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Mark and Shari

Posted by Bob on July 31st, 2006 under Comment Responses

Mark and Shari are fighting it out over faith, and that is welcome.

As I said, I don’t agree with Shari, but she made some good points. But Shari has made it clear, up front, that her loyalty is not to her race, but to a book. But we need these allies, and Shari spoke for a very large group of them.

She did it eloquently.

It is a regrettable fact that if we limit ourselves today tho those who are driven by loyalty to their race alone, we would indeed be preaching ot the choir. Now I happen to know that Christianity succeeded by insisting on preaching to the choir every single Sunday. It is essential.

But you can’t succeed by peaching ONLY to the choir. Shari and Joe give us needed input from other points of view. In time, as race becomes more nad more obviously central in America, when the illusion that we are the ruling majority which should be “objective” disappear, the Old Testament is going to be less and less a convenient excuse for avoiding this loyalty.

This is what happened inthe Deep South. We were also the Bible Belt, but race never eased to be central. Whites ere never a comforgtable majority, so it is only recently that we have had the comfortable illusion that we live as part of a country where whites dominate. We are simply behind the times.

At the moement when the rest of the country is gradually coming to grips with the central nature of race, Southern suburbanites are absorbing the outdated idea that race is NOT important. I see all this movement, and when someone says, “But it’s all HOPELESS! Everything is mving in ONE direction!” it makes me tired. Things that will make our future are happending all over the place.

So Joe, the Tough Old Guy Let’s Surrender approach and Shari, the Old Testament loyalist, are part and parcel of the people we have to deal with. The crew is always telling each other Deep Wisdom and superstition, but they would be appalled if the Captain paid attention to anything but the charts and his sextant.

That’s the ONLY reason he is the Captain.

  1. #1 by Mark on 07/31/2006 - 10:55 pm


    My name is Mark, not Joe, Bob.

  2. #2 by Mark on 07/31/2006 - 11:04 pm

    Not Spam Not Spam

    “So Joe, the Tough Old Guy Let’s Surrender approach…”

    I didn’t say we should surrender. I believe that for whatever reason the white race dooms itself instinctively and that we as a race will have to face far worse than we are facing now BEFORE we begin to fight back and win territory.

    The basic point I try to make, as an agnostic and sometimes even as an atheist, is that much of our problem comes from the fact that whites tend to believe in a neo-jewish religous system which is, if one views the absurdities of christianity w/o making up excuses for it, fundamentally jewish. Since the elite jewish power brokers are committed to destroying the white race, it is diffucult to do battle with these jews as long as we are tied to a jewish form of superstition/religion.

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