters or cartoons. I make them in Serif Pageplus, it’s much easier, but it’s not free though.
04/12/2014 at 7:19 am #93156Mike MParticipantThanks Seapea for GIMP.
Gar5, how can I contact you ?Horus, maybe you could put me in touch with those french or at least tell me their twitter name so i can follow them ?
Gar5, Horus, if you need to reach me out I’m on Pidgin, sysop forum, or you can just ask my email to sysop.
04/15/2014 at 5:34 am #93200Yankee RebelParticipantI would suggest doing any street activism in places other than your hometown. Holding a sign up or passing out flyers can be done anonymously much easier that way. Also, I would not risk losing my gun rights for almost any reason either, IMO. Studying up on all the talking points and practicing online in preparation will be immensely valuable when you eventually do go public. Good luck!
04/20/2014 at 2:49 pm #93268HorusParticipantMike M,
One of the biggest challenges in France is the Language. Unfortunately, I do not speak French. There has been a communication barrier there that has not been experienced as much in other countries. So when French Rabbit XX writes asking about this or that. There can be a challenge. That is where you come in. Send your contact point to the email below.
I will send them your way. And depending on how much English they speak. I can be of help. Unfortunately, from experience, our concepts need to be French’d up for the Natives to fully understand. Agaib that is where you come in.
Also pass on any mini French translations my way for Twitter please. I will post your translation for Johnny RacistFYI, Just because someone is a member of FN or Identaire etc does not mean they are not interested in jumping on our aggressive message. I am not saying you should be a member. But most that contact from Europe and especially France are in some group or another. And that does not mean that they are overboard with all the policies of the group/party etc. That just comes with the territory over in Europe.
05/03/2014 at 12:57 pm #93470Mike MParticipantHi guys. It’s been a while. I’d like to have your opinion and feedback on that discussion. It took place on the french mantra page I created :
There was this guy, who I suspected to be a troll, and I was pretty cautious around him. guess I was right to do so. Usually I don’t care if people express adversary opinions, unless they resort to insults, then they get ban as soon as they do it. Did I tailgate ?
Here is the conversation :
I put a velociraptor meme saying ; Why do They say that races do not exist, while they impose us diversity.
PC : Who are they ?
Me : It’s written in the text alongside the meme.
PC : Antiwhites ? But who are they ? I’ve never seen anyone claiming they’re antiwhites…And if people wants diversity, that’s because we don’t want to see “anti” anything people.
ME : Of course they don’t say they are antiwhite. It would be too obvious. But all of those that promotes “diversity”, are. It’s ONLY in white countries, and in ALL white countries, that antiwhites are pushing for more “diversity”.
PC : So far it’s ok. But there’s something I don’t understand : I see in the medias people that promotes “diversity” but those people are … white ! Paradoxal isn’t it ?
ME : Why is it paradoxal ? Traitors have always existed, wether it’s because of greed, stupidity or brainwashing.
PC : Yes, but you’re talking about genocide if I recall, so have you ever seen a jewish guy promote nazism (At that point I wanted to tell him about Abraham Drucker, the father of a french tv host who claims his family suffered of the shoah, while his father was the head chief of the only internment camp but I didn’t fall for that) ? No ! So why would white people help antiwhites knowing that they want to genocide white people ?
Me : That’s the point. Why as a white guy, are you bellittleing the ongoing genocide ? I think that’s because you’re an antiwhite. So tell us. Do you enjoy seeing white people being the victims of their genocide ?
PC : Why would I enjoy seeing white people being victims of a genocide, while I’m white myself, and thus would be a victim too. Your reasoning is fallacious : You can’t be white and antiwhite at the same time.
Me : Ah so ? Then somebody has got to say it, to all of those brainwashed white people promoting “diversity”, promoting mass immigration and promoting race mixing.
Me : For example you saying on another comment “The fascistsphere on Fb, has got many surprises. They’re funnier and funnier every time, but THIS time, it’s something ! (talking about my mantra page)” This is an antiwhite attitude. You say that white people who wants to save their people are fascists. Not allowing white people to to talk against their genocide is the same as promoting it !
