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We’re the Only Game in Town

Posted by Bob on June 1st, 2006 under Comment Responses

I wonder if you caught the undertone of JOY I felt in discussing my grouching and Mark and Shari coming back hard.

As I said, I went back to grad school for a semester in 1992 just to see how things look now. I really wondered if it would be worth the trouble and expense.


I could not believe how the process of academics turning into standard and packaged bureucrats had progressed in the decades since I was last a grad student or conducting a seminar.

Nowadays no student would DARE do anything but be agreeable.

Even a generation ago by the time you were a grad student in a seminar you were an A student and confident, even cocky. Today the sort of outright battles we had between the professor and the grad students would be absolutely unimaginable.

No professor then could even imagine downgrading a student for just plain being combative. It was a matter of honor: A professor would NEVER allow himself to be SUSPECTED of downing a grad seminar student for coming in swinging.

Now it is assumed that the professor will do just that. It is part of the modern prep for the academic bureaucracy: Go along and get along.

As in so many other cases, I am about the ONLY person who got to see the process up close and personal many years apart, and I have this unique talent of REMEMBERING.

So I CONDUCT this seminar. I don’t TEACH it.

You think I’m pretty good, or you wouldn’t BE here.

But you take no crap.

So when the crowd in the seminar I was conducting came back on me being crotchety and tasteless, my response was NOT that I was being beaten, it was a feeling of nostalgia.

And, above all, a feeling of JOY.

We are the only real seminar left.

Which means I am about the only academic left who can CONDUCT a seminar.

That is a VERY big deal to me.

I am proud of me, and I am proud of you.

In that order, of course.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/01/2006 - 2:18 am

    Here is the motto of the UNIVERSITY OF (you fill in the blank). “We shall not be held accountable under any circumstances for any reason whatsoever – ever”.

    Have you ever considered the energy debt a kid accrues these days in fending off the relentless intimidation and bullying involved in the plight of being a student?

    The residue from contact with the chimpanzees in ADMINISTRATION is bad enough, let alone PROFESSORS, many of who have just plain flat out gone mad. A white person simply can’t remain oriented in that environment, so the coal black ones peer out from the whites of their eyes, the only thing you can see other than those big long ivory teeth they have, and they thrive in their sassy jive, so loud – SO VERY LOUD. Nothing they say is coherent. But hey, it’s college. Meanwhile, you go broke and deeper in debt while trying to find some sanctuary of silence to study, meaning no Negros in sight.

    Now the Wall Street Capital Management firms have given in and we are endlessly treated to come-ons for retirement planning consultations featuring mid-century vintage cars with Negro families riding in them looking like Malian versions of Hugh, Barbara, the Beav, and Wally. I honest-to-god can’t relate such a vision to an actual black person I have ever known or seen.

    But I did get great financial advice from one of the coal black ones once. This is what he said: “Never pay for anything you can steal. How do you stupid honkies expect to conserve your money?”

    That’s one hell of lot better financial advice than Wall Street will ever give you.

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