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Posted by Bob on November 14th, 2005 under How Things Work, Musings about Life

The Senate has passed Hate Crimes legislation.

What this means is that there a difference between homicide, and homocide, a much greater crime.

If someone goes on trial for homicide, it is very important that the person he killed was straight, and that the killer KNEW he was straight.

If the person is homosexual, the prosecutor is going to go for the much more stringest, and Federal, Hate Crime punishment. Even if you are acquitted by a local jury of homicide you can be retried for the same crime in Federal courts under the Hate Crimes legislation.

If the establihsment doesn’t like you are routinely tried three times for the same crime. First there is the state or local trial, then there is the Federal trial, then there is the civil lawsuit. No matter how they come out the legak fees will break and the civil award will still on you.

We used to have a joke that under American law a man was innocent until he was proven guilty, under the Napoleanic Code a man was guilty until proven innocent.

Under Soviet law a man was guilty.

If American law is after you today, you’re guilty.

  1. #1 by joe rorke on 11/14/2005 - 11:11 pm

    A lot of very bad things have happened in American law in just the last forty years. It has reached the point where it’s downright scarey. Hate crimes legislation of any kind is an excellent example of horrendous law. Any lawyer with any honesty and any sense at all knows that. But the lawyers are not noticing. They are noticing the obvious. It has to be that they don’t want to see it. They fear seeing it. There is certainly no justice connected with the concept of “hate crimes” legislation. It’s not about justice, is it? It’s about something else. Honest people couldn’t pass such legislation. From the moment I heard about “hate crimes” legislation I knew it was based upon falsehood. It takes no legal or for that matter moral intelligence to see that the entire concept is based upon a foundation of lies. Mr. Bob brought up the very important notion of the American people “not noticing.” Well, they had better commence to start noticing in a hurry while they still can.

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