PC : So you think that “white people” are one and only one people ? You’re talking about white people like if they were a homogenous entity. You’re inventing a people for yourself : ” the white people”, although it doesn’t mean anything in reality.
ME : Ah so ? The white race and its subgroups do not exist ? If so then tell me why antiwhite people like you always ask for more diversity ? Or why do you say that there are too many white people somewhere. You’ve got to choose, because if we don’t exist, then why force us to be blended out ?
PC : Wait a second. You’re confusing race and people. The race refers to the genetic level, when there’s several races we’re talking about bio diversity. There are no races in mankind, we all have the same genes (only the nazis thought the opposite). The word people refers to a group of person sharing the same culture, traditions, language, common values, and that independently of skin color.
ME : You’re worse tha Nazis in fact. You’re clearly denying the existence of races. The french people was entirely composed of people of my race, the white race, with local variations like (nordics, méditerraneans, alpines, etc) before people like yourself forced “diversity” on us.
You antiwhites always use the same false arguments. You say race oesnt exists so you don’t have to face in order to avoir facing the rime of genocide. The thing is antiwhites like you don’t go to africa to tell africans they don’t exist. You don’t go to Asia to tell asians they don’t exist. It’s only white people’s existence that you deny. Well, when it suits your agenda anyway, because when you need to find culprits for slavery or colonialism, then magically, white people DO exists !
PC : People of “your race” ? You’re from the same race as africans and asian. It’s just that you don’t have the same culture as they do.
ME : Same species, yes. Same race, no. You need to open a dictionnary and learn the definitions.
PC : Did you even go to school ? We can learn nice stuff there. They even make courses for adults on the evening : “Scientific studies base on genetics since the middle of the XX century have shown that the concept of “race” is not relevant in order to describe the different geographical human subgroups because the genetical variability between members of the same subgroup is greater than than the average genetical variation between geographical subgroups. The current scientific consensus rejects the existence of biological arguments who could legitimize the notion of “race”, thus relegated to an arbitrary reprsentation based on morphologicals, ethno-social, culturals or politicals, like identities”.
ME : Oh so you’re insulting me now. Ok. You’ll get a ban.
PC : Sure. You don’t have arguments so like every fascists you use censorship.
ME : Right. I should accept to be insulted ? I’ve been polite with you the whole exchange. As long as people are polite it’s ok. But you’re condescending and thinking I’m an uneducated idiot. Oh and btw we’ve got 98,5 % of identical genes with chimps, and we’re not chimps … Genetical differences btween races exists, when somebody is just brainwashed as you are …
PC : You are the one taking peole for uneducated idiots, by making them think that humans are genetically different.
ME : Why can forensic medecine determine to what race belongs someone with their DNA then ? But according to you race do not exists huh !
Oh By the way. Not so long ago, scientists determined that Eva Braun was surely a member of the ashkenazi race. But race do not exists HUH !
Race only exists when it fits YOUR agenda !
PC : Oh so. Ashkenazi are race ! Who’s the nazi now !
ME : Who’s the nazi ? People like you are nazis, denying the existence of races, whereas scientists are able to prove they exists WHEN THEY SEE FIT, like they did with Eva Braun.
PC : another proof that races are an imagination. Hitler maried a jewess and didn’t even notice it.
Then I banned him.
05/03/2014 at 2:01 pm #93472-Gar5-Participant@ Mike M
A lot of it was tailgating – I’d keep it simpler than that.
“Race doesn’t exist”
If there’s no race then there’s no GENOcide (Geno = race or tribe).
Don’t feel obliged to reply to everything they say.
05/03/2014 at 3:15 pm #93475Mike MParticipantIf I can’t reply to them and close their mouth like that, what should I do ? Just ban them ? Can you tell me what was tailgating and what wasn’t please ?
05/03/2014 at 4:11 pm #93476-Gar5-ParticipantThe bold text is tailgating in my opinion:
PC : People of “your race” ? You’re from the same race as africans and asian. It’s just that you don’t have the same culture as they do.
