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Tears From An Anti-White: Post Your Favorite Lamentations From Opposition

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    @ Benjamin,

    LOL! HA! I did not see that reply yet so I thank you for posting it here.

    This thread is great! First time I’ve seen it. It’s a good idea to have it because it’s fun to share stories of anti-Whites crying and whining. It makes our jobs all the more satisfactory! 😀

    On another note, I’ve received that type of reply from conservatives before. It just goes to show that many conservatives are still heavily indoctrinated by anti-White propaganda.

    We’ve got our work cut out for us for sure.


    This is not exactly a “reply” from an anti-White but it’s something that I wrote that potentially stuck in her mind. At first she was playing keyboard hero against a pro-White (non-BUGser) but Sarah Alexandria never dared to reply to me after what I said. I think I potentially woke her up.

    “Sarah are you not aware that our race is soon to die out because of anti-White genocidal policies? Never ending non-White immigration into all and only White nations and being forced to assimilate by law. Does it not bother you one bit? We’re already a global minority (8%) Why do our children HAVE to be minorities in their own countries?”

    Here’s the link. It’s interesting to see how people react.



    No one here hates white people for being white people. You’re the one who brought up race. You’re the one hating other races and making up ludicrous stories and making wild conjecture to try and give yourself undeserved and unearned credibility for hating them. YOU are a racist. You deserve to die. Not because you are white, but because you are stupid – and stupidity is the gravest of all crimes against humanity. Just a step above bigotry and other forms of intolerance that prevent us from creating a unified and harmonious human whole.

    If there were no more people like you around, no more total fucking idiots, we could have peace. A world where skin color and background and nationality no longer matter. Please, for the good of Mankind, of every color and creed, drink a gallon of bleach.

    Benjamin Newells

    He’s a truly swede, dude SWEDEN IS NOT A “WHITE” NATION RACIST BIGOTS, human races arent even real actually all the fucking nordic countries should race mix with african people and adopt their acient culture and in that way all racism in world will stop, multiculturalism is the only way to stop hate

    I’m actually more in shock from this one than anything else. It sounds a little like Bob’s mantra.


    Anti-white eating his heart out in the comments section of the Gawker article

    Well said. Seriously….”Chasing down”? Jesus Christ, the imagery is so fucking over-the-top it borders on comic. It’s still just unbelievable how a group of people can be so utterly and completely insecure, they have to equate ‘treating other races like actual humans’ with ‘inevitable extinction’. It’s almost as if there’s a palpable sense of guilt or accountability behind the claims, like they’re acknowledging something along the lines of ‘man, we really fucked up over the past several centuries, and if anybody gets any real power, we’re well and truly fucked’, but of course, they’re either too stinking ignorant or cowardly to actually state something like that.


    From Twitter:

    It was a mistake to retweet these White Genocide types. My notifications tab has gone from “borderline tolerable” to “suicide is painless.”


    “and theres goes my last bit of faith in humanity. not only is this incredibly flawed as an argument its also copy paste and ive seen it three times today.”


    JPO, the anti-Whites seem to be getting depressed over the success of the #WhiteGenocide hashtag :).

    Electric, I love it when they complain how much they are seeing BUGS messages!


    I got this one on one of the SPLC articles.

    My pal at work who is a historian looked at your avatar and your copy (comments), and said it reminded him of World War I and World War II propaganda posters, where the “good guy” was the average citizen of his or her country, and the “bad guy” was some kind of subhuman monster.

    Shortly after I got this reply, the hatewatch moderator deleted all of the BUGsters comments.

    Secret Squirrel

    Sign of the times:

    This “not a hate crime” argument re: the #ChapelHillShooting is what you might call The New Racism, where no-one’s actually racist anymore.

    Benjamin Newells

    Are you fucking shitting me? Is there any corner of YouTube you have not spread your cancerous ideology? I see you people literally on every type of video possible.


    I see a lot more bitterness from anti-Whites like this tweet:


    @xeronius: OMG! Look at this joker white genocide trying to hijack #WeAreNotOurStereotypes. If it wasn’t a garbage tag before..


    @koenigkult: @koenigkult undoubtedly this “theory” will be used to justify some sort of “white genocide” “Police state hates whites too!!!” idiocy.

    The anti-whites are cringing in anticipation of pro-whites calling out White Genocide for what it is whenever another news story comes out!



    Having a blast on the hashtag…My old account was suspended but felt like I was missing too much without whipping up a new one.

    Anyone else got some Lamentations to share??

    @SKIMpodfather: Can’t believe #WhiteGenocide folks are still at it. I thought if we let them throw their tantrum they’d eventually tire out. @allhailfreezer


    @ricky_raw: White genocide race trolls have started using paid ads on Twitter as a way to spew race hatred at random people …


    Anti-white having a meltdown as the #WhiteGenocide message is stuffed in his craw, ie. forced down his throat…

    @allhailfreezer: @TheSocyCinema @MisKnickers breathing is #WhiteGenocide. Thinking is #WhiteGenocide Living is #WhiteGenocide Dying… well I guess that is.


    More griping:

    @J_Manasa: @j__a__i you’re gonna have to deal with these for me because if I say one thing it’s all “reverse racism” this and “white genocide” that.

    Though there are a lot of anti-whites complaining about being called out for “reverse racism”, don’t fall into that A.-M.P.-W. style of word usage. Anti-Whitism or anti-whitism is the way to hit them. Of course, calling it all “White Genocide” is apparently quite effective…



    What causal chain of events happened that led to one or more random users complaining about “white genocide” in every Youtube video ever?


    The voice-mails appear to be hitting home!

    Had insane hate filled msg on home answering machine from an Idaho idiot named Bob Whittaker. “Diversity equals white genocide” Really??

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