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Political Warfare is Imposing Your Own Terminology

Posted by Bob on November 10th, 2006 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

Yes, when people think of genocide they see heaps of corpses.

Let me explain something about political warfare. Alan B had the insight that Papilon has changed the nature of debate by posting the Mantra on BNP.

Here is where Alan’s insight is so critical. He did NOT say that the entire British population had begun torchlight parades in favor of THE TRUTH. He noted a minor but critial sea change.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what power politics is all about.

If genocide has a stereotype, ad we have a definition which even the critics have to admit is valid, we can either try to justify ourselves — which is ALWAYS fatal — or we can just go on and use the real definition over and over and over and over until THAT is the accepted definition because it is TRUE.

We are inthe process of appropriating THEIR word. If Jews had kept the word genocide as a defensive measure they could still have it. But they chose to use it to describe any method by whiich whites tried to preserve their own kind. In the UN Resolutions they expanded the definition to include anything that whites could conceivably use to save white gentiles.

So the policy they are now pursuing is, by their own definition, genocide.

So now we are supposed to redefine the word to suit THEM?

No way, Jose!

They stumbled into an exact definition of the genocide THEY are practicing. They expanded it so they could vent their hatred of white gentiles.

Hate is self-destructive.

Even Stevenp quotes chapter and verse to say that I am right, what I describe inthe Mantra IS genocide. But we are supposed to let them get away with doing away with OUR race on a technicality.

No way, Jose.

As Noah Webster said, language is USAGE. We are going to USE that definition. In the meantime, it will go throuhg the standard stages of being called absurd, being attacked,and being accepted.

I’ve been here before.


They are trying to do away with my race. That is genocide. Stop quibbling.

  1. #1 by PeterGene Budarick on 11/11/2006 - 1:03 am



    Bob is absolutely right.

    Few people like me, i know. I know they don’t like be because i always call a thing by its proper name.

    I am “atheist” because i am not of the political correct religion. Politically correct SF particularly don’t like me. But SF is in a mess because they attract bad people and drive off good people.

    But i digress.

    Back to calling things by their proper name.

    Take so-called “circumcision” of a baby boy for example. I always use the correct term which is genital mutilation. People don’t like that. Why can’t i use the respectable name?

    We could get into abortion too Ee? MURDER!

    And most so-called “Christians”, well, i refer to them either as JEWS or Judaphiles or pseudo Christians or Churchianians or Boy-molestors. A true Christian is someone with a passionate free mind and one most definitely NOT into counting how many different species of deamens and angels there are! Most importantly a true Christian knows from their own bitter experience the perennial battle between Jesus Christ and the Jews, who eventually murdered Christ in the flesh [ but not in ths pirit] and have been engaged in all out genocide against true Christians for past 2000 Years.

    So i include a lot of other unclean creatures in my definition of the “Jew”.

    Yes Bob is right: IT IS GENOCIDE.

    What! People think of piles of Jewish corpses?

    I can show you the WHITE corpses!

    For every Jew executed for crimes against humanity or who died from disease and starvation [caused by his own kind] in a 5-star hotel provided by a sentimental Hitler, anything from one hundred to one thousand White Men of the West were slaughtered in Europe.

    And it still goes on today – take a look at what happens to whites in Afrika.

    And we are slaughtering our own babies by the millions each year because the Jewisch memes have infiltrated the minds of our White Women [there are very few exceptions] who then mostly function as traitors to their race without comprehending what they are doing. The Jews have created another war: The War between the Sexes! That’s another story and one i would like Bob to comment on.

    Yes it IS GENOCIDE.

    It would be GENOCIDE even if Bob did not exist to tell it as only Bob can do!

    When we old folks are gone then you young folks are going to have to continue and never give up.

    Most importantly make many White Children and teach them the politically incorrect truths.

  2. #2 by Dave on 11/11/2006 - 1:38 am


    Feral dogs have something to say about language and usage, something perhaps ineffable, having to do with our personal bearing and the larger meaning behind our words.

    I take my walks in the lone desert night away from town. Sometimes, feral dogs confront me.

