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Reply to Mark

Posted by Bob on November 23rd, 2005 under Comment Responses

Mark says,

“So what happens when Isreal or a European country issues a warrant for Bob Whitaker because he has posted “anti-semitic” and “holocaust denial” writings that are available on the internet world wide?
Do the jack booted thugs come to your door and haul you off? If so, do they try you here or in the country that indicted you? What keeps any of us from being arrested for crimes against the PC religion? And what happens to David Duke who has been indicted by a foreign nation? ”

Then I’m toast.

I crossed that Rubicon long, long ago.

I had an adverse FBI file when I was in my mid-teens.

I should have gone to prison for knocking a cop out cold in an anti-busing march when he was among the other brave law enforcement officers who were beating on women. I spent a lot of time at the police station but I was the publicity man for the march so the mayor himself told them not only not to arrest me, but to wipe any record of the situation.

I have spent a LOT of time in third-world countries fighting Communist guerrillas. That is not a friendly game. You routinly know how to commit suicide because you have seen what happens to the people they capture.

I am NOT David Irving. I am NOT Ernst Zundel, the pacifist. If they take me, unless they really know who I am and catch me unaware, it will make some news. People will die.

That is the difference between me and a soldier. A trained soldier or a trained dog will kill anything he is TOLD to kill. A cop will beat women if they piss off his superiors.

But a real citizen will kill anybody who comes to arrest him for a Thought Crime.

It is easy to ignore the arrest of David irving. I plan to make my arrest hit the newspapers.

I do not advocate INITIATING violence. But if cops come after me with guns on for the crime of being an American, I will do exactly what my ancestors did.

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