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  • in reply to: Casting Call for the Swarm #23704

    man. my German accent is garbage… what other voices do you need? id like to contribute if i can.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #21045

    @Simmons your definitely right, but I’m glad to see it there. It proves that this is working. We’ve got people on our side every where. they just gotta all be on the same message saying the same things. Plus its never a bad thing to have really yoked out rabbits on your side… haha

    in reply to: How whites took over America #20905

    Horus’s baseline humiliation techniques were probably the best thing that i have ever heard. i fell off of my chair (not exaggerating).

    I’d argued with antifas and tried to explain why they were wrong but they are just bullies. You can’t explain to a bully why they are wrong for bullying you. That didn’t work in 2nd grade…it won’t work now. You have to become a more efficient bully haha.

    Before i realized there were any white rabbits out there with their shit together, i was trying to understand propaganda a little on my own (studied Bernays highlighter and all haha) but this is so much more valuable to me.

    It was a great felling hearing people explain a solution that was realistic. Being someone who is just good at explaining how bad things are is just no good, and all that you do is make more miserable people haha and that’s what i started to realize, knowing something is wrong does nothing. Getting people to acknowledge that something is wrong does nothing. and as far as duck speaking goes, there should be no problem tearing that insult up. i like the way you did it CAT haha

    “You still use “racism” in discussions??? That is sooo 1994. Its 2012 for heavens sake… I really thought we were over that label…”

    in reply to: How whites took over America #20900

    @ jason. totally right. very valuable stuff in there. i tell everyone i know that cares about our people and is into actually making a difference to give them a try. I just wish i would have been thinking about the situation in this way from the beginning. Instead of burying myself in volumes of Chamberlain or reading Marx to get an understanding of things. Not that its bad to do all of that. It just doesn’t do anything for you as far as actually helping anything.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #20896

    One more thing. haha The white immigrant version of Daryle Lamont Jenkins at the end is great. The emotion on his face when he says “RACIST hate groups” had me crying haha.

    in reply to: How whites took over America #20891

    i can’t get over the perfection of this video. I have been smiling since it came out. please keep them coming Horus and whoever else is working with you. people either get really mad when they see it, they laugh hysterically, or they are blown away. but no matter what there is a significant reaction. 40 thousand views. I don’t see how anyone can be a ampw… people actually listen to us!!! haha

    in reply to: Different Codewords for Genocide #19806

    I just thought of one. Its something that i get a lot. Any talk of “FAIRNESS” usually means unfair behavior in the name of fairness.

    in reply to: Different Codewords for Genocide #19275

    @herrmajor dialectical materialism pointed at us instead of the tsars. instead of the “bourgeoisie” exploiting the “proletariat”. its whites exploiting the world with “white privilege”

    in reply to: Different Codewords for Genocide #19203

    @ herrMajor like “white privilege”? that is said a lot. that usually means white ability.


    No problem.


    I received my 1st hint that something was wrong when I was hit in the head with a pipe, then stomped for a while after a high school football game. I had a night in the hospital to digest what had happened to me. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant, as far as diversity being a good thing. That is until I was able to return to school.
    I received my second hint when the junior high school staff told me I had to go to racial sensitivity training. I went into school that day with the weirdest idea. I thought that I was the victim in the whole thing. If I would have just curled up into a ball when they initially started their attack, a pipe would probably have never entered the equation. But like the ignorant 13 year old bigot I was, I fought back against a pack of oppressed minorities.
    My treatment by the school confused me. I was beginning to see that as a white person, I was being treated as collateral damage. None of the staff wanted white kids to get mugged after school events, but there was no reason to rock the boat over the whole thing. It seemed to them to be much more important to educate me on the importance of tolerance, than to offend anyone. I was in 8th grade. And it seemed like the whole world went crazy.
    I didn’t know what was wrong. I just knew that something wasn’t right. As a younger student, I sat in amazement upon hearing the teacher give her heart-felt account of the sufferings of the African Americans. I watched in horror the classroom cartoons which depicted those hardships. I watched with joyous wonderment while hearing of the adventures of Harriet Tubman and her Underground Railroad. And I without hesitation regarded Rosa Parks as a symbol of righteousness and bravery. And in my younger years, I never hated anyone more than those monsters who could do such things to other human beings.
    That was 10 years ago. Reality did a number on me that week.

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