    Some give sign of my presence and viciously snarl and growl, displaying hatred and bitterness as their servants. But they do not know that it is not enough, for others remain silent and give no sign.

    This concerns me and gives rise to my fears for my defense has not been furnished a cause: These dogs secure their power for they know that hatred and bitterness must be put to a crucible of forbearance and made mature. I would be a fool not to be wary.

    If Jews knew that, they could win.

    But we yearn for light, and they do not.

  3. #3 by Alan B. on 11/11/2006 - 1:50 am



    Before the end of World War Two many post war plans were considered, some where out right plans to ensure the genocide of the German people. The Morganthal Plan was one such genocidal plan that was never fully implemented. This plan would have turned German into a wasteland and led to tens of millions starving to death. Others wanted to castrate all the German males over a certain age thus assuring the end of the race down the road. These twisted ideas were seriously considered, these sico’s where hell bent on killing off an entire race of human beings. Lets not argue about what genocide IS, if we do so then we plan into the hands of those sic’s who want to see our demise. The only way we can beat these monsters IS to unite behind our ideas, if we wate our time arguing then we accomplish nothing.

  4. #4 by Mark on 11/11/2006 - 8:27 am


    This exchange reminds me of a time when I was teaching my teenage son how to fight. Besides the usual boxing techniques, I showed him how to get a man down on the ground, how to go for the throat — litterally, how to destroy a man’s “jewels,” and an explanation of how to insert one’s fingers inside a man’s eyeballs for ultimate harm. The focus of this lesson was to show hiim how to save his life if in a street fight with a real adversary.

    He responded by saying, very childishly, that I didn’t “fight fair.”

    The left is accusing us of not fighting fairly because we use the term white genocide — which is our best verbal street fighting phrase. We could do what respectable conservatives do — castrate ourselves by fighting “by the rules.” Or we can go for the throat and let blood fly. I prefer to win — even if it means getting down and dirty in a verbal sense.

    BTW, who has been posting the Mantra lately? Please speak up on here and don’t be shy!

  5. #5 by Pain on 11/11/2006 - 3:33 pm


    I have noticed that in the pas you have argued out details in the antiwhite sub-forum on SF. It may have looked in places like you were trying to justify yourself and I did have to come and save you. However, justification really wasn’t what you were doing. You were simply getting the enemy to expose himself to you so you could keep abreast of how they think, to learn the wordisms and clichés, asf. So one hand you looked less effective than usual, but on the other hand you were feeling for weaknesses.

    Learning doesn’t seem to be what the enemy can do. They have wordisms instead.

  6. #6 by Pain on 11/11/2006 - 4:53 pm


    The debate in question is not on a BNP-owned forum. It is at:

  7. #7 by Pain on 11/11/2006 - 8:50 pm


    Peter Gene: Yes SF is rather kosher. Certain moderators spend most of their time disciplining and excommunicating the faithful after letting antis abuse them and others.

    Bob a few times has been accused of being a fence-sitter. Both you and I know he is not. But when Bob has looked like a fence-sitter I figure it must be that he is doing what he needs to do.

  8. #8 by Alan B. on 11/12/2006 - 2:18 pm



    When it comes to saving my race and my nation from the PC, Muticultrial crowd, I will never fight by the rules. Rules in this battle have already been established by these sico’s, according to the PC crowd the rules apply to everyone, except them personally. Their rules label anyone who defies PC as racist, they stop at nothing to stamp out any and all opposition to their sick cause, the genocide of the white race through non white immigration. I will continue to expose their evil plot here on the internet, I will spread Bob’s mantra through word of mouth to anybody will to listen. The PC crown can call me any of their leftist names they wish, it will only strengthen my resolve, any group willing to attact another so visously, must be hiding a terrible lie. All the speech codes and neo marxist wordism may frieghten those wet behind the ears college kids, i’m not college kid, I am a grown man and I fight like one. These PC wimps are the biggest cowards in America, they preach this PC muticultrial crap to our kids, they don’t have to gut to try it on any real adults, so if you want a fight you PC pantiwaists, bring it on.

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