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richard and the Military-Israeli Establishment

Posted by Bob on March 25th, 2008 under Comment Responses

Bob, I was reading your Stormfront thread aimed at ’shakazulu’. Although I think you demean yourself by trying to ‘debate’ with the likes of him, I’m glad you did, because you produced a little gem of a phrase –

“The Military-Israeli Complex”.

The leftists will like it, because it updates their old favourite ‘military-industrial complex’.
Pro-Whites will like it, because it sums things up perfectly and sounds less crazy than ‘ZOG’.
Conservatives of the McCain type will hate it.

I’ll be using it from now on.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 03/25/2008 - 10:39 am

    The Israelies ought to be glad the Arabs have inbreeding IQ disfunction. There is Israel the last overt white racial state of the West in the midst of millions of Arabs practicing the Israeli version of white supremacy like a Southern segregationist could only have dreamed of. And the Arabs sit there, their governments kept on their backsides groveling like colonial era puppets. While to their north sit millions of white men dispossed by the jew and by puppet’s law from holding anything but word cultist beliefs (approved ones only), and the Arabs are not smart enough to see much less utilize this wonderful resource.

    If the Arab/Muslim were to say, “You can stand up like men again” holy crap would run down the trouser legs of the I-M complex’s priests. Now most of Europe is populated by shoppers and recyclers, but just the effect of tapping the brainpower and abilities of even a small percentage of men would be world changing. But a small country populated by degenerate sissies holds the fury back, but at least it is entertaining to watch.

  2. #2 by Bob on 03/26/2008 - 10:01 am

    Simmons. “inbreeding” dysfunction? That straight out of hte anti-white playbook.

    Have you LOOKED at the Arabs, have you LOOKed at the “Princes” of Saudi Arabia? The ones you are talking about ar BLACK!

    That’s NOT inbreeding.

    Like Dave when he got off on the “outpopulating” us crap, you are taking in the Cult’s stuff byosmosis. What is ailing the Arabs isnot INBREEDING, it’s black blood.

  3. #3 by Simmons on 03/26/2008 - 10:37 am

    Arabs arrange first cousin marriages, as for antis they are of course never asked about this by the respectables but per custom allowed to smear whites without challenge. As for racial theorizing I have it that Hezbollah has alot of white genes in the pool, hence their whipping of the kosher klown krew. (FTR best video ever on youtube was of a Hezbollah L-shaped ambush on a column of the IDF’s perfectly executed, pun intended)

  4. #4 by Bob on 03/26/2008 - 7:41 pm

    Simmons, anti-WHITES

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