Archive for May 21st, 2005
5/21/05 Bob’s Weekly WOL Articles
Posted by Bob in WOL Weekly Articles on 05/21/2005
Weekly Articles
May 21, 2005
V-E Day, May 8, 1945
The Churchill Clown
Heroism Cannot Trump Stupidity
Gee, Guys, What Happened?
Fun Quote:
For you martial arts fans, I would like to point out my favorite tactic when I am faced with a fight.
When faced with hand-to-hand fighting, the French have a method of hitting with their legs that is called Savate.
I use my legs too. My method is called the Sprint.
V-E Day, May 8, 1945
May 8, 1945 was V-E Day, the day Nazi Germany surrendered.
On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin Bunker.
There was some question about whether the other Allies would take Berlin along with the Soviets. Stalin explained to Roosevelt that May Day, May 1st, was a big day for the Soviet Revolution, so the Soviets alone should take the German capital.
So Roosevelt gave Berlin to Stalin.
All this bothered Churchill. He was worried about the fact that Russia was being given what it had always wanted, a foothold in the very center of Europe. He was suddenly worried that, once Russia got Berlin, it would claim half of the continent.
Within five years, the Soviet Empire did indeed include half of Europe.
What Churchill did not realize was that both Roosevelt and Stalin understood that he was a has-been, a funny little out-of-date joke.
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The Churchill Clown
It is almost impossible today for us to understand the world Churchill’s sick little mind lived in.
In 1814 Britain defeated Napoleon and reestablished its traditional policy of a Balance of Power in Europe. When Hitler came along, he threatened the Balance of Power in Europe. When Hitler conquered France in 1940, Churchill’s only concern was restoring the Balance of Power in Europe.
This is not a joke. This was Churchill’s policy.
In 1939, when both Hitler and Stalin, by agreement, invaded Poland, Britain only declared war against Hitler. Hitler was threatening the Balance of Power in Europe. To Churchill, only Germany was threatening the Balance of Power in Europe.
I hope I haven’t lost you here. I am NOT overstating this. That was REALLY Churchill’s World View.
This is NOT a joke.
So France joined Britain in declaring war ONLY against Germany. Germany proceeded, as usual, to beat the hell out of France.
Germany then said, “OK. We conquered France again. Now would you please get out of the way and let us conquer the Soviet Union as Hitler said he wanted to do in Mein Kampf?”
Churchill refused to make any peace with Germany. Churchill was still living in the days of Napoleon, when Britain stood alone against the Enemy of the Balance of Power in Europe and refused to make peace with the Corsican tyrant.
No, I am NOT joking here.
So, in 1940, Churchill sat there and kept the war going.
One day a German airplane dropped a couple of bombs which landed, specifically against orders, in a civilian area. Germany officially apologized.
This was the break Churchill was looking for. He launched a retaliatory raid against civilian targets in Berlin. That is how the London Blitz began. Germany did not like Britain attacking its civilians, so it hit back, HARD.
Edward R. Murrow, the god of American broadcasting, began his series of broadcasts by describing how mean the Germans were.
Recently the History Channel had a program entitled, “Roosevelt: He Brought Light to America By Keeping It in the Dark.” The program refers to the joint efforts of Roosevelt and other American liberals like Edward R. Murrow to get America in the war.
Germany never understood why France and Britain only declared war against them and not against Stalin, who also invaded Poland. The Germans understood even less that Churchill was chomping at the bit to join Stalin and Roosevelt in a joint destruction of Germany.
Germany never understood that Churchill had no idea that Europe’s time of total world domination had passed. Hitler saw the Soviet power and the American power, and he wanted to join with the British Empire as a European balance to those powers. He praised the British Empire in Mein Kampf. He never understood that Churchill was rooted in 1814.
He simply never understood how dumb Churchill was.
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Heroism Cannot Trump Stupidity
Germany and the Soviet Union were buddies until June 22, 1941. That was the day Germany, which shared Poland with the USSR, attacked the USSR on the common front they shared in Poland.
