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  • in reply to: Dismantling The White Privilege Meme #99055

    – Jimmy Zetta

    I love the “end White Privilege” is a CODEWORD for “End White People”!!!

    Thanks! I’ll definitely use that.

    in reply to: Dismantling The White Privilege Meme #99023

    – Carloman

    I’ve had multiple retweets on twitter and lots of up votes on articles and youtube videos already for the “White Privilege is an antiwhite conspiracy theory.” So it actually works great, and that has just been over the last couple days.

    I think if all you are doing is leaving a comment to delegitimize the antiwhites being antiwhite by bringing up white privilege (which they do to justify white genocide), it works great. 95% (maybe higher) of the population doesn’t intellectualize like you and I. So don’t worry about the fact that some conspiracy theories are correct. It allows us to sneak in our terminology (the word antiwhite) with people who are already fed up with the antiwhite B.S. and are beginning to feel a sense of collective oppression. We don’t always have to go straight for the kill (discussing white genocide), sometimes just getting in words like antiwhite is a huge progress.

    in reply to: Mantra in the News #98991
    in reply to: Dismantling The White Privilege Meme #99004

    – Another One

    Secret Squirrel actually pointed that one out to me the other day. I love it!!! Great job creating it. Ridicule works very well. Especially calling it what it is, a conspiracy theory.

    in reply to: Dismantling The White Privilege Meme #98990

    I just want to thank everyone for their input on this one. I hadn’t expected this much of a response. Thanks guys!

    I am trying to implement this mini mantra and refine it. I also acknowledge that sometimes there are a hundred ways to say the same thing. My biggest concern was to bring up the discussion of ways to fight the “white privilege” meme to everyone’s attention so we could come up with ways to fight it. It looks like I’m working with the pros. You guys definitely have it down. I will try and take your suggestions and implement them to see what I think works best.


    – JPOutlook

    They are doing a great job up there in Oregon! I hadn’t noticed that. I have noticed a significant jump, say maybe five or six new BUGSER twitter accounts either pushing the mantra or using prowhite terminology. I think this thing is snowballing.

    – Time For Freedom

    How does the Paltalk work? Is it a video chat or something?


    Saw a decent amount of people defending it on the comment section as well, that’s all that matters. They couldn’t stay away from the story. Now it reached more people then the sign would have ever reached by itself! They’re rolling in the sticky goo! Lol

    Great job for the guys that posted that banner!

    in reply to: Ideas needed to finished my e-book. #98781

    I agree with Carloman on this one.

    “The only difference is that White people were better at it.”

    It comes across strong.

    The rest of the book looks pretty good.
    Easy to read, Stays on point, and free.

    Way to go!

    in reply to: Ideas needed to finished my e-book. #98759

    Hey -Gar5-

    I just came across this, but it’s late. I’ll try to take a look at it over the next couple days and see if I can contribute any thoughts/ideas. I think it’s a great idea.

    in reply to: Are you new to BUGS Swarm? #98689


    Good luck brother. It has it’s ups and its downs. A great place to start practicing is on social media, like twitter. That way, when the situation arises with your friends, or at work, you will be able to insert prowhite terminology. All the arguments against it are the same, so once you become familiar with them, it becomes really easy to use in your every day life. Don’t try to force it though. Let it come naturally when the topic arises.

    in reply to: #98682

    I tried to do it, but realized that you couldn’t read the words on the paper. Like trying to read something in a mirror, it was backwards on the computer screen. They mantra has to be printed out backwards. I have as of yet to figure out how to do that with my computer, but will use another one when I have the time. But at least that’s a heads up for anyone wanting to do this.

    in reply to: #98660

    Not at all! I’m not that type of person. I’m very much a team player. The post was actually to try to give others the idea as well more then to ask if anyone had actually done it. Lol I’ve also been pretty busy with school, but wanted to write down the idea so I could get back around to it when I catch a break. I’ll report back when I do. Were you able to see the pictures of the flyers I posted? If so, I’ll post more in the future. I think it’s motivating for other BUGSers to see as well as productive.

    in reply to: #98612

    Will do tennis shoe.

    in reply to: Mantra Terminology on Wikipedia? #93826

    I appreciate the input. Do you guys think it is worth the time if it just gets ripped down? I know that most of our stuff gets taken down as soon as possible, but maybe if I made it my own personal mission to try to monitor it several times a day, it could be kept up enough to make a difference.

    If anyone here thinks my time might be better spent elsewhere, I would love to hear about it. I’ve been doing well on twitter by adopting the name @WhitePatriotGOP with a lot of patriotic stuff. It makes it easier to drop the mantras all over the conservatives and neocons. They love them and seem like they are ready to go full racial any day now. I do a lot of sniping. Looking for the ones who are complaining about the “diversity for the sake of diversity” and all the anti-White propaganda going on. They see it, but don’t yet have the weapons to fight it.

    Anyways, I just would like some feedback from guys who have spent more time at this then me. I’m a nube when it comes to the electronic activism and looking for some guidance and suggestions. I don’t want to waist time trying to do something that has been tried before.

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