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    This wasn’t a good idea.

    As others have noted, the person posting recited talking points instead of asking questions. But that’s a tactical issue. Strategically, DailyKos is a bad place to post anything pro-white. For two reasons, because they are blind, but also because one should not interrupt the enemy while he is making a mistake.

    I used to hang out on DailyKos all the time. I started looking for alternative voices and eventually ended up here only after many Kossacks called Zimmerman the klan and the slave patrol. I ended up here after the traditional media and the progressive blogosphere proved that in their eyes race is a social construct by granting George Zimmerman and Jake England whiteness. I ended up here when I found that if Obama had a way to lose the Hispanic vote, it would look like George Zimmerman. And I ended up here after hearing anti-white polemics from Tim Wise and others, and after seeing the DailyKos crowd agree that overpopulation is a serious problem ad birthrates need to be reduced in one article and then that saying that illegal immigration contributes to overpopulation is beyond the pale racist in the next.

    I’ve noticed that on DailyKos occasionally other people defend the idea that white people are people too, and get ignored or yelled at. They’re having a hard enough time holding on themselves.

    But DailyKos is not the right place to post our position. Because we’re not going to convince them, and because if we are going to get our message out we need people like the DailyKos community spreading obnoxiously anti-white messages so we can point to them and say we are the alternative.

    So um. As to the particulars, those comments were not deleted, they were hidden. People who get lots of “mojo” on DailyKos become “trusted users” having the ability to give “hide rates” or “HRs” to comments, which make it so people who aren’t trusted users can’t read them. On DailyKos, posts get “recs” (if your posts get recced, you get mojo) and HRs as a way to try to find the best comments in a diary and hide the obnoxious ones, but what it ends up doing is forcing orthodoxy by rewarding people who say what they believe that other people want to hear and punishing people who have different opinions. I know this because I spent several years posting there, trying to advocate for economic policies that would benefit everyone and trying to argue that whites are people too.

    DailyKos is a very popular site, Barack Obama even posted there twice while he was Senator from Illinois and numerous other Senators and Congressmen have posted there too. It wants to be the nerve center of the blue team, so it also might not be a good idea to show the enemy our arguments before showing everyone else on the Internet.

    Ignore the progressive blogosphere. If anyone there can be convinced that whites are people too, they will quietly find alternative voices on their own, but the people who hang out there are almost by definition the very last people we will convince.

    in reply to: Tailgating: Problematic Anti-White Arguments #22285

    9)“Every Country is for Everyone! & We’re ALL The Same. The Laws of Economics dictate that massive immigration is a One Way Street.”

    No it is not.Only white countries are “for everybody” .Non-white countries are strictly “for non-whites” .They get to maintain their people`s existence,but white children expected to become a memory.Economics never justifies genocide.

    The laws of economics also dictate that Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore should accept massive amounts of immigrants from Thailand, Bangladesh, Burma, India and Indonesia, in Japan’s case especially because they’re not having enough Japanese babies to replace themselves. Since there is no clamor for them to accept immigrants according to the laws of economics, it seems that once again anti-white sentiment is hidden behind supposed natural law.

    Of course, this was explicitly in the Mantra. Learn the Mantra until you don’t need it anymore.

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