Archive for November, 2005

His Girl Friday

I was just watching the 1940 Cary Grant comedy, “My Girl Friday.”

The plot revolves around a man who is being railroaded to execution because he shot a cop.

But, as the Grant character says, “He was a COLORED cop. You know how that is. That’s a lot of votes.” The shooter was white. We see him in the movie.

A reprieve comes through, but the mayor hires the man who brings it to bribe him from letting anybody know about the reprieve. The mayor goes to prison for attempted murder, thanks to Grant and His Girl Friday.

This is a comedy, so this part of it is forgotten.

At one point the mayor says that if the man is not executed it will cost him two hundred thousand votes.

Can you guess WHICH votes?

This was in 1940.



Reply to Zachary

You folks are making me hop, and I LOVE it!

Zachary says,

“Some theologians you guys are. You’re morons. I myself am a Christian White Nationalist and I can’t help but laugh at your ignorance of history and Biblical Scripture. You make a mockery of the Bible.”

Zachary, I would not talk about the Old Testament if I didn’t think it was important. I make a mockery of the people who twist it.

You have taken the Old Testament and gotten a healthy attitude from it. You and I both know a LOT of people who have taken both Testaments and made them into something sick.

If I remember correctly, Jesus said those people would come along and do just that.

The earliest and probably the most important debate in Christian history was the one between Peter and Paul about whether converts had to be circumcized. I cannot see how a person who takes the Old Testament as unshakeable and final truth could have concluded that a convert did NOT have to be circumcised.

I am not a theologian, I am a historian. I am sure that many who backed Peter in this said critics were making a mockery of the Old Testament. But Peter did something almost unimaginable for so many who call themselves Christians today, as my correspondence with the Methodist Doctor of Theology below demonstrates.

Peter saw he was wrong and said so. He then went on with his job, which was spreading the Gospel. Can you imagine a modern theologian doing THAT? Have you ever heard a modern theologian admit that he was justplain wrong and go on with his real job?

Ther is another astounding differene between Peter and modern theolgians. He did not try to hog all the action. He gave Paul the job of preaching tot he gentiles, because he felt that he couldn’t do that job.


I repeat, Zachary, can you imagine ANY modern theologian or preacher doing THAT?

The Book has survived a lot worse trials than Bob Whitaker’s insisting that it is not on the same par with Gospel.

As you can see from the comments, some agree with me and some don’t. That is why both of us are here.

We are not on the same par with Peter and Paul, but we should follow their example.


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Peter Hit the Nail on the Head!

Peter hit a point that needs emphasizing.

I keep saying that my approach WORKS. Peter explained what that MEANS. Read what he says CAREFULLY:

“Yes, Bob I too agree that your quips work. ”

“The trick is to learn the signs of success. For example when we have hit home, the other may switch topics. But if the other replies with something unkind and below the belt, he has lost, is aware that he has lost and will not be worth pursuing, although anyone else listening may benefit from what they hear. Gentle parrying from someone one considers honest can be a sign that he is interested at least intellectually. Keep it low key and conversation normal, and if the person brings up the topic again, we have the right to reply. ”


In a discussion, most people naturally want to come out on TOP. They want to LOOK good.

I am trying to save my race.

So when I say my tactics — and they involve a hell of lot more than “quips” — WORK, I do NOT mean they make the other guy concede your point. What they do is put the other person in an impossible position. So Peter has put in a critical piece of coaching that I left out.

We want the other guy to go away gunshy. We want him to realize for the first time in his life that what his Mommy Professors told him can’t stand up among adults.

Above all, our talk is aimed at the OTHER people there. We want them thinking, “Lord, I don’t want to be in the position of that poor bastard. If I had come up with all the so-called wisdom on race my professors filled me with, I would be squirming in my chair the way he is.”

Peter, this is the kind of comment I really need and I really treasure.


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Public Secrets

I have one major advantage over theologians when it comes to understanding what Jesus Christ said. That advantage is that I have been in and dealt with many totalitarian and authoritarian societies. Jesus was speaking in a place where he could have been stoned to death on the spot for saying the wrong thing.

As usual, what I have to say that is of use to you consists of looking closely at a fact that is so obvious that those who get paid for making learned comments on words completely overlook it.

I have pointed out that Old Testament fanatics put most of their faith on Jesus’s statement that he did not plan to erase one iota of the Jewish Law. So, as one Old Testament fanatic put it, “Seventy percent of the Bible is the Old Testament.”

Not one of these people ever considers the fact that if Jesus had said anything else, he would have been stoned to death on the spot. If they ever noticed this, it would put Old Testament Christianity in a very tenuous position.

And you couldn’t become a Christian without full circumcision at any age.

Another obvious fact like this is that the Declaration of Independence, which is so often quoted an objective statement of principles, was written in wartime. In fact, it was written in a city that would soon be occupied by enemy troops.

Nobody ever even MENTIONS this when they discuss the Declaration. I guarantee you that it was very much of the minds of those who wrote and adopted the Declaration. The Declaration was a cry for help and a bid for foreign support, not an abstract declaration of real American principles.

This brings us to today.

If we are going to deal realistically with the society in which we live we must have a more realistic grasp of the reality we live in.

So let’s face one reality: everybody knows that what is really ailing our society is not discussed in the media.

People on our side keep quoting the media and those who make their livings in the media, left and right, as if what they say is what people believe.

They therefore reflect an understanding of our reality that comes straight out of a cartoon.

I like to rent DVDs and listen to the commentary version of the movie, where the movie is played with running commentary from the people who made the film. Nobody is more Politically Correct than movie-makers, but in every commentary they are bitching about the “political correctness nuts” who criticize them and threaten them with violence.

Out in the real world, not only does EVERYBODY know about political correctness, the people who live in the real world all consider it a pain in the ass. But people on our side keep acting as if only they knew what is allowed in the media is silly.

You simply cannot deal with political reality if you keep living and commenting from inside a cartoon.



Reply to Joe

In reply to my article about Joe Sobran not liking me any more below, Joe Rorke wrote the following:

“Perhaps it is not so. If Joe didn’t personally tell you that then all you have is what someone told you. I respect Joe Sobran and I appreciate his work. People have a right to choose their friends. If you don’t like me, it is your right to not like me. I am not interested in being liked. But respect…..that’s another thing. I expect to be respected. My job is to respect others. I respect Joe Sobran. I respect Bob Whitaker. There are many people, admittedly, that I don’t respect. There is always a reason for this. I don’t ask anybody to like me. But they must respect me if we are going to have any kind of relationship. I may dislike you and still respect you. Respect, in my opinion, is the important thing. ”

Rorke, as I said inthe article, Joe Sobran has ignored my messages for months.

Rorke, I spent decades as a loose cannon rolling around decks in Washington. This is NOT the first time I have had people reject me suddenly.

Let me remind you that NO ONE confronts me. I spend endless articles on how to make people who are wrong feel the exact way you know they do NOT want to feel. I gave examples of how I got everybody LAUGHING at professors for well over forty years.

I teach what I DO. My coaching comes from practice.


NOBODY confronts me.

Joe Sobran is doing what everybody has ALWAYS done who knows my reputation.

This has happened more times than I can count.

THAT, Rorke, is respect of the most demonstrative sort.

I don’t care what Joe thinks of me personally. He did the best writing in my book in his Foreword. He lost a really good job at National Review because, though he was an old friend of William Buckley’s and one of Buckley’s proteges, he simply would not back down from his principles.

Joe Sobran has paid and paid and paid for his principles.

A man like that cannot get rid of my respect, whether he wants it or not.