ME : Same species, yes. Same race, no. You need to open a dictionnary and learn the definitions.
It would be simpler here to say something like: So you admit you support White genocide because you believe we don’t exist? On the one hand anti-Whites will say we are genetically evil, but on the other hand they will deny we exist.You anti-Whites know White people exist, and we know we exist – you are just trying to get away with genocide.
——ME : Oh so you’re insulting me now. Ok. You’ll get a ban.
PC : Sure. You don’t have arguments so like every fascists you use censorship.
ME : Right. I should accept to be insulted ? I’ve been polite with you the whole exchange. As long as people are polite it’s ok. But you’re condescending and thinking I’m an uneducated idiot. Oh and btw we’ve got 98,5 % of identical genes with chimps, and we’re not chimps … Genetical differences btween races exists, when somebody is just brainwashed as you are …
Say something like: Genocide is worse than fascism. Why do YOU support White genocide???
——PC : You are the one taking peole for uneducated idiots, by making them think that humans are genetically different.
ME : Why can forensic medecine determine to what race belongs someone with their DNA then ? But according to you race do not exists huh !
Oh By the way. Not so long ago, scientists determined that Eva Braun was surely a member of the ashkenazi race. But race do not exists HUH !
Race only exists when it fits YOUR agenda !
PC : Oh so. Ashkenazi are race ! Who’s the nazi now !
While it is also tailgating, you will notice that he ignored your first point which is much harder for them to attack.He went back to what he had been ‘trained’ to do – screaming “NAZI”, “FACIST”, etc.
A good response here would be something like: If race does not exist then there would be no need for “diversity” as no area could be defined as “too White”.
Back in the real world, if someone says Africa is “too Black” and it needs more diversity to make it a mix of all races…and then denies that Black people exist – what they are is anti-Black.
05/03/2014 at 4:46 pm #93478Denounce GenocidistsParticipant“PC” should be “Anti-white”.
05/03/2014 at 6:38 pm #93480Mike MParticipantDenounce . PC are the guy’s initials, not “politically correct” 😉
Thanks Gar5. I see. I need to bounce back everytime, attacking him on the fact he supports white genocide. I’m not offensive enough yet !
05/04/2014 at 4:00 am #93488-Gar5-Participant@ Mike M
Yes, think of yourself as the prosecution of a court, and the anti-White is in the witness stand.
It would be silly to see the defendant getting the prosecution to answer their questions.
05/06/2014 at 3:53 pm #93517ElectricParticipantI find it interesting how the anti-White mentions genocide before Mike did.
When an anti-White denies our existence, don’t be afraid to point out what they’re doing is “dehumanizing” one of 8 steps of genocide.
05/06/2014 at 9:34 pm #93521AnonymousInactiveYes, as electric said denying our exsistence is dehumanization…CONGRATULATIONS!!! You just took you’re 1st of 8 short steps to genocide.
05/08/2014 at 12:50 am #93544Secret SquirrelParticipanttest
05/10/2014 at 2:52 am #93576seapeaParticipantMike, some good points were made by others, I would also add…
*) I personally would avoid telling an anti-white I was banning them, I just would ban them with nothing said. Rarely are we ever given that courtesy by an anti-white before they ban us. Since it’s your Mantra page, just hammer them with mini’s. I would save the bans for the truly unstable and obsessive types.
*) I’ve frequently replied to the “race is a social construct/doesn’t exist/etc” type stuff with “race = sub-species”. Technically it’s tailgating, but it’s quick and usually takes the wind out of many anti-whites. Watching anti-whites arguing around sub-species is fairly amusing. But there are plenty of good responses on BUGS Buddy, BUGS Buddy is your friend, USE IT.
*) Avoid mentioning THE JEWS (and any of our other no-no’s). Most bugsers can explain the anti-white psychological land-mines mentioning the “no-no’s” can trigger in our audience but less discussed is the value of discipline it can instil while sharpening your mantra skills. Learning to make our points within a “limited” scope can help develop more creative and imaginative thinking.
Keep up the good work. Adiós amigo! That’s french, right? 😉
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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