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White Terminology – Our Words Versus Their Words

Home Forums BUGS SWARM White Terminology – Our Words Versus Their Words

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  • #25305
    Coniglio Bianco


    David Joop

    When was the last time you posted the mantra, coniglio?

    All you seem to be doing here with your ‘x’ is a code word for anti-white’ is trying to dilute the message.

    Do we just keep trolls around here for the entertainment value, or what?

    Coniglio Bianco


    David Joop

    How about instead of ‘staying up all night’, you actually post the mantra, and then report back here once in a while?

    Might be a start..

    Coniglio Bianco

    You people can get your own ideas from now on. I’m tired of wasting my time trying to help people who are too fucking stupid to be helped.

    David Joop

    Okay. Bye.

    I guess we’ll never see you again. *rolls eyes*

    J Locke

    Coniglio, just post the Mantra every day and no one will be bothered by your ideas. I appreciate the time you take to come up with some ideas.

    We shouldn’t even attack other pro-Whites if we are attacked. It ruins cohesion and morale.

    Henry Davenport

    Here I go getting myself in trouble again. I’ve remonstrated with Coniglio severely (but not harshly, I don’t think..I don’t believe that attracts whites who view our site) when IMO he posted something that was out of line. And I should repeat, “IMO.”

    Coniglio has explained pretty well I think why he doesn’t post the mantra more. IMO he brings overall a very useful perspective to this site, and is valuable here. Very valuable, IMO. His steady urging is mainly what has caused me to strengthen all my passwords, and there’s other contributions he’s made. His contributions are IMO much greater than some other persons’ (at least one I can think of) who apparently post the Mantra even less than he does, but get no flak for it.

    I follow him rather closely because he often says things that are worthwhile and interesting and are of a sort the rest of us here don’t think of. He was developing here and coming along nicely…if people would just leave him alone unless they think he’s way out of line, and let him develop here in his own way, he would likely become a huge asset. He’s a superb writer and often a very good thinker.

    Of course I didn’t see his post that David responded to! Maybe a good thing! I don’t know what the “x” that is mentioned is all about.

    If Coniglio’s a troll, he has an acting talent that’s beyond compare. It’s extremely unlikely he’s a troll I think.

    J Locke

    +1 to Harumphty’s comments.

    Henry Davenport

    Coniglio, I hope you’ll put your posts back up if you can do that.

    David Joop

    I thought the swarm was all about posting the mantra and then reporting back? Was I mistaken?

    Coniglio’s post was a trollish attempt at subverting the message whilst proclaiming himself as some kind of dubious authority of BUGS.

    Okay, let’s say that he’s not a troll – has he EVER consistently posted the mantra?

    I’ve never seen it.

    Coniglio Bianco


    Coniglio Bianco


    Coniglio Bianco


    Coniglio Bianco



    Hi there Coniglio Bianco,
    Government members have been saying multiculturalism is dead says multiculturalism with “tolerance.”

    Hmmm – this is when we need a viral video on what code word means.
    The anti-Whites switch code word for equals, means and anything else but the true meaning of code word.
    I agree these phrases are true.
    Tolerance means passively let the country be flooded with immigrants who in the course of time will outnumber us and we will discover all too late they are not so tolerant when they are in power.
    Tolerant is leave your front door unlocked.
    It is not protesting about what is happening in White countries. It sums up the dumbing down effect of political correctness.

    We will need to be a bit careful with this tolerance is a code word.
    The anti-White will retort so intolerance is….
    Something to bear in mind.

    David Joop

    Okay Conigli-troll.

    Here’s why your idea is ridiculous.


    are ALL code words for anti-white?


    “that we have developed and are using”

    ‘We’ never developed “anti-nazi is a code word for anti-white.” That was your own stupid idea. We have also NEVER used it. That’s a flat out lie.

    Seriously, what’s going on here – are we just going to let the trolls determine the direction this site is going?

    I’d like some input from other BUGSers, including the mods on this.


    Coniglio Bianco has posted that the following “could” be used with code word for
    White genocide. Especially tolerance and integration.

    affirmative action

    All English together – very cosy.
    What are the authorities saying. Well we have heard “multiculturalism” is dead. They don’t actually mean that, they mean the opposite. Multiculturalism is many cultures in the same ground space. What the politicians are moaning about is lack of integration. That other cultures are self selecting separatism. They will start pushing the integration, assimilation line.

    Affirmative action – Not with White genocide, this is just discrimination and so up front in your face anti-White.

    Tolerance – you need to be well prepared to use this one, easily turned around to make us look intolerant. Yes this will be used more and more so we need to be prepared. Needs some thought. A mini Mantra about how we won’t tolerate/ have no tolerance for White genocide. As I say some more thought.
    Would you tolerate…..?
    Do you think we should show tolerance to….?
    What psycho Black man would tolerate/show tolerance to….?
    Put in situations only a psycho person would tolerate.
    The same would go for “acceptance”

    Tolerance is not something achieve by force and anti-White…
    Lots of thinking needed but lots of mileage.

    Diversity is standard with code word for WG.

    I’ve used multiCULTuralism with code word for WG.

    Pluralism – I’d leave that fancy pants term.

    Inclusion and Integration – especially inclusion feels like a tailgating words. Much more thought needed.


    Just discovered how to edit – previous post, so ignore.


    I don’t want to junk up a front page thread because this might be considered N&J but I think this short read has a good insight into the left’s anti-whites’ mind set and emotional level that we expose with our mantra work.

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