So the Germans thought, “OK, now you know what we were really after all this time was the Soviet Union.”
Right after Germany invaded the USSR something incredible happened. Rudolf Hess, the Number Three man in the entire Nazi Government, flew straight to Britain to arrange for a peace settlement with Britain and the freeing of France so Germany could take care of Stalin.
Hess was a World War I hero as a combat pilot. This was a heroic mission that was typical of Hess.
I knew someone who served with him in World War I. He called my friend before he left. Hitler knew all about it.
The number three man in the United States Government is the Speaker of the House. Can you imagine, in the middle of a war, the Speaker of the House flying unprotected into an enemy country and trying to make peace?
That’s what happened. Germany simply could not understand that Churchill lived in 1814. Edward R. Murrow and Roosevelt said Hess was nuts. Hess spent the rest of his life in prison.
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Gee, Guys, What Happened?
Back to May 8, 1945. Roosevelt gave Stalin Berlin and half of Europe.
And, gee whiz, something else happened. Stalin and Roosevelt, with Churchill invited as a formality, met at Yalta to divide up Europe.
Churchill found that his old friend and worshiper, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, completely ignored him. He was terribly upset. What happened to the praise and glory his bosom buddy FDR had given him when he was the front guy for destroying Germany?
When two great powers are dividing up a silly-ass continent that just destroyed itself, they don’t have time for a clown who is living in 1814. Churchill never figured that out.
Edward R. Murrow and the liberals gave Winnie Churchill one more shot at being a Great Prophet. After all, he had done his part for the leftist cause and he deserved a little praise.
So in 1948 Winnie said in a speech that “an Iron Curtain has fallen over Eastern Europe.” Stalin, his buddy, his ally, his Hero, had taken his half of Europe and turned it into some kind of – well let’s say it – some kind of a DICTATORSHIP!
Only a genius and a prophet could have figured THAT out!
I am NOT joking.
5/21/05 Insider Letter
Posted by Bob in Insider Letter Archive on 05/21/2005
(Reprinted to Blog from email list of 5/21/05)
*** Bob’s Insider’s Message ***
I guess most of you have heard the one about the Texan and Paul Revere.
But, as I usually say when I start to tell an old joke:
“Now if you’ve heard this one before, try and stop me.”
A Texan was talking to a New Englander and going on and on about the great heroes of Texas: Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, John Travis and on and on.
The New Englander said, “You know, Texans aren’t the only ones who had heroes. We had some up east, too!”
The Texan asked, “Like who?”
“Well,” the New Englander replied, “There was Paul Revere.”
“Who?” the Texan asked. Then he suddenly remembered the name.
“Oh. You mean the guy who ran for help.”
Actually Paul Revere was the messenger of the Revolution in more ways than his somewhat overblown ride. We all know he was a silversmith, but being a silversmith required him to be an artist. Sam Adams got him to make the first famous propaganda painting of the “Boston Massacre.”
The “embattled farmers” who fought the British would not have been there if messengers had not gotten to them. Revere’s ride was not particularly dangerous when he made it, but it was an act of treason from the British point of view. He could have gotten hanged for it later, and hanging in those days was not scientific. It was an awful way to die.
In wartime, before radios, a messenger had just as good a chance of getting killed as any soldier at the front.
You who carry the message today know the risk and the cost and the effort associated with it. You also know that, like messengers of the past, you will get little credit for your efforts and risks. The general who issues the orders gets credit. The brave troops who stand at the front get credit.
But if the messenger gets caught and shot, just how often will that show up in the history books?
All I read is items like, “The general sent out four messengers, but only one made it.”
Spreading ideas is absolutely critical. But about all the credit you will ever get for it is to be the one who “didn’t make it” or “the one who made it,” no name attached.
Like the messengers in earlier days, you are not in it to get your name attached. You use my ideas because it is what you can do for the cause, and the cause cannot live without it.
That frustrating talk you have with your neighbor is as critical to this war as any heroic public statement or the open demonstrations those hundreds of private talks will eventually lead to.
The message is getting out because you are the messenger.
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