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Mark’s Welcome Comment

Posted by Bob on December 12th, 2005 under Comment Responses

Mark says, starting with a quote from me,

“Congratulations, gang. We won one.”

“Actually Bob I believe we are about to win a lot more of them as things worsen for the white race. Just looking at what heroic Australians have done earlier this week gives me hope, even tho the Aussie PC press reports differently. With anti-white crime on the rise across the world I believe there will be more Cal Thomas’s dropping bombs on our liberal and respectable conservative detractors. Is that the view you has as well or am I wearing my rose colored spectacles too tightly about my head again? ”

You cannot imagine what a relief what Mark said is!

I have spent literally hundreds if not thousands of hours listening to our people saying, “Oh, God, all is LOST! They are so strong and we are so weak.”

Instead of talking about how to fight for our people, they go on endlessly to prove the whole thing is useless. They go on about how it’s everybody else’s fault, and how hard they try but no one listens and so and on and on.

Anything I say in response is treated as heresy. They spend ten times the effort arguing desperately about how hopless things are than they ever devoted to anything constructive.

I even have a bit of hope that Mark demonstrates that my message is getting across: No, we are not goig to return to some Good Old Days, but we are also not facing an Inevitable Future. Whoever is in power is going to go out of power.

Our job is to position ourselves for changes we cannot foresee.

As a professional, it is painful for me to have to deal with people who think the world is some kind of reverse cowboy movie where the black hats are perfect and the black hats always win.

In their weird little world, we make mistakes but the other side is perfect. In their world view the other side is made up entirely of dedicated idealists, agents of Satan who are undeviatingly dedicated to the pursuit of evil. Spending fifty years of listening to this drivel is not the least of sacrifices I have had to make for our cause.

This world-view is not just insane, it makes you stupid. In order to win any battle you must know the enemy’s WEAKNESSES.

In the real world people who hold positions of power get out of touch. I’ve been there. Trying to convince someone who just won an election that they didn’t do everything right is not only very hard to do, it makes you unpopular.

I just gave a perfect example of this syndrome. Israel, which is as popular today as a drunk at a Prohibition meeting, is now throwing its weight around and has just made enemies not only of the whole nation of Ukraine but is turning the whole internet community against itself.

You can’t position yourself in political reality if your entire attention is devoted to “All is lost!”

As I have said many times, the enemy’s best asset is not the soldier in his own ranks but the defeatist in yours. They used to shoot defeatists as a matter of course.

Mark deserves a medal.

  1. #1 by Derek on 12/12/2005 - 3:19 pm

    You are right Bob. Suffering setbacks and losing more battles than you have won doesn’t make you defeated. Only YOU make you defeated.

    Coming from a guy that has lost 90% of the battles (no matter how small, personal, or otherwise) in his life and is still getting up everyday I know what you mean. It is hard but it is good to have someone to lead the effort too, someone who knows.

  2. #2 by joe o on 12/12/2005 - 9:16 pm

    Who would have thought 15 years ago that OUR message would be available in the blink of an eye to hundreds of millions of people. I’m sure the “All is Lost” folks were telling themselves that we could never reach more than could be reached on a pamphlet attack or small meetings. Luckily folks like Bob and Kevin Alfred Strom were on the cutting edge when this little internet thing took off. I, for one, thank you for that Bob.

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