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Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2005 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

I just did domething very unusual. I deleted a comment from a commenter which met all my criteria:

1) It was on subject what I said and not a side argument between two commenters on something else;

2) It was written by the commenter himself, and not just a quote from somewhere else without a personal explanation of why it was there

3) It had no nasty language or insults to anybody but me — I’m fair game.

I can’t say I never will, but I have seldom if ever deleted a comment that meets those criteria.

This time I had to.

And there is a good piece of advice that goes along with my explanation of this.

When someone says they will not discuss something, especially a person with a background like mine, NEVER ask them to explain why.

First of all, no reasonably polite person is going to dismiss a subject unlike he simply wants to let it pass. So let it pass and don’t draw more attention to it.

More important, you hvae no idea why the person does not want to talk about it. It may be for a reason you have no idea about.

Most important, the explanation of WHY one does not want to talk about it usually requires mentioning the reason one does NOT want to talk about it.

I was on David Duke’s radion show, and I was astonished that David, of all people, would make this very mistake. He asked me what I had done in some blank years in my life. I told him vaguely that I had done some intelligence work.

I told him I wantged to be a little vague about that.

To my astonishment, David, on a live show, started pressing me on it.

What the HELL!?

This makes no sense at all and David, having dealt with so many touchy situations, should be the first one to know it.

This is not the same situation, but for heaven’s sake if someone who has led a touchy life says don’t go there then DON’T GO THERE.

And I am certainly no the only person you will ever meet with whom you DON’T GO THERE.

In fact, I doubt seriously there is anybody, even public figures, who simply don’t go there on certain things.

I ask for less privacy than almost anybody I know. But even I need SOME.


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