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PAINFUL Nostalgia

Posted by Bob on December 9th, 2005 under History, How Things Work

The ADL and Ariel Sharom have demanded that the top university in the Ukraine be shut down and all its tensof thousands od degress rescinded because it allows anti-Israel discussion and it awarded a PhD to David Duke.

Instead of doing the required groveling, the president of the university struck back and said ISRAEL should be shut down.

Lord, if we had anybody with guts like that!

Here is what I replied and the story I replied to:

“That article makes me PAINFULLY nostalgic.”

“Before the group that calls itself The Greatest Generation came along, that Ukrainian’s response would have been considered an AMERICAN response.”

“Back then.”

“It was just what you would have expected from a real American in the days before the obedience-trained Greatest generation took over. If some foreign government had told Americans and Europeans to close a university, we would expect Europeans to be a bit more diplomatic, but an American would say, ‘Shut me down, hell, let’s shut HIM down.'”

“My father was a critic of World War II. A government bureaucrat threatened to shut his business down if he kept criticizing.”

“My father told him, ‘You can shut me down, but you sure as hell can’t shut me UP.'”

“There are very few of us real Americans left over here, but I am overjoyed to see that that attitude is alive and well in Eastern Europe.”

“Maybe Eastern Europe will help is get our own testosterone back.”

Originally Posted by FREE ZUNDEL NOW
LOL ya gotta love this —

Dec. 7, 2005
Russian university asks UN to ‘close’ Israel

KIEV, Ukraine — Iran’s president, who wants to see a world without Israel, has a vociferous ally in Ukraine.

A Kiev-based university that already has gained international notoriety for its anti-Zionist propaganda and anti-Semitic publications now wants the United Nations to “close” Israel.

The call came in November from the Interregional Academy for Personnel Management, known by its Russian acronym MAUP, whose leadership said the United Nations should revoke its 1947 resolution on the creation of a Jewish state.

“Mankind lived without the State of Israel exactly 2,670 years, but after the second of its creation all the world feels a constant aggression of the old ‘sons of the devil,’ ” according to a university statement, published last month in the school newspaper, supporting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s recent call to destroy Israel.

MAUP in recent months has become a major purveyor of anti-Semitism in Ukraine. But the silence until recently of Ukrainian authorities – many of whom have ties to the university – has led to criticism from the local Jewish community, international Jewish organizations and Israeli officials…………………..

Read The Full Story

  1. #1 by joe o on 12/10/2005 - 7:29 pm

    Oy. Further down in the article, a paragraph reads, “Stung by growing criticism, Ukrainian officials may finally be taking the issue seriously. President Viktor Yuschenko this week urged his country’s elites to condemn anti-Semitism and xenophobia.” I remember the US and international media screaming to change the presidential results to get this bozo in office. Is there any wonder why?

  2. #2 by Simon on 12/11/2005 - 4:58 am

    I don’t understand? If an university is anti-semitic, my guess is that they don’t want Israel to exist (I don’t know if they ever have published articles writing this, but let’s assume they do). Now ADL/Sharon wants the university to shut down. Bob seems to think that it is ok for a university to react, but if Israelites are reacting it is suddenly wrong??! I hereby deny Bob the right to react on my post.

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